Love Is The Fuel That Keeps Us All Afloat


One year ago

Today we celebrate on of the most powerful forces in the universe. LOVE. One of my favorite quotes regarding love is from Mahatma Gandhi, “Where there is Love, There is Life”. It sums it all up so powerfully. That is the definition of life. We are blessed in this little community to be the type of people that find love in all sorts of ways.

Yesterday. You can see the love in his eyes. Wow.

So today, hopefully in some small way we can just sit back and enjoy the joy of “us” and the community we are, together.

One of my favorite moments

Family is love

Lyman Love

Grandpa Love

Paul and Karen

Pass it on


Its why we Love our Virginia LOVE at HQ

Big Red

Family love we have all shared for over a decade

Family is always first in our community

Sunset love

She likes life guards

Headed out for a ride is life

Generations of love and life

That look! Right there. THATS LIFE!

Happy Valentines Day to all of you.  Life is here today for sure.


20 replies
  1. River Rat
    River Rat says:

    Wow two shots of Lyman Love. Already stepped into garage 15 feet away and gave Katie Ann a hug. Gotta love ❤ a Lyman. Then I will hug my wife ❤ 😍 💖 ❣ 💕 💘 ❤

  2. Chad
    Chad says:

    I don’t need anything except LOVE.

    …and this ashtray, this remote control, this paddle game,
    this magazine and this chair. That’s all that I need.

  3. Murdock
    Murdock says:

    I’d never make it without her.
    After forty-plus years of putting up with me, there’s a place in heaven for her.
    Express lane.

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