REWIND STORY OF A REWIND STORY – Set Your Classic Boat Clock Forward?

TODAYS STORY IS A REWIND RERUN STORY, WHY? Well, this seems to be the same situation every year, and that in itself confuses me, and since I am obsessed with trying to freeze time, it makes my head hurt. So enjoy the story. again.. and again..

Baby Chick – Stuck in time
I apologize ahead of time for what may me a time rabbit hole. All this moving the clock around confuses me enough, since I always work on an internal clock. For some odd reason, I can say before I go to bed, Wake up at 5AM and at 4:59 I wake up. Been this way for decades. Even after going to bed at 3AM. Its crazy. So moving clocks around is just strange. I suppose if I move the clock forward an hr now, did I loose that hour?

Aaaaaaand! Do I add an hr to the hour meter? If I don’t can I claim an hr less on the engine?
And if I die, or move to the west coast before we move the clocks backwards, do I forever loose that time? And to take it further, when I was born and it was in between times changes, so am I really 1 hour younger or older?

“It’s Always A Good Time For A Boat Ride” clock!

What if the clock is old and runs slow anyway, do you set it back to the slower time? Set it ahead so it corrects itself over time?
Now to many this may not make all that of a difference, but as a Varnish sniffer, I am sure there is some sort of measure as to how many hours I have taken off my life. Like smoking. So.. One hour is really two hours give or take? I warned you, this was a rabbit hole.

If you dont wind them, they are correct at least twice a day
I live in a deadline world, Weekends, holidays are just concepts. Getting the job done regardless of anything. Is my time. I live in two week deadlines. So, setting my clock forward? Sure, whatever. It gave me another story, and I am one hour closer to Lake Dora!

If you had this, I would never sleep! Thanks Jim Staib for the photo!
Well if you’re in the middle of a refinish job now it takes varnish another hour to set. How about if you’re charging by the hour does the client pay for that hour or do you have to eat it. What if I make a cup of coffee at 1:59 AM? Now I have to throw it out and make a new cop at 2 because I’m not drinking an hour old cup. Maybe I’ll just go back to bed.
So will the first watch ring 3 bells twice then skip to 6 bells?
and tying in to previous days posts Winslow Homers Painting “8 Bells” is second only to his Painting “Breezing Up (a fair wind)” as two of my favorite nautical paintings, and
which reminds me of my family sailing adventures on the Chesapeake Bay as a youth… the early morning smell of the bilge and musty cotton sails and lines would be replaced by days end with a crusty coating of saltwater and sunburn.. This is what started my love and passion for Wood Boats and tho the smells are now gas and varnish, they still bring back those fond memories
The Schatz Ships Bell in my office always draws a new victim in when they ask why my clock is broken…. (ringing on the watch system) They are then in for a 5 minute education which morphs to a discussion about Wooden Boats… Just face to face conversations and people remember and regularly ask when Im going boating ..
You never meet anyone who likes changing clocks twice a year, yet Congress has been incapable of stopping this nonsense for decades.
I think I might just set all my clocks to 5:15 and leave them there. Not sure how to do that with these new fangled digital one s though.
Finally the clock in my truck reads the correct time! One day I will learn to set it. Like me it’s right half the time.
With all the clocks here you would think I would be more punctual.
A wise old Native American described daylight saving time as cutting a foot off the top of a blanket and sewing it to the bottom of the blanket to make the blanket longer.
A stopped clock is right two times a day. Thats more than some people are.
“It’s 5 o’clock somewhere”
How about this, don’t change your clock just change the time that you get up, the time you go to bed, the time you go to work, the time you knock off, the time you go to dinner, etc..
I guess us humans just aren’t smart enough, we need someone else dictating that for us. I wonder who decided this for us?? 🧐
I had an old timer friend who would say that in the spring we don’t lose an hour we SAVE an hour. I guess in his mind we would taking out of our time savings account in the fall and use it.
Now these are my kind of clocks.
(images may be subject to copyrights)
I woke up on the boat this morning at reset the clock….due to be warm….it was…sunny it was not….went boating….Dora soon!
John in Va.
Without Facebook I would not know what time it really is.
Today should be the last time (no pun) that I have to find all the clocks and set them forward. From British Columbia South to Californeyiah the West coast is planing on going to daylight savings year around.
My boats don’t have clocks because there is no purpose!
Did someone mention Lake Dora? Sunny and 74 degrees today – – 86 degrees Monday – –
A clock for 2022!
What time is it? …
Time to help Matt get this story off the ground
WW2 Navy plane
This little one I am guessing is another military one but not sure. It’s just a little larger than a quarter
My First 1958 silver arrow originally from RODI CHRIS-CRAFT FLA. Brought to OHIO by a Ohio Doctor I purchase it from second owner.In 1979 with bad motor installed 1970 350
Folks, don’t forget what our famous “Friend AOC” said about daylight time:
She is not in favor of daylight time, because an extra hour of sunlight causes an increase in global warming……….yep.
Couldn’t find a pervy photo of your wife to go with todays story Bill?
Daylight Saving Time Spoof Story Not Real
Last year I finished a varnish job at midnight and at 1AM it was still tacky like an hour hadn’t even passed. The tea I made at midnight was also still got at 1PA. Is this the real magic hour? Of course, this past Fall the tea I had at 1AM traveled back in time and was suddenly available at midnight before I even made it.
🎶 Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care.🎶
Do you have any background or info on this clock you showed in the spring ahead time issue. Is it a Chris Craft clock or a standard issue on CC yachts or cruisers? Thanks for the great work and imagination you provide each week.
Here ya go
Thanks very much Matt! See many of these on Chris Crafts?
This is a dumb ritual for early morning folks. We have to wait an extra hour to see the sun rise!
Time Time Time is on my side, Yes it is!
Part of my shop collection of antique impulse clocks. Day Light Saving change is almost a ritual here.
Enough! – I’m clocking out now… 😉
I m already down an hour, I have no time for this nonsense! Time to go! Have a good time today everyone!
My ‘39 Chris Custom actually has a clock in the dash….. but it’s only correct during the summer !