I Have A Question About “The Sisters”

The Wicker Sisters

Yesterday I cleaned up WECATCHEM and started to get ready for The big 4th Celebration. Which we just be the Boatress and I. No parties or gatherings. But I decided to mix it up in the seat section of WECATCHEM, and can’t decide which way to go. The Wicker Sisters? Or The Plaids? And well. Given that we are running on story idea fumes. I thought, hey.. I got an idea. Make this a story. So here goes. What ever we agree on I will do.

The Plaids have been around and are super comfy.

These are vintage and original.

Can be folded up and taken on the beach

The Wicker Sisters Cousins in Minn. Neat look and also comfy.

The Wicker Sisters are NOS and from Bob Weaver up in Buffalo. We made a special trip and it was fun as hell. Love it up there. HERE IS THAT STORY! 

You know what, a funny thing is happening while I am writing this story. I am luv’n the sisters. ALOT. Maybe the Plaids come along as a beach chair with the Sisters?

33 replies
  1. Syd
    Syd says:

    The plaids just look better for the boat. You need to find yourself a big old slow speed launch for the wicked sisters

  2. Greg Lewandowski
    Greg Lewandowski says:

    Wicker Sisters look like they belong there. That is my vote.
    Is that new V8 under the hatch in front of the chairs?

  3. Troy in ANE
    Troy in ANE says:

    Let’s be all inclusive on this 4th of July!
    Sisters in the boat, plaids on the beach!

    OK now my ADD is getting the best of me. Why is one of your vents chrome and the other red?

    • Rabbit
      Rabbit says:

      I think it’s a reflection, Troy. And other than the shots of your boat and mom, I think that’s the most PG-rated photo you’ve ever shared.

      • Troy in ANE
        Troy in ANE says:

        I question the reflection because the outer circle of the red one is chrome and it is perfectly red on the spider web of the vent cover.

        I did post this PG picture once.

      • Matt
        Matt says:

        Its red and the other is not. I was never sure how this really was. But Brian Robinson found a set of 100% original ones and they were painted the bilge red. Both. And looking at original factory photos it does apear they bother were painted. I was also told by the original one owners that is was always red. But which red? Red red or bilge red which is what was used on all sorts of metal parts. So I kinda tried it all one color. Bilge red.

  4. John Rothert
    John Rothert says:

    Not important…jut Go Boating! Best to all on the 4th!

    Heading out today…John in Va.

  5. John Rothert
    John Rothert says:

    second thought…sell me the wickers….they belong on a slow roaring twenties boat like mine…as said!

  6. Gregory Wieckowski
    Gregory Wieckowski says:

    I like the ‘inclusivity’ front, use the wickers on the craft, plaids on the beach.

  7. Dennis Mykols
    Dennis Mykols says:

    Since you got the room to store the plaids in that big ass woodie, I vote to use both, as most of the guys voted…
    But I like a white-colored cushion, dark colors are too hot in the sun to sit on. At least for my tushy…
    Fly them flags this weekend guys.

  8. Dick Dow
    Dick Dow says:

    I was trying to see if the stbd vent had a hint of green to with the port side. Then for a moment I thought someone had painted the aft deck blue… As for the seating, I’m in the use ’em both camp. Most important is get out, get some hours on the new motor and have fun! Happy Fourth of July!

  9. Briant
    Briant says:

    Perhaps some visuals to help out….

    The Wicker. Cool. Classy. Sophisticated. Elegant.

    Like the lovely Princess Grace….

  10. Matt
    Matt says:

    OUCH! Yet, rings true in some sort of way! Grace Kelly was the queen of class and beauty. Even died right. Speeding in a Porsche going to fast on the roads on Monico!

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