It’s Gonna Be 70 Here In Virginia Today. Is It Worth It?
Have you been outside? It's like Spring out there It does this stuff in Virginia, it can warm up and then drop you like a hot tater. Which its expected to do by Thursday. 38... So here is the debate. Is it worth it? To take the boat out,…

She’s Home! The Blue Arabian Is Home And Safe! Phew!
Community/Web, DestinationsLong time fellow Woody Boater Phil Andrews reports in from around the world on the much awaited arrival of the Blue Arabian we have been sharing so much here on Woody Boater. Its amazing to see all this happen, but when good people come together…

It’s The Weekend, Stay In There!
Classic Boats, Community/Web
From Spring through Fall we are always so excited to see Fridays and the hope of a perfect weekend of flat waters, bright sun and smiles of family and friends to share the joy of a fantastic woody boat ride. But with weekends like this about…

Can You Help Find Scott’s 1956 17’ Chris Craft Sportsman. Hull # CC-17-2508?
Classic Boats, Community/Web
Meet Scott Knowlton from Natick, MA. Scott is looking for a very special Sportsman that has huge meaning. He has tried all the usual places, But maybe just maybe here on Woody Boater we are able to help him out!
Back in 1956, my grandfather…

Merry Christmas Woody Boaters! OK What Did Ya Get?
Community/WebWell, I am sure you have been told countless times by your loved ones that you are impossible to get gifts for, and you act like a 12 year old. So. Knowing that, lets embrace that and share what we got! Did ya get that orbital sander you always…

30 Years Of Joy, All In One Road Trip
We are reporting today on West Coast time. Today marks 30 years of the Boatress and I being married, and enjoying adventures and time zones together. To say time flies when you are having fun is an understatement. It feels like yesterday…

Fishing For Web Traffic? Important Info To The Business’s Of WoodyBoater.
First, sorry! It aint boat photos today, but if you are a business, or work you're local chapters facebook or web page, this might talk you off the cliff.
We have mentioned this a couple weeks ago, and are digging deeper into the…

When You Are In A Classic Boat Does Time Move?
Art, Classic Boats, Community/Web
It's that time of year when you are all cooped up with a fire and thinking about stuff. And in my case, way to much time. I can't stop thinking, it's my curse. I wake up thinking, and go to sleep thinking, I think in dreams. The only time…

The 6th Annual Woody Boater Virtual Holiday Party! Let’s Get This Party Started!
Today is the big day! We have been decorating the place and setting up for all our guests. The food is all set up. We have plenty of rest rooms and the Boatress made her special Crab Puffs. The best part of today is you can just pop in and…

Are You Ready For The Big Holiday Party Tomorrow?
Community/WebTomorrow is the big day! Our big annual Virtual Holiday Party. That special day when we all gather in the comment section and say hello to each other. It's also a chance for folks from the past to remind us that they are still around in our…

You Are Invited To The 6th Annual Woody Boater Holiday Party THIS MONDAY!
Classic Boats, Community/Web
Get out your best hat, chaps and dudads cause its gonna be a whopper of a Holiday party! If this is your first one, things can get a bit out of hand, and that's when the fun begins. All your favorite fun Woody Boater will be there. And best…

Breaking News ACBS Hires New Exec Director Dan Gyoerkoe
Community/WebWe interrupt the self gratuitous report on myself, Mr Woody Boater himself, myself, for some real news that may actually interest other than myself! BTW, if you just got here and are wondering what I am talking about and the header. Read…

Thank You Brass Bell For The Feature!
Art, Community/Web
If you are a Brass Bell reader you may have noticed that in this latest issue, yours truly, Mr Woody Boater himself is featured. Despite the almost 10 years of doing stories on the subject of Classic Boats, every day, I am not big on talking…

Do You Have The Wrong Impression That Classic Boats Require More Maintenance?
Classic Boats, Community/Web
In last weeks story on Classic Boats possibly saving the larger boating world, someone mentioned that one huge reason why people shy away from Classic Boats is the perceived maintenance. And of course no matter how many times we do a story…

Could Classic Boating Save The Boating Industry?
Well, there is a rather bold statement for us little guys here in the Classic Boat Community to be making! But hold on and read on. I might have an interesting point, and if you are a new boat seller, you may consider having a Classic Boat…

Should Points Be Added For Original Stuff. Steve Bunda..OK..We all Want To Know!
Barn Finds, Community/Web
Fellow Woody Boater Steve Bunda sent us in this amazing barn find treasure that he is going to try and preserve to the nines. Or 100 points! Steve is looking for the facts on Preservation, AND, should there be points added for certain things.…

Get Out Your Hanky’s! One Comment About A Woody Tie Turns Into So, So Much More!
Community/WebYesterday Wilson Wright did a nice comment regarding a Woody Tie he found at a store, and then loooong time fellow Woody Boater Victor Fabricius AKA Floyd R Turbo chimed in with this gut wrenching tie story! Wow. We are all reminded at this…

It’s The Start Of Workshop Season! Robinson Restoration Gets Us Started!
Thanks to fellow Woody Boater Marten Anderson for sending us in this report from Sunny California!
On Saturday, November 19th the Southern California Chapter of the ACBS held an informative, hands-on workshop at Robinson Restoration in…

Our Tenth Thanksgiving Together – We Are Like Family.
I am sitting here staring at the key board wondering what new thing to say that hasn't been said every Thanksgiving. And to be honest, its a very simple task. Almost too simple. After all, thanking you all for being here is the simple thing…

SPLASH BACK SATURDAY- Classic Fiberglass Shootout, Two Big Guns From The 70’s – Century Arabian vs Chris-Craft XK-19
Community/Web, Woody Boater of the Month
By the late 1960's and early 1970's the fiberglass boat business was growing quickly and the modern designs were beginning to take shape for both Chris-Craft and Century. The muscle car era was peaking in terms of popularity and horsepower,…

Wow! Thankyou For All Your Kind Words And Help.
Well, yesterday was not intended to be a day of thanks, but for of a open forum as to how to improve and see what you like and stuff. To be honest, I have been a little down on it all lately. After 9 years, finding stuff new to talk about…

The Last, Last Gasp? From Minnesota!!
Community/Web Thanks to fellow Woody Boater Bob Rosenquist for sending what could be the last, last gasp story of the season. From Minnesota of all places! Take it away Bob.
It was an incredible day, November 5, 2016. 72 degrees, calm wind on a Big…

Dear Lord, Where Did the Time Go. We Turned 9 Last Month!
They say, and its true, the older you get , you start forgetting how old you are. Well, last month..October was our 9th birthday. making this our Tenth year! I, ugh, mmm, I don;t get it. Its felt like a week, or two.. Ok maybe 450 weeks…

No Matter What Happens Today, I Am Still Going Woody Boating!
Community/WebSo, lets not talk about the Elephant, and Donkey in the room! THANKYOU to all our readers for keeping politics away from this sacred place called Woodyboaterville. Note; we haven't had to reject one comment from anyone. THANKYOU! We are happy…

Meanwhile In Florida It’s Still Summer!
Community/Web, Destinations
So here we are wondering if the run we take is the last one, squeezing out every moment of sunshine and thanking global warming for extra time. And in Florida..OK Sunnyland, they are still planning boat trips and having fun in there shorts…

Have You Been To The New Antique Boat Center Website?
Community/Web, Restorations
OK, this is kinda old news. In fact I know it is, since we reported on the new site over a year ago. But its gotten better and filled out nicely. As is hands down the best website in the Classic Boat community. Sure there is the new ACBS…

Tight Fit Storage And A Unique Swelling Concept.
Yesterdays story of The Blue Arabian inspired this great story from Fellow Woody Boater Ashley Dobronshinsky on tucking in his Woody Boat for the winter. Yikes. Take it away Ashley.
Hello from one of your Canadian Woody Boater…

The Blue Arabian Starts It’s Long Voyage Home
Classic Boats, Community/Web
The Amazing Blue Century Arabian prototype is headed home to her new home port. Wellington New Zealand. The good folks at Katzs Marina yesterday loaded her up in her special state room to start her journey.
The trip will…

The Coolest Paddle Board On The Planet
Art, Community/Web
OK, great, now I need to add a paddle board to my bucket list of boats. Dam you Kevin Fitzke! Fellow Woody Boater Kevin sent this in yesterday regarding a first Last Gasp. WOW! As Kevin put it, "my "Last Gasp" but also my "First Inhale"…

It’s Bad Shot Day On Woody Boater!
Art, Community/Web
We all have standards and what the good are standards if they cant be broken. So Calling all bad half feet fat person in the foreground shots today! Have a person from the back but cool boat anyway? Lets see it. How about a bad reflection?

Stinky’s First Last Gasp! Chris-Craft 16′ Special Racer Photos
Classic Boats, Community/Web
Yesterday turned out to be a spectacular day here in Reedville Virginia in the 70's. Fellow Woody Boater and pal Clif Aimes came buy and helped me install new points and other stuff on Stinky. By the way those old small distributors are…

What Iz It? Mr Hass Wants To Know!
Classic Boats, Community/Web
Fellow Woody Boater Don Hass picked this little varnish sucker up a month ago and is wondering WhatIz It? Now..... this is Dons first woody... insert awkward giggle here..... Ok, back to aduthood, anyway this is Dons first foray into this.…

Is Your Woody Boat Part Of The Family?
A couple a weeks, commenter "Pappy" made the statement that his Woody Boat was part of the family. What a great and obvious thought. Now of course you know we believe that here 100%. They may not be on the same level as lets say a new born…

It’s That Time Of Year. AGAIN!
Classic Boats, Community/Web
Well, if you have looked outside, you know what we all know, it's that time of year again. That time of year, when the days are shorter and you know whats next. Fall! Sure, there is still some amazing boating to do out there. Leaves changing,…

A Hurricane Workshop At Smith Mountain Lake
Art, Community/Web, Restorations
Thanks to fellow Woody Boater Eric Zelman for reporting in from Smith Mountain Lake at this weekends Workshop.
Almost 4” of rain in 24 hours didn’t keep the SML crew out of the workshop. The doors opened at 8:30 at Bill Garrecht’s…

No Power, But Woody Boater Is On!
One AM this morning, it finally hit us. OK, it aint a Hurricane, but down here on the water the wind is very very strong, and with that downed trees. For those wanting a reference, we are hardhearted in Reedville Virginia which is considered…

To All Our Friends In Florida! Hunker Down, We Are With You!
I know we here at Woody Boater from time to time.. Wait, OK all the time can be sarcastic and have fun with stuff. But today, we would like to in full serious and heartfelt tone wish all our fellow woody boaters in Florida the best of luck.…

An Open Letter To Hurricane Matthew Regarding Lake Dora.
What the hell? Its not fare, how does the hurricane get to go to Lake Dora 6 months early. We all have to wait, why should he..it.. Does a Hurricane have a He She thing? I am confused. Any way, that dam Hurricane may be headed to or close…

HURRICANE MATTHEW UPDATE – She’s South Carolina Bound, Then Back To Florida! !
Ya, ya, I know you can get all your updates from a billion sources, but this is just for our Woodyboaters and how you and your boat can be more safe, and protected. We here have been through a bunch of hurricanes since the South East seems…

Hurricane Matthew Is On Its Way? And A Special Note From Hagerty! Does Your Policy Contain Hurricane Protection Endorsement.
Community/WebFor those of us in the South East Hurricane Matthew could not be coming at a worse time. Since we don't really have that much time left with our Woody Boats, I guess this weekend it's over. We will be pulling WECATCHEM out of the water on Friday…

Troy Goes Woody Boating With Five Women, No, Wait, TEN At Once.
Thanks again to fellow Woody Boater Troy for sharing another wonderful Woody Boater adventure, this time with a full crew of Bridal Shower ladies, what a fantastic idea for a party.Take it away Troy.
"We were trying to make it a surprise,…

2016 Gull Lake Classic Boat Show – Open To The Public
Boat Shows, Classic Boats, Community/Web
THE GULL LAKE CLASSIC BOAT SHOW IN MINNESOTA always brings out some of the finest and most unique classic boats in the country - and this year that trend continued in spades.
Fellow Woody Boater John Allen and his team at the Bar…

Live-ish From The Indian Lake, Ohio ACBS Chapter 18th Annual Vintage Boat And Car Show
Boat Shows, Classic Boats, Community/Web
FELLOW WOODY BOATERS BRIAN FOGARTY AND HIS DAD MIKE had every vantage point covered (even from the sky) at the Indian Lake Ohio Chapter show - held recently at Russell's Point Harbor. And fortunately for us, they shared their story here…

XK Making Friends, We’re Just Along For The Ride “Beating The Heat”.
Community/WebThanks to fellow Woody Boaters Shannon & Scott Knight for sending us in this fun Beat The Heat story. Take it away guys
When Shannon and I bought our XK19 three years ago, visiting Northern Michigan’s beautiful lakes was at the top of…

Hey Finland, We Need Your Help Over Here To Beat The Heat.
Hopefully this reaches some of our Finland readers, or if you are from Finland, or from a family that is from Finland we need you to cool things here down a bit. For those of you not familiar with the Finish. As in people from Finland, they…

BREAKING NEWS – Peter Stephens Retires As ACBS Executive Director.
We have been hearing the rumors starting last week, and delayed a report because the report was fluid and we did not want to report rumors or create news that maybe was not based on facts. We care for both the ACBS and Peter, Peter is an…

100 Outside, And Feeling Like We’re Floating On Air.
Classic Boats, Community/Web
This past weekend we decided to stay outdoors the entire weekend. Knowing full well, that the second we went inside, no one would want to go out again. So we decided we were gonna burn up some fossle fuel instead of electricity. I have to…

Woody Boater Announces New Prerestoric Award!
Art, Community/WebFrom Woody Boater Headquarters - We are proud to announce we will be awarding a special "Best Prerestoic Boat" at shows we attend or by special request. Each glorious trophy them selves will be Prerestoric being harvested from old trophies.…