Meet Ziggy, The Newest Member Of The Woody Boater Family.
Classic Boats, Woody Boaters
Today we officially introduce Ziggy! The Berlin Beuro and Suzy2's new love child. Ziggy is a Portugese Water Dog, like the kids dog was when the they were young. And of course the secret password to almost everything. Not anymore BTW. We…
Stinky Wants To Go Back Home!
Classic Boats, Woody Boaters
Stinky and I went on a morning ride yesterday. Perfect flat water and amazing weather. Anyway we were out there just having a blast, and we had a conversation of sorts. You do know you can talk to your boat. Right. No really. Seriously.…
The Woody Wedding Sausage, Bratwurst?
Boat Shows, Classic Boats, Woody Boaters
The milking of the Woody Wedding is coming to an end. And the Sausage part of any milking is a great way to conclude it all. For those of you new readers, Milking is the term for turning one story into many, and sausage is the collection…
Meet Miss Moonshine – A New Era In Gentleman’s Racers
Art, Classic Boats, Woody Boaters
Kevin Fiztke has done it again. Yup, he made my old cynical jaw drop. I imagine when I am sitting there with my drool cup, Fiztke designs and builds will mostly be to blame. HOLY CRAP! The guy is amazing and is bringing amazing designs to…
Black Duck Hail Mary To Montana On Some Flyer!
Barn Finds, Classic Boats, Woody Boaters
Okay, Meet Black Duck, clearly one of us. Insane, driven and has an eye for the good stuff. I mean I love Mr Duck, and wish he lived near by, cause you know there are always adventures ahead. Not to mention, the balls to leave at night…
Frank Fife, A Sad Farewell At The Railway.
Woody Boaters
A couple weeks ago, we lost one of the great ones. A longtime boatbuilder and general all around joy to be around, Frank Fife passed away and no doubt will be missed bigtime around here in the Reedville area. Frank was one of the few you…
ACBS Announces A Very Special New Annual Award. The Terry Fiest Award.
Boat Shows, Woody Boaters
For over 27 years Terry has been dedicated to making the Sunnyland Lake Dora event making it one of the most important events of the year for the classic boating community. Actually becoming the official opening of the season.
I rode around…
On The Run – Troy Sighting In Reedville!
Woody Boaters
We are officially back on track here in Woodyboaterville. Humans are getting out and about and headed to Florida. Two years in the making. And we got to get a very small taste of that last night with a wonderful dinner with Troy and Sandi,…
The Garwood’s or Gar Wood, Or Garwood The Town, Or?
Woody Boaters
Okay, okay, okay, I know that many of you already know this. But some of us have always been a tad confused about the Gar Wood name. And or, is it one word, or two, and is it a name? Is Gar Wood a real person? Yes. Garfield "Gar" Arthur…
35 Years In The Blink Of An Eye
Woody Boaters
35 years ago, the Boatress and I tied the knot. See, I made this a boat story.. Knot.. 35 years ago she said YES, and has been saying No ever since. But that one YES, has been the gift of my life. The No's just keep me focused, cause I say…
Boating In December, In New Jersey? What?
Classic Boats, Woody Boaters
You open the door to step outside and brace yourself for that hit of chill that seems to find any part of your body to attack it. And boom, it's warm, and nice. Like really nice. And of course the first thing that really hits you is. Hey…
R.I.P Buzz, You Made A Difference
Woody Boaters
We received news yesterday that "Buzz" (Clyde R. Gibb) has passed away at the age of 98 years. Whether you had met Buzz, he was an inspiration to many for so many years - not just as the owner/savior of Thunderbird but as a unique and inspirational…
Gary, Royce, Glen and Rosie, A Story We All Need To Read About Our Wonderful Community
Classic Boats, Woody Boaters
A Huge thanks to longtime Fellow Woody Boater and pal Gary Visser for sending in one of the more emotional story ever to be on Woody Boater. This, this, story right here is what and why we are part of this amazing community. I actually got…
Woody Gal’s Daddy Had One
Classic Boats, Woody Boaters
Want one for yourself? Well DADDY HAD ONE could be yours. Okay, warning, this story could make some Who's on first? turns. So you can skip the bla blah and just click on the ebay link at the bottom of this story. Okay alittle about Daddy…
It’s Mr B’s-irthday!
Community/Web, Woody Boaters
Today we all celebrate Mr B's 1st Birthday! Yup. He is one year old, and brings a smile to my face every day, hour, minute. He has become a great little sidekick, always ready for a boat ride, car ride. Barks at all the gals.. or guys, squirrels,…
We All Owe Wilson Wright A Standing Ovation.
Woody Boaters
Yesterday it was announced that one of the pillars of the classic boat community had passed away in his sleep on sept 2. Wilson Wright of course will be greatly missed, but his legacy lives on with the chris craft club in which he founded.…
Driving Miss Jimmy
Classic Boats, Woody Boaters
The other day Jimmy got YANNON in the water, and whenever he does that, two things happen. My good camera come out, and one of her carbs has issues. YANNON is without doubt one of the most photogenic boats on the planet earth. And her carb…
Sad Breaking News – Bob Johnson (Dr Bob) Passes Away
Woody Boaters
We just got this report in, and are always sad to report this type of news, Bob Johnson AKA Dr Bob embodied what this passion is all about. Fun, laughter and boat rides.A positive force in the community. Ugh.
Bob was a regular…
“Have You Ever Seen A Father And Three Sons Tear Apart A 68 Year Old Outboard’s Carburetor Dockside Over The Open Water?”
Destinations, Woody Boaters
Longtime fellow Woody Boater Andy in Middletown helped out with a great story. Wow, Kidney Stones is a little extreme to ask for stories, but whatever works I guess. Ugh. many of you know Andy in the comment section, and now.. Here he is,…
A Reproduced Birthday For Our Friend Al Schinnerer
Woody BoatersToday we are doing a special best preserved, restored Birthday story for Our Friend Al Schinnerer. This story ran back in 2015 and so we will try and adjust it for today? TODAY - MONDAY Tuesday JUNE 8TH, 2015 2021 is an important day for…
Heart Breaking News! RIP Jaxon!
Woody Boaters
We just got the news from Jim Staib from FineWoodBoats, long time fellow Woody Boater Jaxon passed away suddenly today at 4:59. No cause of death is known. but, I know here on Woody Boater Jaxon will live on forever. He is peeing on Larry…
Sex, Dogs, Railway, And Well, Everything You Love To Hate
Art, Classic Boats, Destinations, Woody Boaters
Today we are due a Railway Update, okay, we are not due I got a lot of stuff done and some good photos, so thats todays story. Its a lifestyle story. Which for the record has been my goal from day one. To celebrate the lifestyle of WoodyBoating.…
Not Just A New Woodyboatermobile, But A New Way To Buy One!
Community/Web, Woody Boaters
As reported several weeks ago, I asked if anyone out there was a Ford dealer. One loooongtime fellow Woody Boater raised his hand and said he could help. And holy crap did he ever. One of our longtime pals, Don Ploetner owns a cool company…
Meet Tara Leigh – She Is More Of What We All Need Right Now!
Community/Web, Woody Boaters
Yesterday Jimmy brought home little Miss Tara Leigh, and Bruiser fell in love. As did we all. With in seconds it was full on combat, dance, play and friendship. And too all of us, a break and the joy of knowing they were gonna wear each…
Sad Breaking News – Paul Miklos Passes Away.
Community/Web, Woody Boaters
Very sad news to report, fellow Woody Boater Thomas Drozd sent us this crushing report, and I can not have said it any better. And for sure not spelled it better. Ugh, A true loss to a great family!
Today we lost a lifetime Century Boat…
William Jackson – The Seaflea King
Art, Classic Boats, Woody Boaters
Today, the day after Christmas, I thought it would be fun to give you a chance to use that new phone or ipad to watch some cool stuff. Also don't even bother to try and download the Woody Boater App. It's a train wreck and has been left…
Meet “Bruiser”, The Newest Member Of The Woody Boater Family!
Woody Boaters
Say hello to Bruiser, 4.3 lbs of pure energy and trouble. Nothing is safe around the house, car, boat, barn. And I wouldn't have it any other way. Bruiser is pure party animal and has zero fear, which of course scares us. And at 8 weeks…
Making Tough Calls, Terry Fiest, You Are “The Man”
Community/Web, Woody Boaters
Yesterdays sad announcement that the Lake Dora Show will be canceled drew some mixed reviews. SHOCK! I am being sarcastic BTW. In todays climate of crazy, it's comforting to know that there are leaders like Terry at the helm of even a small…
It Can’t Be. Gary Beck Passes Away.
Community/Web, Woody Boaters
We have some very sad news to let our little close community know about the sudden passing of longtime fellow WoodyBoater Gary Beck. I was informed by his good friend and fellow Woody Boater Steve Moser.
At first I was confused. Is…
A Visit From An Old And Young Friend! Alex and Salter Make A Special Visit.
Art, Woody Boaters
The other day I got a note from LOOOOOOOONGtime fellow Woody Boaters Alex and Salter Watson. They were in Maryland on their boat and would be stopping in Reedville at some point. For those of you kinda new to Woody Boater, Alex Watson and…
Bob Shapton – Michigan Boat & Engine
Art, Classic Boats, Restorations, Woody Boaters
If you are a comment reader you will no doubt recognize longtime fellow Woody Boater Bob Shapton. Bob is passion, and drive all bundled up in a very fun and kind human being. And one more reason to smile that our community is strong and…
Brian Robinson – Family, Family, and Family. Then Boats. Ya, Glorious Boats.
Art, Community/Web, Woody Boaters
Chances are you have already heard of Brian Robinson. One of the first Young Guns and still gunning for perfection. Brian represents the best of all we can hope for in our community. Smart, nice, talented, and shares information. And here…
Reuban Smith’s Tumblehome Boatshop.
Art, Classic Boats, Community/Web, Woody Boaters
Reuban Smith opened up his doors to his own business about 10 years ago, and it's been full throttle since then. Reuban is very well known and loved up in the Lake George area. And the boatshop is way over the top cool. Its a combination…
Self Proclaimed Wood Butcher Seth Kiedaisch
Art, Community/Web, Woody Boaters
I hope this week has been as fun for you as it has been for me. It's mind blowing to see the artistry of our younger community. And illustrates what I have been saying about our classic boat culture's transference to an art form vs boat…
A Shameless Plug For What I Am Most Proud About. Just One Click Is All I Ask.
Art, Boat Shows, Classic Boats, Community/Web, Rant, Woody Boaters
Sorry, today is being hijacked by my kids. I am so proud of them and what they are doing and surviving the pandemic with passion and hard work. You may have noticed the banner LOWTIMERS on the site. That's their company in New Orleans. Talk…
10 Universal Truths – Welcome To The Wonderful World Of Classic Boats.
Art, Classic Boats, Woody Boaters
This year more than any other year we have been doing this, I feel a huge swell of new Woody Boaters. It's wonderful and exciting. And from talking to many of the brokers, the under 30K boats are selling briskly. Which is entry level stuff.…
Cobra Tortures 10 Year Old On Lake Winnipesaukee!
Art, Community/Web, Woody Boaters
We got a fun, and relatable story from longtime fellow Woody Boater Ben Lasher. Somehow we are all still 10 years old around our boats. And an sliver of the joy we all bring folks when we roar across the water. Ya never know what other 10…
From The Secret Robinson Files. Every 25 Sportsman Listed.
Classic Boats, Woody BoatersWell, today if you are into specs stats and lists. You may want to put on some plastic on your key board.. Cause this is gonna blow your mind. Brian Robinson shared one of his special lists that he creates. Yes, people do this and it's insane.…
It’s Lily Day! Proof That There Is Good In This World.
Art, Classic Boats, Woody Boaters
If you are a longtime Woody Boater you know how special Lily is to us all here. Lily and WoodyBoater have grown up together. With all the negative drama going on out there in the click bait universe, Lily is a wonderful reminder of the joy…
I Like My Trawlers On The Rocks.
Classic Boats, Community/Web, Woody Boaters
It aint a boat trip until you get towed! Sweet Pea decided that she wanted to run up on some rocks. Not me, It's Sweet Pea's fault. Yup. ROCKS! WTF ROCKS, Like not marked, nothing ROCKS. Thanks Coast Guard who removed a light house, and…
An Interview With The Future Of Classic Boating. Owen Turner.
Woody Boater of the Month, Woody Boaters
A huge thanks to fellow Woody Boater Of the Month, Owen Turner for doing this special interview with us. If you want to get a snap shot of our future leaders in our community, here ya go. Hurry though, they grow up way to fast.
Sad News – Dick Werner Passes Away
Community/Web, Woody Boaters
A NOTE TO TODAYS READERS (FRIDAY) We are going to keep this story going. The outpouring of love and honor has been amazing, close to double the visitors yesterday, and many will be here today reading this for the first time. Below is the…
SAD BREAKING NEWS – Charles Mistele Passes Away!!!
Woody Boaters
We are getting reports from several reliable sources that our pal, and good friend Charles Mistele passed away last night. We are still not sure of what, but it was sudden. I had just spoken through email with Charles a couple days ago as…
Scarlet, Sweet Scarlet. A Sad Farewell.
Classic Boats, Woody Boat of the Month, Woody Boaters
It's with a heavy, heavy heart we report the passing of a true and loyal Woody Boater. Miss Scarlet who was always ready for a boat ride and road trip. Scarlet never, NEVER left Jimmy's side. Work, play, eating out. You name it, Scarlet…
Sad News – Pat Curtin Passes Away
Woody Boaters
We are always sad to report the passing of a fellow Woody Boater, and many of you know who Pat Curtin was, but in case you are wondering. Pat is the guy behind all the On Golden Pond Boats.
Pat Curtin was also marine coordinator on…
Gone Fish’n Woody Boater Style
Art, Classic Boats, Community/Web, Woody Boaters
A huge thanks to Bob Kays and Allen Makin and family for sharing a wonderful heart warming story from Lake Hopatcong. Trust me, it will renew any little bit of bitter faith you have left in humanity to know that such goodness is still strong…
The Official And Unofficial Obituaries of Joseph Turcotte.
Community/Web, Woody Boaters
As sadly promised here is an update of the tragic passing of one of the pillars of our community Joe Turcotte. This was published in the Post Star and linked here. But we also are publishing it here.
Jan. 9, 1981 — Sept. 26, 2019
A Very Sad Farewell To A True Woody Boater
Community/Web, Woody Boaters
It is with a true heavy heart that we announce the passing of one of the great contributors to our community and culture. Paul Mikkelson. Paul's collection, Museum and passion for classic boats made a huge impact on our collective passion.…