New Audio Feature Here At Woody Boater, Is It Worth It?
Yesterday mid day we added a new feature to Woody Boater, audio reading of all this glorious copy. Why? Well, because it’s possible, and may help some who have difficulty reading this magnificent prose. So? How does it work? See that little speaker icon on the upper left. click on that and then highlight the text you want read. Thats it.
Now, this is where it can get more fun. If we all like this feature, I can pay for an upgrade to get different voices, and adjust them, AND it will also read it it a bunch of different languages. So this of course leads me to a question, if my butchered spelling is so bad, is English one of those? Anyway, have fun with it.

what are they saying
Regarding voice activated writing, as in transcribing your comments and so on, that may be something you need to do with your computer or phone.
Oh how fun! Can we get AI to copy your voice so you can tell us the story…kinda in person? How much!?
Personally Im still old school and prefer to read hard copy books where I can turn the pages and go back and reread a section…And unless the voice can have more inflection and emotion, Ill still read it. Now it may be appreciated by those who have difficulty reading or other accessibility issues so I applaud the effort.
If you had an AI bot that would mimic your voice and tone that would be different … 🙂
But as always, applaud your efforts to continually improve our daily morning reading experience
Waiting for the thaw in Virginia…..
Technology is amazing. Maybe our old friend Edna could talk to us!
Trying to find a shot of Edna, I hope she is still alive and wasnt lost in the GREAT PURGE of 2022
Dang, you had me worried for a while!
Here is the story on her when she was “Let GO” I needa Parts was her full name
There seems to be a blank space below so keep scrolling for more comments
Will the AI person mispronounce some of the words so it would be like your misspelling of words?
Reading the articles with the misspellings is what makes Woodyboater.
Cold here in Northern Illinois.
Frank@Falmouth perfectly expressed my thoughts on this addition. Waiting for the thaw here in northern KY as well.
Hope attending the open house at Motor Boat Garage this Saturday & spending a couple hours smelling the sawdust with fellow hibernating boaters, will help me stay warm.
I love this feature! Now I can stay caught up on Woody boater while driving in my car and not breaking any laws. The only thing that would make it better is if Matt read the copy in his own voice and recorded it and posted it on the site. We don’t need AI for that!
“if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” but if you want to create more work for yourself, fine. I won’t use it, the reading glasses still work OK. If you keep it, should be your voice, and you need a signature sign off like “…keep your woody working, and go boating!”
It just depends on the “voice” chosen. I do not like this one at all. Kinda like the poor voice choices available on my GPS.
I would like to use “voice to type” option. I would post a lot more often. I have that option on my cell phone for sending texts. Love it.
Not wild about the feature, as I tend to read faster, and the photos are key to any story. (but I don’t mind for those that need audio). If it forces you to spell everything correctly, in order to be transcribed by the audio service, then even more charm is lost.
Well, problem solved. In one day we exceeded the amount we are allowed to use for free. SO? Today is it.
Well…that was fun! What’s next?