Home Again, To Hall’s Boat On Lake George For Mom’s Mink’s 70th Birthday!

A huge thanks to fellow WoodyBoater David Shepler for sharing his wonderful journey to Lake George and Hall's Boats. The original home of Mom's Mink, his amazing Gar Wood. Looks like David sure had a fantastic time! At the bottom of this…

Stinky Spends A Busy Day Polluting The Air On Lake Hopatcong!

We arrived at around 11 AM yesterday to a familiar sound. WECATCHEM's "trusty W" idling in the covered marina. I can not tell you what a smile that put on my ears. OK, I just did. The rain gods dumped on us all the way up and throughout…

Ready? Set? Show! This Weekend!

Here at WoodyBoater HQ we are prepping to go to New Jersey for the big Lake Hopatcong Show,while up in Algonac, the gang there is working around the clock to make things perfect for show goers and guests, while on Lake Hopatcong, midnight…

Happy Fathers Day – Live-ish From St Michael’s MD

This Fathers Day weekend started on Friday right after work, we ran up to Lake Hopatcong to visit the "Good People" of Lake Hopatcong and had a fun time drooling all over WECATCHEM and sniffing Stinky. Report on that later. Oh that glorious…

Algonac, Michigan And Lake Hopatcong New Jersey. Two Historic Shows In Two Weeks.

Two fantastic shows are coming up in a couple weeks. Both have amazing boats, in an amazing location dripping with tradition, and locations of where it all began. Algonac is where power boating was started, and Lake Hopatcong is where the…

What I Learned From By Going To A WWII Airplane Show!

This past Sunday, Jimmy, Clif and I made a quick fun "Hail Mary" to VA Beach to the "Warbirds Over The Beach" show. Was it amazing? Hellcat yes! The photos sure will not disappoint. And sadly, for you and I, this is a thing that I have no…

Meanwhile In Gig Harbor Washington.

Wow, looks like we are covering all over the USA today.Thanks to longtime WoodyBoater Randy Mueller for sending in this Live-ish report! It's a busy Monday in Woodyboaterville. Our small invitational show here in Gig Harbor, WA…

DC To Buffalo, To Lake Hopatcong, Back To DC, Then Reedville, And Virginia Beach In Two Days. We Should Have Just Gone To The Airport. Oh Wait, We Did That Too.

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Well, what started out as a fun back and forth to Buffalo for some wicker chairs turned into a whirlwind of a weekend. Heck a week of stories. We could do 2 full stories just on Bob Weavers amazing collection. And just may try. So…

ROAD TRIP! We Are Headed To Buffalo!

Sorry, no shuffling off to jokes. We are headed north on a hail Mary run to visit fellow Woody Boater Bob Weaver for a special surprise. OK, it's not that huge of a surprise, but we need to add a bit of drama to a 7 hr drive..one way! Either…

First Joint President’s Tour a Success – Dennis Mykols Reports In.

Thanks to fellow Woody Boater Dennis Mykols for sending in this wonderful report, that illustrates how much fun the folks up in Michigan have. Take it away Dennis. On April 8th and 9th the A.C.B.S Michigan Chapter, (covering all of the…

Winter Is Officially Over – The Canadians Are Out And Looking At Boats! Woohoo!

Thanks to fellow Woody Boaters Chris and Julie Bullen for sending in a nice wright up and photos of there Spring Tour in the North. As in Canada North. And so it has begun. Get your Bumpers/Fenders out! ACBS-Toronto hosts a spring kick…

Stinky And WECATCHEM Are Together At The Spa!

This week while on a production for work in the NYC area we had an opportunity to visit our pals at Katzs Marina. We also brought Stinky to have her Van Ness repaired engine installed and any small issues on Stinky fixed.  We also got a…

She’s Home! The Blue Arabian Is Home And Safe! Phew!

Long time fellow Woody Boater Phil Andrews reports in from around the world on the much awaited arrival of the Blue Arabian we have been sharing so much here on Woody Boater. Its amazing to see all this happen, but when good people come together…

7000 Miles And Now Home. Where Ever That Is?

We made it home last night around 5PM to Reedville Va, happy and honestly, ready for another run. I have not taken two weeks off in my entire working life, and it was refreshing and perfect. As the Boatress said, it was the perfect 30th…

5 Star hotels And The Waffle House! Road Trip Update

Well, today we are headed back to Reedville after the road trip of all road trips. We spent the night last night in The Lake Rabun hotel, on lake Rabun. A small charming hotel on a small charming lake in the Georgia Mountains. The…

Road Trip Update – Mmmmm Steak!

We left Marin County, on Monday and drove to LA for the night, and last night made it to Tuscon. Tomorrow we head towards Austin, hopefully... and then off to parts unknown. Which is what the fun is about. The best part of the…

Road Trip Update, Plans Change!

Well, as we wrap the amazing Marin County portion of the Big 2016 Roadtrip, we have changed plans and are heading to LA tomorrow. Then heading east. Looks like Phoenix may be a stop, and then Austin. Shhh dont tell Frechette, we may knock…

It Was All Going So Well, Until!

The road trip of all road trips was cruising along just fine until the big snow and freeze hit Kansas. The only good way to look at this, is , at least the drive across the most boring state on the planet will be a little more interesting. We…

Has Winter Hit You Yet? What Am I Thinking?

Today the Boatress and I are headed out on a two week drive across the U.S of A and back. Towards, Boulder, Reno/Tahoe, San Fransisco, Sante Fe, New Orleans, And going to maybe stop to see the Lake Burton, Lake Rabin area. Why? I don't know?…

Thanksgiving Woody Boating! Georgia Style! We Soooo Need To Go There!

Thanks to fellow Woody Boater Chase Fulbright from Northern Georgia, for sending us in his reminder that he sure does not suffer from PMW! Take it away Chase.. you stud! This year thanksgiving day brought 70 degree weather for us…

One Last Classic Boat Run Until Melancholy Sets In.

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One of the new things we are trying here is longer more complex videos. Now, know that we are talking iphone here, and me driving and shooting at the same time. And then pecking away at iMovie like a 3rd grader. But we will get better. Wow,…

Meanwhile In Florida It’s Still Summer!

So here we are wondering if the run we take is the last one, squeezing out every moment of sunshine and thanking global warming for extra time. And in Florida..OK Sunnyland, they are still planning boat trips and having fun in there shorts…

Lake George – Last Gasp – Last Hurrah

Thanks to fellow Woody Boater Kent O. Smith Jr for sending in a Last Hurrah gasp! Take it away Mr O. Smith Jr When seeing the foreboding forecast for later in the week – slushy sloppy measurable accumulations – my WoodyBoater friend Steve…

John Allen Takes On A Last Chance Last Gasp On Gull Lake.

Thanks to fellow Woody Boaters John Allen and Brian Mark who gambled and left Mowitza II in and won the Jackpot with a 62 degree day up north in Minnesota. And he captured it all on a fun short video. Go stand in the fridge to watch…

A Timeless Cookout With Family – The Perfect Last Gasp

The Ramsey Bros sure know how to go Woody Boating in Style. These guys do it up right in old school perfection. Whats more perfect than taking your family, work and life, for a classic boat trip to the beach and have a cook out. These…

Did You Get Your Last Gasp In This Weekend? Woody Boater Wants To Know.

It's that time of year. When we get out there for one last gasp of summer. This weekend seemed like such a weekend. The air is crisp and yet warm. The sun is still out and for brief moments it can be, well, wonderful. If you are fortunate…

It’s Launchtime At Sierra Boat Co! The 2016 ACBS International Begins.

We had the pre events, then the events and now the launch, or is it all really all of it. One full week of all you can eat fun. It's a metaphor, run with me here. Now, thanks again to Herb Hall from Sierra Boat Co. on stunning Lake Tahoe…

Good Morning From Reedville Virginia

Little Reedville Virginia today is host to close to 40 Classic Boats and a mess of folks who are stopping by to say hello and partake in all that is good about Saturdays in a small town. If you driving in this morning and need a bite, Stop…

ROAD TRIP! This Time, It’s Personal.

OK, OK, OK, I know what you are thinking. No really I do. One, it must be some sort of cool boat? NO. OK, then what in the hell would you go on another 12 hour road trip for? Wellllll? It all started in Boulder Co this past week, we flew…

ACBS Glacier Lakes Chapter Members Defy Mother Nature to Storm the Milwaukee River.

Thanks to fellow Woody Boater John Baas for sending in this well, cool ish grey report from this weekend. And starting a fun filled week of how to beat the heat! Photos from John and Wil Vidal, Take it away John and Wil. What do you on…

Algonac Marine Cast – Every Part Of You Wants To Read This!

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The absolute high lite of the Algonac trip was a short...to short visit to Algonac Marine Cast, formerly known as Algonac Cast Products. What ever their new name is, this is the mother load of original parts for your classic boat. Really!…

What’s It Feel Like To Tow One Of The Nations Top Classic Boats To Florida?

Yesterday we decided to leave early and head down to Lake Dora to meet up with fellow Woody Boaters also coming into town. Many are doing the same because of the bad weather predicted on the East coast. Funny thing happens when you are towing…

Sunday – Live From Lake Hopatcong.

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Today, is the day we find out if some of the boats under parts of the roof are safe. Last night as the sun set here, another miracle. The Rare Stuphen that we thought might have been damaged came out in one piece. No real deep inspections…

The Little Model 99 That Could.

  As they extract the roof parts and walls, all work had to stop on extracting boats for a while. The little model 99 is actually part of the support of the wall. I love that little sucker more and more. She has taken a beating for sure,…

A Fun Tour Of Some Snazzy Homes On The Potomac River Near Washington D.C.

One of the surprising parts of living in Washington DC is that we often forget that there is an amazing river running right next to it. Honestly I feel like a fool, since I am 4th generation from here. Yes, I knew it was here, even learned…

Reedville Virginia Classic Boating Cures All!

In was an interesting week here last week.  One of our beloved pets was killed by a fox in the front yard the day after our last son graduated from high school, now making us empty nesters.. a happy yet sad time...my father was put in hospice,…

Classic Boat Water Skiing- Lake Tahoe Style!

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If you are going to go water skiing on Lake Tahoe, do it with style. Glass-like conditions, a bristol blue sky, snow capped Sierra Nevada Mountain peaks and assure calm waters. Buzz Gibb (formerly the owner of the Queen of the Lake: THUNDERBIRD)…

The Enlightenment Of Algonac.

Gar Wood, looking forward...Our last day here in Algonac Michigan was actually the most moving day of the weekend. The show was done, the awards handed out, and the history lesson was over. It was just boating from this point on. Which of course…

Lake Dora 2010-Heaven… Pure Heaven….

What an incredible weekend. It was great to see folks that we only talk to by email. Sorry for the late story, but.. Well... mmmm... I left my computer and stuff in the Chris Craft tent that was 1 1/2 hrs away. So i had to return for a 3 hr…

A Statue For Christopher Smith and Gar Wood… It's About Time.

This is a artist rough work in progress Chris Craft celebrity Herb Pocklington was addressing a large boating symposium in Seattle in April and learned that their generation was extremely interested in preserving and honoring the life and work…