Happy Moveable Feast Resurrection Day

Wow, I never realized how much I loved Easter. Anything that celebrates eating anyplace and resurrecting stuff, life, whatever is good for me. I know to some this may seem rather blasphemous,  but it's the time of year to celebrate a new…

Better Late Than Never For A Little Lake Dora Sausage

This year as promised, I had fun. Not out looking for shots, or anything like that. Just following my heart and desire. Spending time with friends, and laughing. ALOT. And the social media folks of various influencers certainly covered all…

M-fine M-ilks The Dora Canal For All It’s Worth, Two Minutes Worth.

BY PUBLIC DEMAND! AS A PUBLIC SERVICE, A huge thanks to M-fine for a M-uch better 2 minute version of the Dora Canal. It still holds up. And he added some Bosa Nova music, which is a wonderful touch. Mind you, Mfine has been on the road…

Tour The Lake Dora Canal In 30 Seconds

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As a public service we are bringing you the Lake Dora Canal in 30 seconds. Why? Well the Canal was closed due to an Oak Tree blocking it on Saturday. And some were disappointed. Since that is one of the major highlights of the visit, not to…

The Ever So Multi Talented Mfine

You think the artist known as Mfine is just great for dock shots. Well hold on to your hats. Cause this is out of control, and even though he stars in all the shots. He is the photographer. Yes, Himself. Not as selfies, but as the artist.…

Love At First Sight, Crap, Now What?

Every year at Lake Dora some sort of "thing" follows me home. It's random, and always makes me smile. A souvenir of sorts. No snow globe crap. And I open my heart and eyes for the spontaneous joy. One year it was a Chris Craft Duster coat,…

The M-Fine Art Of M-Fine, Who Knew?

Every year there is some sort of magical happening. Some sort of surprise that makes life worth living one more year. THATS THE LAKE DORA MAGIC that keeps us all coming back. And this year was no different, and of course you can never plan…

We Are Outta Here, Back On The Road

It's been an amazing three days, but work is calling, and its time to roll. We had some amazing weather and some not so amazing, but the rain did not damper the fun. It was wonderful to just hang out withe friends and actually talk. And…

The Tease!

We have been working on some very cool stuff using special cameras to see our sport in a new light. Today is a small rease of whats to come later this week. No Drone, or Go Pro. Its insane

It’s Official – We Have A Boat Show

We are excited to report that the fist tow in was us doing the towing of a JET SKI! YES! YES YES! The party has officially started. And yes it's raining today, but who cares. Its in the mid 70's and there are Jalapeño poppers waiting someplace…

Alive From Lake Dora, Get Out Your Flame Throwers

Well, we warned you if you are still sitting at home. Ship got real last night on the Lake. M Fine brought some of the big artillery and torched some insane steaks. We of course got in a tad late for it all, but they all were so kind to…

On The Road To Lake Dora!

We are officially on our way, and should be hitting.. wait, bad choice of words.. Arriving in Florida around 7 ish. Maybe we will see you on I 95. We are the ones in the big blue truck with WOODYBOATER on the side.  If this story is too short…

Florida Is Calling, Okay, Maybe Screaming, Okay, Yoko Ono Screaming

If you are still on the fence, this live-ish report just came in from the side of the road in Florida. YES! My two favorite things on the planet. A MG AND a Pontoon boat... broken down on the side of the road. I swear the gods are sending…

4 Days And 36 Years In The Making

I know to some of us, 1988 was just yesterday. And to some you may be surprised that the Lake Dora Show is 36 years old. It's become far far more than a show, it's a tradition, and an opening day for many in the community. A focus/deadline…

One Small Detail Done And Ready For Dora

Well, here is a twist on the normal timing of it all. The boats ready, and I am not. Then again, since it just the guys going, I can pack in about 20 minutes. So that part is easy, but work, and life just pile up. But thats all normal, and…

RERUN! Let Your Green Shine, Happy St Patricks Day.

Today we celebrate GREEN! It's really that simple, do drama, no jokes, not twists and turns, milking, teasing, click baiting, photoshoping, anything other than green. Just the color green. The blend of yellow and blue. Yes, green is actually…

Whoops Is Dora Ready-ish

And so the yearly tradition, ritual is still going, but it appears we are ready for the lake time this upcoming week at Lake Dora. Small details are being picked at, and so on. I may even clean the Woodyboatermobile for the trip. …

Going Bold Into Dora, And Summer.

Well, there are two ways to go in design when you are trying to cover up some oddities. And as you may recall Whoops was encased in fiberglass, deck and all, and the wood underneath was not, lets say attractive. It was washed out and was…

Lake Dora, It’s More Than Just A Show – Nine Days

Much like going to Algonac in June, which is not a show, but rather than a pilgrimage, Lake Dora is a celebration, a blessing of the fleet, opening day to the passion.  We have many such events throughout the year that are tradition. We…

Ten Days Til Lake Dora -ish

Today is the official 10 day countdown to Lake Dora, Opening Day to the classic boat universe, hope, and humanity. Okay, that may be a bit of an over reach. But it is what it is and 10, maybe 7 days from now, hopefully we are basking in…

Letting The Railway Air Out

Crank up the music, let that sunshine and fresh air in, and clean up. In between Zoom calls, work, getting ready Whoops ready for Dora you have to take advantage of the weather. And even though its windy, it is nice outside. Today is supposed…

Varnish Is In The Air At Katz’s Marina

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This is my favorite time of year, when you can feel hope in the air, and the wiff of fresh varnish. And no one does it as well as the Katz's Marina Gang. AHHHHHHHHHH, the finish is insane, and, well, it's amazing how a wonderful varnish…

REWIND STORY OF A REWIND STORY – Set Your Classic Boat Clock Forward?

TODAYS STORY IS A REWIND RERUN STORY, WHY? Well, this seems to be the same situation every year, and that in itself confuses me, and since I am obsessed with trying to freeze time, it makes my head hurt. So enjoy the story. again.. and again.. I…

We Need Someone Who Knows Gosintas?

I am not even sure what the correct math is for this, Algebra? Geometry? And yes I had to spell check both those words. And I should know how to do this, but it hurts, it really hurts. So, I am sure there is an engineer, or some sort of…

Some Final Thoughts From Sir Steve Lapkin

Todays story is going to be more words than pictures. Steve's words, and Dusters two images say it all, and I am so beyond grateful for sharing all this craziness with us. You have to sit back and think for a second the commitment to all…

New Zealand Week Just Keeps Chugging Along

It's official, the world has spoken, this is the most unique boat show on the planet, new, old, in a convention center, small old marina, this show exhibits the uniqueness of what is possible in boat design. I love it, and that alone makes…

New Zealand Lapkin Style.

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A huge thanks to Steve Lapkin and Duster for getting some great water action shots from New Zealand. It just gets better and better, and a great way to get us all in the mood for Lake Dora and BOATING SEASON! STAY…

In The Water In New Zealand

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Today we are still showing some of the magic of New Zealand, and starting to tease out what is going to be an amazing two day finalle from Steve Lapkin, These shots are from Duster and show the show as if you were there, the art part will…

Let’s Get In The Water In New Zealand

Sorry for the late morning, the images had to come from the other side of the planet. Ya, thats my excuse and I am sticking to it. We have tons of images and more to come. Like some insane in the water shots. The light was all on our side…

Live-ish From New Zealand, Getting To The Show

A huge thanks to Steve Lapkin and Phil Andrews AKA 'Duster" for sharing the fun of not just the show, but getting there. So sit back, and grab a glass of milk cause this make take some days to unfold. Come on! It's like you made the 24hr…

Two Boobs Getting WhOOps Lake Dora Ready

It's that time of year where you realize that the opening day of our season is just a couple weeks away. What? Well, you can cheat the boating season if you just pack her up and head south to Lake Dora. We will all be there, and folks come…

The M27, Moores Yachts First Build, Is Aptly Named “Patience.”

There is over the top, and then there is over, over the top when it comes to design, build and bringing dreams true. The process of taking that vision and making it a real thing is one of the most special human abilities on the planet. It…