Naming The Barrel Back Barn Find!

Not the graphics, just names today. This one is an homage to the Stars on the flag, and her being known now.
It’s been several weeks now and still no name. And trust us, we have tried. ALOT. By the way thanks Dan Nelson of Nelson Boat Works for stealing the best name ever. “OLD GLORY” for the little racer you restored a couple years ago. But we need to move on. Below is a short list of the names we have thought of, and some of her history to see it unleashes any creativity.
FADED GLORY – Depressing
GLORY – Not bad, but kinda close to OLD GLORY, dam you Dan Nelson, you took all the Glory out of this.
LIBERTY – Taken by a Dumas Model Co.

Dumas Model, comes with little rat turds.. Really!
DIXIE – Racist
PEACHES, She is from Georgia. But not pink.
VELMA – The name of the original owners wife.

The river we live on

Like a race boat? Wait she is a race boat. A baby barrel back

Like Yankee. And yes, YANKEE DOODLE is taken. This is also my nick name for my son. He is an artist.

Yankee Doodle a customers racer at the Antique Boat Center!

STINKY – This is the name the boatress keeps calling it without realizing she is naming the boat. We also live in a town with a fish factory.

A fun race name?

Another fun race name

We would paint the deck in a bold American flag way?

Like Southern? YAWN

What about a made up history, like she raced for Pepsi? NA. To fake

There is no Miss Wicomico here. To small of a boat?

My Fathers name to his grandchildren

The last name of the previous owner

Ole” Blue is a fun tribute

The Boatress fathers nick name

No need to explain

Kinda American

BUNNY – My fathers nick name. The boat is fast like a bunny? maybe it will reproduce some more?

BARREL BABY – Like a race name based on her size and unique design

ZIPPY!, Miss Zippy, Zip?

UNCLE SAM – The guy who owned it was UNCLE GEORGE,, so close
MISS BUTTS – She is from BUTTS county GA
RAT TURD – hey, it is what it is.
FAT HEAD – The aluminum head is fatter than the cast iron one.
SPARKY – Not sure why? Its just short fun name. but not sure I want it to live up to that name.
FREEDOM – time out on the lake with some American pride.
REMEMBER – She was delivered on Sept 11…..1936 though.
“lil’Chris – Fun race name
A couple rules, it must sound like it was named in the 30’s, 40’s. And thats about it.
Here is a bit of her history to help.
She was originally delivered on Sept 11,1936 to Atlanta GA, Purchased by Uncle George Maddox and his wife Velma, in 1945 and it raced on Jackson Lake GA in Butts County. All she was known as is Maddox’s Red White and Blue racer. She originally had a red leather interior, and still has her original “H” engine with Aluminum Head. She is also covered in fiberglass, so we did explore “UNDER GLASS” stuff. See this isn’t so easy is it. And it must be perfect. Have fun today.
Yankee Doodle
Forget Yankee Doodle, just re read .
it’s obvious to me UNCATCHABLE
Patriot has a nice ring to it for a red,white and blue b oat.
There are a lot of Liberty’s out there.
I kind of like Fat Head. You can always claim Suzy named it for you since you have named some for her.
Light Head – Since Aluminum is lighter than Steel
Tribute – Along the Red, White and Blue theme
Or would it be
Lite Head – Than again we are in WoodyBoaterVille so who cares.
Small boat so “Little Miss Wicomeco” or just Little Miss
PS: I would not name it anything to do with the glass over. I suspect that will be taken off one day. Be it by you or the next owner. Jimmy?
Think about it ??
How about just “MERICA”
Blue by You
How about “BBBF”.
You could go the Ford route and name it after your mistress.
“For Sale”
“Betsy Ross” “Miss Betsy” etc.
“Thayer III”
“Suzy II”
Captain America
I like boats with Super Hero names.
How about ‘Murica
Freedoms Glory
Finders Keepers
Free at Last
… REBEL ….
American Spirit
“Remember” or “Patriot” – to just look at her she embodies the USA.
48 Stars
The amount of stars on the flag in 1936.
How about “Mischief”? I like the idea of getting into mischief while on the water!
“Baby B” seems quite appropriate for the little barrel. It also sounds right for the time period too. I would go w/ that.
Why does it even need a name? It’s gone this long without one.
Seems silly to force it into a name all of a sudden. If it needs one it will earn one, give it some time.
But if you really need one, how about Remy (the rat from Ratatouille)
TRUMP its gonna be great again!
only name it zippy if it smokes! than paint zippy pictures on the sides.
Independence Day
Chew Mail Pouch
Miss Southern Belle
PATRIOT is nice. I also like LIGHT HEADED, similar to what Troy suggested.
Piston Happy
“Barn Free”
Mogano it means mahogany in italian.
Greets chris mogano shipbuilding.
Bunny gets too close for comfort. I’ve called my lawyers.
Mason Dixon
Barn Lady
I really like Patriot. A couple other thoughts are Short and Sweet, Short and Sassy, or Little Sweetie. Stain and varnish the transom before you put the name on!
Mr. Smith (ie Mr. Smith goes to Washington)
In Cahoots
Killer Diller
Nine One One
or Nine Eleven
(Date it was delivered)
Barn Free
How about “Barn Find”
– Wico Babe
– First couple of letters of your wifes name and yours
Can everybody in the country agree to stop using Murica or Merica or any other spelling of THAT modern idiom. I don’t know how it started, but every time I see it, it lowers my IQ.
Flying Staves
Miss Spelled
Hahaha. I am saving TYPO for when I get a riva. But miss spelled is funny as hell!
… what she is — “Hidden Gem”.
Blue Blub
Here’s some 30’s slang terms that seemed kinda funny and appropriate for a scrappy little race boat:
“Abyssinia” This means “I’ll be seeing you” and if you say it really fast you will be able to actually hear it as you say the word.
“Golddigger” Attractive young woman (or old boat) actively hunting for a rich man.
“Honey Cooler” A kiss.
“Shake A Leg” Hurry up.
“Bee’s Knees” An extraordinary person, thing, idea; the ultimate also “Cat’s Meow”.
“Big Six” – a strong man; from auto advertising, for the new and powerful; six cylinder engines (appropriate for the rare engine?)
“Copacetic” – Wonderful, fine, all right
“Hayburner” – (1) a gas guzzling car (2) a horse (or old boat) one loses money on
“Struggle Buggy”. the backseat of a car (where young couples made out)
“Wooden Nickels” don’t take any – that meant “don’t do anything stupid – take care of yourself.”
“Hot dawg!” Great!; also: “Hot socks!”
“Ish Kabibble!”: “Who cares?”, “No worries!”
Just run out side and down to the end of the dock, take a big breath and yell VELMA at the top of your lungs. If it feels good then go with it.
How about inspiration from some WWII nose art…
“Victory Girl” seems patriotic enough and a great name for a racer! (I know, just names… you don’t have to use the great graphic)
My 2nd choice would be Arnie’s “Barn Again”… clever!
“Wood Smith”
Saving (G)eorges (Race)boat – Saving Grace
Barrel Of Fun
Miss Speled
Yes, if you go with “Miss Spelled” yough kneed two spehl sumthing rong.
Barn Baby
(Since she was born again.)
Denis D
Red, White and Poo
All 1930s slang:
How about “Muse”? I am sure your wife is thinking that this boat is taking over your love affairs.
Since it so well aged – Pickled Barrel – not assuming you drink at all
Of the one’s you listed I prefer “Old Blue”
How about Wahoo
You do live in Virginia
Luck of the draw. Or last dance. Maybe even rides again
Red white and blue by you!
All these (great) names…you’ll need an LED highway billboard type transom that changes with every blink of an eye. Not sure they come in 6 volt.
Oops, there’s another name—Blink
Flew the Coop (left the barn)
A 1939 term:
Over A Barrel
Dixie…racist? Our ACBS club is the Dixieland chapter, racist? I think Dixie is the perfect name for her.
Yup! I am clueless to this stuff since I am a middle aged white guy. I at first thought it was perfect as well. But I asked around to a diverse group of folks and 100% said the same thing. Resist !
Matt, Who sold it new in Atlanta? Also at some point in its life it went unregistered for a while before the mid 60’s. Georgia was still using 3 digit numbers into the mid 60’s. When they went to 4 digit number we had to add a 0 to my fathers boat which was a 1954 chris craft.
I like Velma, short sweet & simple. A common name of the time. Of course I love WOOHOO! But I’m saving that for my Riva!
Not sure who the dealer was but will know more once I can get the hull card. The more I hear Velma the more it grows on me for its meaning. But miss spelled or miss spelt is also fun
Red White and Blew by You
What about – Out of the Blue!
My Grandmother who ran the business after my Grandfathers death gave my Dad and his brother one of these for the summer when they were 7 and 8 years old. She never rode in it until late in the season when the boys convinced her to go for a ride with them. Bad move on their part. After experiencing the performance she promptly took it away and sold it and replaced with a Mullins Sea Eagle. The name on the racer was Miss Liberty. I think yours should be “INDECISION”
I am late to the part but Betsy Ross!!
How about “Scarlett,” after Margret Mitchell’s literary queen of Georgia?
Someone also mentioned “Barn Again.” That’s a great one, too.
Georgia Gal
I suggest “Amelia” after Amelia Earhart, who went missing in 1937.
Perfection! Because that is what she will be when you are done!
68 RESORTER FG. Lake of the Ozarks, MO. Name it after my picture. M&M
She did come from the Bible Belt…..
I suggest “Revival”…..
Right now is narrowed down to two names. One that came in today! So keepm coming.
Miss Spelt
And WERACEM a partner name to WECATCHEM
Do this in the colors of the old enlistment posters.
Wicomico Flash
Cracker, politically incorrect? And
Lil’ Blue. I still like Velma.
A day late and dollar short… But I am casting a vote for “WRRACEM” Andy came up with a stellar name for her!! I am also bias and partial to anything “race” related on the racing runabouts as my father’s ’54 is “Racer’s 19″…
How about Miss Liberty Belle