What’s Under The Mountain Of Poison Ivy?

Ya, there is some stuff over there.
Well, lets just say, if you dig hard enough, no literally dig into dirt, after you cut back poison ivy and god only know what other needle tree stuff was covering this jewel. My son Ham and I were covered head to toe in cloths and gloves, but I bet that Poison ivy found some of me to gnaw at me. I feel the itch already.

After 30 minutes of digging. Ugh.
BUT, it was worth a couple weeks of steroids for this amazing find. And I wonderful reminder that living in a rural area has its wonderful rewards. My son had visited this “yard” before and the guy had told him he had some pumps buried under the weeds from hell. We had some time yesterday and thought we would go digging. The guys yard was a collection of stuff found around the area.

But never could I have hoped for a local marina pump. I will say though, at first I just thought it was a carcus. Since it was face up and full of dirt.

Back the way she shuld be standing
But with a grunt or two, or three… Three Advil lift. There it was. And that dang porcelain is like new! What ever toxic crap that was made out of was worth it.

Catalog sheet
After a little interweb digging, this is a 1950 ish Gilbarco Gas Pump. It appears Red, but could also have been Silver and Red, not sure. If there are any Gas Pump Geeks out there, or in here, chime in. I don’t think the pump thats Marine is any different than non Marine, but the art is , and that’s the part that I LOVE, and the fact that its local history around here.

Fill her up sir?

Oil Sir? Now I know this is VERY Geeky of me. But I swear that’s the Chris Craft Model Lori Pastic

Lori on the cover – Herb Pocklington told me she was the most popular model of the day.

Lori posing in a Cobra

Okay, back to the pumps. Incase you are confused, this is not Lori. I am guessing the pumps were red since in this BW the green part is a different shade

In the barn! FULL OF DIRT.
Now if you will excuse me I need to go soak in a warm bath. My son Ham has a company called Lowtimers, Vintage stuff and custom work – YOU CAN VISIT LOWTIMERS HERE.
How much a gallon was it set on? A local company converts them in to mini fridges.
39 Cents
OK, so digging an old pump out of poison ivy is a lot cheaper than buying one from a collector, but after yesterday’s story, I think it may be wiser to spend the extra cash!
What was White Gas? Unleaded?
M&M, White gas is the purest liquid petroleum; think of it as something between natural gas and “regular” gasoline and did not contain additives like Ethyl lead that tended to foul spark plugs on older outboards that had 24:1 or 16:1 oil mixes. White gas was the go-juice recommended by the outboard manufacturers. Today it is commonly sold as Coleman Fuel.
I’ve been itching for a cool old gas pump but that photo has me scratching! Great find tho!!
Hope you avoid the poison ivy oils,…they remain on everything for a long time!
Wash you hands before you pee when dealing with poison ivy!!!
Interesting to read that there was a problem with gummy copper tanks and lines back then also (description in second to last photo). Can’t blame ethanol back then I would think.
Every time I see one of those old gas pumps, the little voice in my head says “Give me a bucks worth”. That got me about five gallons for my $25 dollar 1949 Ford.
My folks used to have the old texaco hand pump with the glass top at the dock at their resort.Pump up to the line and let it drain out into your gas can.Didn’t need electricity.
What an Amazing find! It will fit perfectly into the collection in you boat barn!
Talking about gas this morning in Dana Point I paid $ 3.79 for regular & premium was
$ 3.99 @ Costco …. I need to take up sailing again.
Safe Boating 👍
Old pumps are really cool. I pumped a lot of gas with pumps like tha
t when I worked at a garage that also sold gas. They were a lot easier to operate than the new digital readout pumps were you have to answer 6 questions before you get gas.
…and get your credit card scamed at the same time. Discover says mine was used in SanFrancisco last week…But I haven’t been out of Floridida in over a year.
Is Lori in a Cobra or a Capri? Is that the rear flooring? (Yes I’m probably missing the point of that picture 😉
Looks like a 56 capri with the green linoleum flooring, had on in here a few years ago .
‘57 19’ Capri
Yeah! And just try to find that green marmoleum stuff now! Unobtanium……
Jimmuh, Try http://www.forbo.com . They have some heavy duty linoleum in shades that come super close to the original CC Marmoleum. They have a facility near Hazleton, PA. They were good folks to deal with and provided me enough to outfit my 17′ runabout back in ’07
I restored this GULF Marine Gas Pump 30 years ago, complete with the Original Glass Globe. It was a great “Barn Find” and is one of my favorite collectables.
What a great find Matt! Meet Benny
Matt, you probably already heard of this stuff, but the best thing I’ve found for poison ivy is Zanfel
It’s expensive but works.