It’s “The Last-sh” Weekend. – The Top Ten Reasons It’s A Good Thing!
Community/Web, Destinations
Symbolically this weekend marks the end of the summer. It's the day we also celebrate all the working stiffs with a special end of summer weekend of weenies and beer. There is a sadness in the air, because we know Winter Is Coming.
The Classic Boat Community Explained.
From time to time its a great idea to step back from the internal politics of the classic boat community and see it from a birds eye view. It's actually quite interesting when you do that, and puts so much in perspective and explains when…
Dear ACBS.
Dear ACBS,
As a marketing professional for close to 40 years I would like to offer up a strategy and observation for you all to discuss at your upcoming meetings. If I may be so bold to barge in and offer up this suggestion.
What The? Did You Know there Is A Huge Boat Show In A Couple Weeks? Who Knew?
I just saw a little video about a huge boat show in Port Huron in a couple weeks? What? Why haven't they promoted it? I mean, we would have been more than happy to let people know. The marketing dept of the Michigan Chapter at least could…
Passion Play – Gull Lake Classic at Bar Harbor Supper Club
Boat Shows, Destinations
Passion was in the air as thick as the Saturday morning fog at Gull Lake!
While the show has been held for several years, this was the first year BSLOL managed the show, and we bring with us a specific set of beliefs about how boat shows…
Thunder Run – Sunday Mornings At 10AM
Community/Web, Destinations
A huge shout out to fellow Woody Boater Shep who has invited the entire planet to a regular event on Sunday Mornings on Lake Wawasee. Here is his story and some photos. Mom's Mink looks fantastic. Its always wonderful to see a great boat…
Live From The Gull Lake Classic
Community/Web, Destinations
Reporter Dane Anderson... reports in from Gull Lake with some amazing photos and actual story. A huge effort knowing how busy a day it was and worked late into the morning to get us the report. I am on the west coast so its 2AM as I am writing…
Detroit Barn Find Three Years In The Making
Barn FindsThanks to long time fellow Woody boater Mark Edminson who sent us in this cool story of a wonderful Classic Boat Barn find up in Detroit that was worth the wait. Woohooo, We are headed to Port Huron soon. Maybe we will find one! Take it away…
Gar Wood Product Verification Certificates From The Antique Boat Museum
Classic Boats
Of course we all know that the Antique Boat Museum in Clayton, NY is home to a large variety of gorgeous wooden boats and is a definite must on any enthusiast’s “bucket list”. But the thing that puts the icing on the boating cake…
Gull Lake This Weekend! You May Want To Go Have Your Jaw Fixed Before You Go!
Boat ShowsIf you have a weak Jaw, or drool a lot, you may want to avoid Gull Lake this weekend. Then again, if you are into Jaw Dropping insane cool race boats, in an amazing setting, with wonderful people, Gull Lake is the place to be.Now it may apear…
All Those On Lake Arrowhead – We Need Help With An Intervention!
Classic Boats, Community/WebCan we save this guy from himself? Look, at the ad. Cool Century Coronado, yes an 70's version, looks like it was taken care of, and its very cool. BUT read the print at the bottom of the ad. Thanks to fellow WoodBoater Jeff N. for sending us…
Three Bob’s, Three K’s, And Two Rockets!
Art, Community/Web, Restorations
Every now and then a fun observation comes along. You may be trying to figure out the K thing. or not. It's actually a simple thing, that happened durrng a photo shoot for next years Lake Hopatcong Poster and Calendar. The two big winners…
Ahhhhhhhhhh That Felt Good!
Classic Boats, Restorations
Last week, I had to be in Boston, New Jersey, and DC, then home to Reedville on Thursday night. A 8 hr drive after a all day meeting. My brain was like scrambled eggs. Mfine? insert Bacon comment here. (_____________) Anyway. thanks yesterday…
Can I Just Go Boating Today!
The water is flat as a pancake, and we just got Buttercup running. It's 7:30 AM and I need to decide, Boating, or writing a story on Woody Boater. Mmmmmm Seems like an easy choice to me! See ya tomorrow. For gods sake stop reading this and…
Two Types Of Classic Boats – Dream Boats, And Painful Boats
While recently we featured the Clayton, and Tahoe Boat show, I noticed a funny thing about myself. I didn't even pay that much attention to the over the top insane boats. Oh, don't get me wrong. They are amazing, stunning, and just so over…
Splash Mob On Fleets Bay Virginia
Boat Shows, Community/Web
Over the past couple weeks, we have been focused on some monster shows, Clayton and Tahoe are whoppers for sure. But as we talked about yesterday, smaller shows like Harvy's Lake can be small but very rich in boats, and then there is what…
Really Late Live-ish, Almost Dead-ish It’s So Late Harvy’s Lake Show!
These past two weeks are a killer on my A.D.D meds. Shows, shows and more shows. And two Whoppers Back to back. Phil Andrews pulled it off though. So for those of you lame ass lazy sacks of suds, he flew from NEW ZEALAND to Clayton, and…
Tahoe Sausage Day, Ahhh Come On, You Knew It Was Gonna Happen.
Boat Babes, Boat Shows
Yes, there are a ton of other shows that happened out there. But we would be remiss without a Sausage Day from Lake Tahoe. Now we are also going to include stuff that happened while reporting on the show. Needless to say my brain was been…
The Photographic Art Of Tahoe By Steve Lapkin Captures The Warmth Of Tahoe
Art, Boat Shows
We have been having fun with featured boat shows the past couple years. During the show we try and report on the news as its happening, and near the then, is when the real art comes out. These are the select shots that are far more than…
Tons Of Tahoe Thunder! Interiors and Engines
Boat Shows, Classic Boats
The shots have been piling up, and we have other fun shows to talk about. Yes, as big as Tahoe is to the culture, the calssic boat world just keeps going in Hessel, Harvys Lake, Even right here in Virginia at Fleets Bay. But first lets just…
Best Overall Of Tahoe Show Goes To A WoodyBoaters Riva! And A Teaser!
Late Live-ish This just in: Fellow Woody Boater Steve Marini’s 1972 Riva Super Ariston, Tramonto, sweeps multiple awards at the 2018 Lake Tahoe Concours d’Elegance. Reporting in Woody Boater Reporter Steve Natale
The freshly restored…
TAHOE! Live-ish.
Boat ShowsWell, out of the fire and into the frying pan, No, wait, out of the frying pan and into the fire! Despite the fires in California, which have effected the sky at Tahoe, the show is on, and wonderful. We have a series of reports all coming in…
Clayton Sausage Day!
Boat Shows, Destinations
Today we feature some of the non related goofyness of Clayton. Now it all has a theme I suppose, like a good sausage. Sometimes you can tell more about how a place is, by just the odd stuff. And trust us, Clayton delivers the smiles.
Clayton Boats, Boats And More Boats. Kent O. Smith Jr, Nails It!
Art, Classic Boats, Destinations
Well another Clayton boat show is in the history books. As always, the weekend flew by. Shooting the show is a challenge, trying to balance time between socializing with boat friends, getting up early for better light, uncooperative weather,…
Clayton Kent O Smith Jr Style – Part 1
Today we feature part one of a two part series from famed photographer Kent O. Smith Jr. Clayton is a stunning area, but through Kent's eye, beyond magical. Its always exciting to feature Kent's artwork. And stay tuned tomorrow for an amazing…
Woody Boater Best Of Show Winners!
Boat Shows, Community/Web
For those asking about the Fancy Judged Awards for the Clayton Show, I don't have the list. And honestly I am not sure how they can all be judged. Each boat there is magical in some sort of way. Winning a Woody Boater Show award is based…
Clayton Live Observation – Boat Shows Are Not About The Boats-ish.
Community/Web As I was preparing another slide show from Clayton this morning, I found a theme of photos that I felt was a more interesting point of view on the the Clayton Show, and all boat shows. Pals! And why we really go to boat shows. Pals! To be honest,…
A Three Hour Tour… Here At The Thousand Islands
Boat Shows, Classic Boats, Community/Web, Destination of the Month
What a day! Cloudy and warm, but no rain. And within 10 minutes of arriving, we were on a boat for a 3 hour tour. Luckily we did not become a stranded cast away! But we did have a boat full of buddies.
The YNOT Yacht gang said those…
It's 4 AM ish and half way to Clayton. Decided to stop before I hit the Presidents speech area in PA, figured a room would be hard to find. And was right about that. My plan is to arrive before noon today in Clayton. Phil Andrews is already…
2 Days! Till Clayton. Here Are Some Local Recommendations From A Local.
Boat Shows, Destination of the Month, Destinations
Here is a story from last year, yes, we repurposed it. Still on the fence about going to Clayton this year? Really? The 1940's year thing, the chance to see one of a kind boats isnt' enough? OK, how about food! Beer?
Thanks to the…
Get Your Cash Out! Fat Earl’s Jr Is Headed To Clayton In 4 Days, Or 3?
Boat Shows
Okay, this countdown thing is a tad confusing. We started it to line up with Saturday, but really we are gonna be there on Friday, so its really 3 days, and really really we are leaving on Thursday so its really kinda 2 days. So the countdown…