September Sunsets, Not So Fast Mr Gasp Man!


The Boatress and I out being kids.

September is the month around here in Virginia. Flat water, no humidity, and crisp sunsets around 6:30 ish, right before a nice dinner. And to top it all off, the Dolphins also feel the same way. We just rumble out to the Bay, and turn off the engine and take it all in for 30 minutes of Nature doing its magic. So today, I am taking you with us from last night. Cliche images we have all seen a thousand times, and yet. Always new, different and the cure for any last gasp thoughts.

Rumble rumble with my BFF out to the bay

Pure heaven ahead

Even the birds headed out

Different light at different turns of the head

The Boatress and her favorite new wine glass.

Shameless plug for these wine glasses. No deals were made. I got some of these for the Boatress for her B Day and they are perfect.  Cups – Designs By Lolita  Plastic Ice Cubes sold separately on Amazon.


Everyone was out for the magic

The Boatress driving with her feet

A good 7 years of salty boating on that chrome

Thats one red ball




There, let the show begin!

All around us.

More kid like smiles

BAM! Sunset, and a dolphin!

And headed home with the biggest cliche shot of them all!


13 replies
  1. Kelly Wittenauer
    Kelly Wittenauer says:

    Best month of the year here in northern KY, as well! Perfect temps for my daily morning walk. Weekenders & snowbirds thinning out. High temps around 80, low humidity. Time to break out the wetsuits, but comfy enough with them & worth it for the chance to carve that glass.

    Only problem is so much else in life has caught on to the beauty of September & the month is now over-scheduled. Just not enough time!

  2. John Rothert
    John Rothert says:

    YOU are one lucky guy!

    3 weeks in and the damn knee is still aching bad…did get to Go Boating a couple of days ago.

    Truly the best time of year.

    John in Va.

  3. floyd r turbo
    floyd r turbo says:

    If I could only get mine in the water before last gasp. New water pump and its still not pumping water. Someone invent a way to remove hose connections more easily please as well as changing oil without making such a mess.

    • MikeM
      MikeM says:

      I just got an engine back from one of the good guys for a client. Wouldn’t pump water either. Finally figured out that they had plumbed the water pump backwards. Go figure……

    • Old Salt
      Old Salt says:

      Floyd, run the engine to get to warm up the oil then use one of these by sticking the hose down the oil fill tube.

  4. Mark in Ohio (sometimes da U P)
    Mark in Ohio (sometimes da U P) says:

    Beautiful pictures. Sunsets are special! Some people like sunrises. Not me, they remind me of going to work.

    • Mike D
      Mike D says:

      Hey Matt if you have not done it already how about an article or two about the history of the community in your back yard?

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