Melt Down At WoodyBoater HQ!
You may have noticed over the past two days that we are reusing older photos and doing more Header Days. Well, it happened. The main engine that drives Woody Boater had a complete meltdown on Thursday. Okay, no more metaphors.
25% Of Milenials Reported They Would Prefer To Date A Robot. This Could Be The Key To Classic Boatings Future
Classic Boats, Community/Web, Rant
In a recent study, yes this is a real thing.. Internet real, the report was created by Paris-based Havas, and examined the future of artificial intelligence, and people's attitudes to the future of technology.
The findings were based on…
The Sons Of Varnish Need You! What’s Your New Pirate Name?
Community/Web, Rant
Well, an interesting thing is happening in the community. Some ACBS members are being told to stay away from Woody Boater, to keep stories for the ACBS site, and guess what, that is just fueling more fun and anarchy. So they are adopting…
ACBS Drops Woody Boater As Sponsor For 2018. It’s A Good News Bad News Thing.
RantThis news is being reported reluctantly, because I am getting emails and questions, I did not really want to talk about this and stayed quiet, but the ACBS made a call to the members and announced this. Why? I don't know. So I thought we would…
Where Are All The Bootes?
Destinations, Rant
All right now, it's been 4 days and no dang Bootes. This place is crawling with amazing lakes. I mean drop dead stunning stuff here in Munich, and Austria near Salzburg. And nuth'n. Okay, there is a boat shaped like a Swan, and an an electric…
Cracked Heads And Torquing!
Classic Boats, Rant
While, I am gallivanting around Europe it seemed like a good time to talk about Torquing. not Twerking, which is a slightly different thing. Both lead to tight nuts, and a .. oh lets not go there. This story is about my oil consumption issue…
Politics And Judging, There Is No Place For It In Classic Boating.
Warning, we are about to go all Hedda Hopper here. So, while Irma was ripping apart most of Florida, up in Racine, there was a bit of a storm going on in the judging dept of the event. Now, hold on, and this is all third party, but even…
Only One Big Problem With the Latest Classic Boating Report On Sierra Boat Co. It Isn’t True!
For the record, Okay lots of for the records today. One, we are the last people on earth to correct mistakes or point them out. We have made an art form out of spelling words and butchered names. And from time to time have been known to…
Betting On The Pumps! Oh, It’s A Thing. Okay, At Least Is For Me!
Community/Web, Rant
Yesterday fellow Woody Boater Rabbit made a wonderful comment regarding judging.. Well, Here is the comment. I would butcher it. " I judge the quality of my weekends by how much I spend at the gas dock. Use it and use it more." Which reminded…
Are You Torturing Your Boat?
Is your classic boat sitting in your barn on a trailer? When was the last time you went out in her and gave her the chance to exercise? mmmm, Well, if you haven't been out in her so far this year, you are abusing her. YUP! Think of her for…
The Woody Boater Diet. It Was Time To Preserve / Restore..Me!
Funny thing about me, I will spend all my time restoring a boat, car, home, and give away all my time to others, yet never really focus on myself. In fact writing this story is strange, and you may find it surprising, but not a fan of putting…
Are You A Serial Killer? Take The Test, You May Be Shocked At Your Answer.
Community/Web, Rant
Yes, for the record we know you're not out killing people and putting them into your freezer. Unless you really are, in which case we are just talking about your boat issue, not the human one. But, for the sake of having some fun today,…
OK, Who Told the Boatress! Oh Wait. Darn Internet!
Looks like the boatress picked up on my boat lust yesterday and cut the deal on my end off at the knees. Now, to be honest, we hadn't spoken about the U18 and most likely someplace deep in my heart I knew I needed another boat like I needed…
Who Wants To Be The Guy To Give Them The News?
Classic Boats, Rant
The topic of price/value on cruisers is always a hard conversation to have with folks. It helps when the person/owner is just worn out and just wants to get away. Like Willy Nelson says."Why is divorce so expensive? Cause its worth it"
You Can Have A Relationship With A Classic Boat! Yes, That Kind!
Classic Boats, Rant, Uncategorized
Yesterday we touched on the subject that classic boats on the misconception that classic boats are high maintenance. One thing said sparked a thought. I suppose all boats require maintenance, but newer generic boats of course are usually…
Fake News Stories And The Election Cause Issues For The Classic Boat Community.
You have no doubt heard by now of the issue on Facebook and Google regarding Fake news. News that is written on various websites spewing un truths about all sorts of things. From Election stuff to grow hair in a second. Well, during the…
Do You Suffer From PMW – Pre Mature Winterizing?
It's OK, 6 out of every 10 boaters suffer from it. It can be rather emotional and touchy to talk about. But we are here to talk about it in the open. Think of the pain and missed pleasure your partner is missing out. Pre Mature Winterizing…
Woody Boater Needs A Restoration!
Over the past 9 years we have redesigned Woody Boater three times. It's a by product of the ever changing world of social media and how people are consuming information. Over the next couple months we are going to be rethinking stuff. Like…
If Everyone Wins An Award? Is It An Award? You Be The Judge.
Boat Shows, Rant
Yesterdays topic sparked a huge bitch fest behind the scenes regarding all sorts of ACBS judging standards. So we thought, lets bring them out in the light. What the hell, we hav'nt had a good fight in a while. First the entire Judging thing…
Undressing Miss America. NSFW
Art, Rant
A couple weeks ago at the Big Smith Mountain Lake Show, we had the fortunate pleasure to undress Miss America. And yes, for an over 50 year old it was the same feeling as if I was 17, and well, you know, the same as undressing Miss 38th…
The Real Engine That Runs Our Passion – Friendship!
This weekend as many of you know we are prepping the Baby Barrel Back Barn Find, AKA 4Bs to get ready for her public debut at the big Smith Mountain Lake Show next week. As we are plowing through a list of countless little things, I realized…
Think Oil Is Oil? Well Butter My Butt And Call Me Toast.
OK, confession time. For the past month I have been on pins and needles and depressed about oil. The new W was burning through a quart of oil every hour of running at around 2300 RPM. Now. I blamed myself. Was there something I did wrong…
Woody Boater Vs Your Facebook Page.
Boat Shows, Rant
This story is a long time coming and sadly this summer has forced us to speak out so feelings are not hurt. When we started Woody Boater 9ish years ago, facebook and classic boats were not a real big thing. There was some stuff on there,…
The Future Of Classic Boating Speak Up. We Hear You Loud And Clear In Woodyboaterville!
Community/Web, Rant
Yesterday was one of those days that exemplifies why we do this. And yes I had to Google exemplify. We can see traffic stats and know where, wear, were the readers come from, what time of day etc. We have had a hunch that we are reaching…
The Official Woody Boaterese Dictionary Is Now Out. The Top 20 Woody Boaterisms.
Community/Web, Rant
With all the new readers from New Zealand this week, we here at Woody Boater felt it necessary to publish a new dictionary of Woody Boaterese. The official language of WoodyBoaterville. A small community located on a bluff over looking Lake…
Barbi's Dream Boat? Dang! Barbi Was Having More Fun Than I Thought.
Community/Web, RantHere I am cruising eBay for some innocent Classic Boat stuff, and I come across this listing.... As I looked through the listing it started just getting stranger and stranger... Is it just me and my sick mind? If you want to add some music…
Pardon My Wake Of Words. I Got Somth'n To Say!
RantI found this decal on the web. Somehow I made a connection. Sometimes while writing this journal I feel like this guy. Racing through the hobby, creating havoc in my wake of rants and comments. For the record. I love it. This hobby needs a place…
Buying An Antique Boat To Go Boating? You Must Be Kidding!
Art, Classic Boats, RantI was recently asked to participate in an Antique Blog, on well...antiques. At first I thought, heck that would be easy, and fun and a great way to promote the passion of Antique & Classic boating. That was a month ago.…
Who is Joe Martell? Story Breaks Record On Chris Craft Antique Boat Club Boat Buzz.
Community/Web, Rant, Woody BoatersIt all started out as an article in the latest issue of Classic Boating. Preservation vs Restoration Page 24. March - April issue. A very well written article, with lots of knowledgeable information. The story would have stayed in the background…