Jimmy Is Here And Wants To Know If You Can Come Out And Play?

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Jimmy is at the door!

It’s like I am 10 again. Jimmy is here and wants to know if you can come out and play. HELL TO THE YES!  I was up on a scaffolding painting and heard the rumble of fun out on the water. JIMMY! I leaped down, grabbed my camera and away we went. THIS IS WHAT LIFE IS ABOUT!

Drive by shooting

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Stinky cranked right up. Dropped her in the drink and ripped out there. She runs so well. 2.500 RPM for an hour of fun. The most fun was being able to photograph another boat and friends.

I brought out the big camera

Of course it was just me, so I would have to hold the camera while making sure I dont die. Stinky is one small boat when sitting out on the water. She loves to move.

I got soaked.. AND LOVED IT

Oh hell ya

Did we sink him?

The pose

The 24 Sportsman is a tank, stable and amazing

Scarlet is perfect. New Katzs Bottom. NOT ONE DROP OF WATER IN THE BILGE, and a new 350 V8. She runs like a dream. Zero issues and a dad faster than the 430 Lincoln. So sit back, and enjoy the first day of fun this year. The years number shall no longer be mentioned. Oh we all know what year it is. That year!

Bird! my A.D.D was basking in all the surroundings! And I was just rolling along! What a moment of joy! Thanks jimmy and Lynn for the break from all this.


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10 replies
  1. Jeff Funk
    Jeff Funk says:

    A good story and photos first thing Sunday, put a smile on my face. Finally did our first boating of the season yesterday. Whew, and just in time.

  2. m-fine
    m-fine says:

    We should be launching boats here in less than a week. Hopefully!

    How is the V8 for WECATCHEM project coming along?

  3. Mark in Ohio (dreaming of da U P )
    Mark in Ohio (dreaming of da U P ) says:

    Get Out There, Go Boating Today. How ever you want to phrase it. I think a good bnoatride would help me right now. Neat shots.

  4. Ronald
    Ronald says:

    Thank You Matt, you made me smile/laugh today, something I needed, The 24 Sportsman is one hell of a boat and now better with new power and bottom, My wife and I had the pleasure of riding in one years ago at the ACBS boat show in Hiawassee Georgia. Owner told me it had a 454 and one of the reasons he liked it was the sides were so deep he could not get drunk and fall out lol, I hope you and Jimmy know how fortunate you are to have a home on the water with boats on lifts. Thanks for this story today

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