Found Negatives From The Kays Files
Bob Kays found these old negatives that he had never seen before and had them printed. They are from 1956 or 1957, before Bob was born. Shot at the same house he lives in during the summer on Raccoon Island in the middle of Lake Hopatcong New Jersey
Gotta say Bob, nothing is more special than finding old photos you have never seen of your family! And for those interested in Raccoon island. Its a time warp special place smack dab in the middle of New Jersey. Feels like you are in 1925 in Maine, you have to take a short ferry to the island and poof, you are 5 hours away from Manhattan. Lake Hopatcong is just 45 minutes from NYC, so you get an idea of how very special this little Island really is.
Great photos and story. Thanks for sharing Bob and Matt.
Old photo’s are the best. It’s part of what concerns me about all our digital “phone” photos or today. How will any future generation ever find them?
Thanks Bob!
Any guesses what the white boat is in picture? This gang should know!
That was my thought – 🙂
Higgins was my initial thought this morning also.
Great negative/pictures Bob and Matt. It looks like Papa Kay’s drinking a Rheingold beer in the first picture. I believe that is a 25 or 35 Gale Buccaneer on that Higgins. Definitely some history coming to life.
Yes, appears to be a 1948? 19’ Higgins double cockpit runabout. The vents in this picture are in the same location, 2 forward on the covering boards and 2 back on the engine hatch along with 2 of 3 large Higgins step pads on the starboard side (one obscured by the outboard’s windshield.
The outboard looks like an Atlas Royal 25.
Private label outboard produced by Gale for Atlas Supply.