Decorate A La Woody Boater Thanks To Ebay!
Have a man cave or rustic summer cottage? Well, today is another lucky day for you. cause on ebay is what could be the center piece of your new home decor. Now the trick here is to not over do it. Woody plates, pillows and curtains may be a bit over kill. OK, it may kill it all and your home will start looking like one of those guys that collects everything with Bozos on them. The Bozo shrine. That’s not what we are talking about here. We are talking about a simple Lamp, that’s an antique.
It’s even got a bad wire to prove that its old. But just imagine it in the family room. I know you can, your wife though imagines it back on ebay. Thats why you have to trad lightly……. get it..…. Cough cough.. Try the veal. Anyway, it;s Saturday and the end of the warmth out there, so get out there. Bid on the lamp and be reminded all winter of your passion and the small bit of warmth it will generate will be a soothing reminder of the joy that is called Summer!
crickets ….
A sure bet its the only one in existence!
Was is carved by a Smith when he wasn’t carving a decoy?
You could make the idea workwith a SAIL boat, but the cruiser with the big square on top is not working for me.