Are You Ready For The Big Day? Over 25 Card Ideas!

It’s that time of year again!
As we say every year, one of the biggest days of the year is Valentines Day. It’s that special day when you can tell your loved one how much you love them and let them know they are #1 in your heart. Not your boat, that’s what the other 364 days are for. click on the card you like, they enlarge and print and customize. If clicking doesn’t work, right click to see image. I have tried to clean up so you can customize. Good luck!
Come on! You can do it

Just click and the images blow up! Print and customize

Even if you have an outboard, we have a card for you

Perhaps a little glitter to spice up that valentine

I like “Waking” up next to you! See, you can get creative with the card art

Got your eye on a raceboat, and need a little hint? Maybe you paint Let’s Be Valentines on the actual boat.

Got a loved one named Bob?

No Glitter.

Need a cruiser? Here is your card

Are you feeling guilty? We got a card for ya. Maybe you change it to “I’M STEARIN ‘CLEAR OF ALL THE OTHER BOATS’ CAUSE..

1 Knot! YNOT!

Dog lover? Jaxon have we got a card for you!

A special card for the Harrisons!

RUF water?


Had a boat sink this year?

Goes with a nice dozen roses.

A Wonderful card. Especially if you just scared the crap out of her with your new 454 X18 Jet boat. It’s been long enough that it may be funny?

Then give her this one. PUTT-PUTT

Wear your hat when you give her or him this

Boat rides are great for love. Below is how I customized one.

Just cut in photos

Want to upgrade to a larger boat? You may need to paint a huge red heart on the bow. But? Worth it?

We even have a Hickman Sea Sled Card

Wake board goodness

From Mike Mayer of Oswego Boat Co. . He actually tried it! Mike it was nice to know you. But thank god you live on the other side of the country.The Chocolate bars was a stroke of genus!
How about naming your boat “Isle of view’?
Hey Matt, is it possible to copy a card and paste it in an email?
Mike D, just put your cursor over the card you want to save, right click your mouse and click on “copy image” and then go to your email provider and click on compose email. In your email composition, right click your cursor in the text portion of your message and right click your cursor and select “paste”. It will paste the image you selected into the body of your email text. Then fill in the address to whom you are sending it to and fill in the subject of the email and hit send. You might want to add your message/salutation down below the image.
Yes, drag to desktop and you will have a jpg file
Cards don’t taste as good as TREATS!! I save a treat and always get hit on!!
Great post.
It would have been better had the lead in flag hoist had said something clearer than I M _ N Love
Neat cards! I think you’ve out done yourself this year.
Great cards. Thank you
Should have listened last year. Went with Flowers AND Jewelry! Found them on the seat of my car with a sticker.
thanks woodyboater!!!
Just heard that there is seven feet of snow on the docks at Obexer’s in Tahoe.
My marriage and my life has greatly improved since these cards have been made available.
Thanks Woodyboater!
Looks like the Chris Craft site got hacked again. No Cyrillic characters in the messages like last time but nefarious sites non the less.
Thanks Floyd. This should be better than the dozen roses I was going to buy.
Do you NOT know ‘Reality’ ?
Great cards Matt thanks.