Cleaning Up Leftovers From Wood And Water II

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One of my favorite boats of all time! Bob Shapton is the man! – Dane Anderson

What can one say about the epic Woods And Water event that hasn’t now been said a bazillion times on ever social media platform known to mankind. I know many of you don’t use all the platforms, sadly I have to for a multitude of reasons, and its been a visual overload. Like walking through a mall during the Christmas Holidays. Anyway, there is a pile of unseen images on my laptop that where left out because…well..because my head hurt and had to keep some sort of focus. And we all like some scraps to keep us going through the morning after.

Happiness is a splash party GO SHANNON! – Holly Weber

WOOD and WATER! – Holly Weber

Am I gonna need to stop the boat? We will get there when we get there.  – Dane Anderson

A day at the docs – Dane Anderson

WOW – Dane Anderson


Lots of cameras – Dane Anderson


What it’s all about – Dane Anderson

There is more to GUTZY and her special racerness. – Dane Anderson

YELLOW – Dane Anderson

Just one of three boathouses at the Lee Anderson Museum

Live music – Dane Anderson


Showing a little leg!  While someone is having a heart attack? – Holly Weber

I am digg’n the top. Love it – Dane Anderson


Details…wait.. I know this boat, I know how this is propped. – Dane Anderson

OWEN! With the Shapton magic touch! – Dane Anderson


Barrel Back..Home – Dane Anderson

Barrel Dash – Hornet II – Dane Anderson


If you ever imagined what paradise looks like to us in Woodyboaterville. Here is a snapshot of it. – Dane Anderson


The ride of a lifetime – Dane Anderson

Spray it… I love the simplicity of it all – Dane Anderson

BUFFY the Anxiety Slayer. – Dane Anderson

Oh that old thing! Amazing – Dane Anderson

PERFECTION – Dane Anderson



12 replies
    • Brock
      Brock says:

      I think Anything related to old boats is worth reading. I enjoy that variety at Woodyboater. Yesterday, I looked at all the amazing photographs then went out to polish my Feathercraft and when I came in, I looked like I’d spent the day working in a coal mine. Loved it.

  1. Dave Bortner
    Dave Bortner says:

    Thank you, Matt, for sharing our fun with all the folks in Woodyboaterville!

    Our annual Land O Lakes chapter show, August 23, 2025, will feature race boats at Bar Harbor, many of the boats folks saw displayed in the collections we toured will be seen in the water!

  2. Shannon K
    Shannon K says:

    I may be biased but those are some good leftovers! Thanks to all the photographers who captured memories of this amazing week. We are being chased by a boat across Michigan’s upper peninsula, back to reality!


    We had fun at the bleacher seats, aka Zorbaz with the 17 feet and under boats. Kinda sad that there were no signs directing spectators at Bar Harbor that 30 more classic boats were a block away at Zorbaz.

  4. JD
    JD says:

    Oh! SO many moving parts to planning a week of activities, and it may have been an unfortunate oversight not to have had signage at Bar Harbor indicating a second display at Zorbas. However, live announcements were made both days of the show at Bar Harbor – at approximately 30-min intervals – directing attendees not to miss the other half of “The Show Too Big For Just One Marina”, to be seen over at the Zorbas docks. Attendees could walk the 1/4 mile or take the shuttle busses running every 5-mins or so. Feedback was the foot traffic on the docks at Zorbas was good. We’d perfected the tech to have the same background music & announcements heard at both locations simultaneously, but Zorbas had their own DJ/live entertainment for their regular weekend crowd . . . so our audio link was not used.


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