Okay, Now It’s Miss Smarty Pants Causing An Issue. WoodyVoter!


Kelsey needs your help!

I know, I know, but we are soooooo close and you guys are jamm’n. We took care of Babe, but now “Miss Smarty Pants” a store in New Orleans is right on our ass. And we can not take this sitting down in our lazy boys. Which of course we are. But its just a click. Which you can do from the toilet.. with your smarty pants down. Just grunt, plop, click! See.. To graphic? SO VOTE. And for today, beautiful sunset shots to sooth the beast that needs feeding.

Smoke on the water. Speaking of smoking.. Did you vote yet.

I have no idea who shot this, or where it came from, its in our files and GAAAAAAAA

Sunset. Vote?

before sunset.

Oh ya

Michigan? New fire pit?

Cruiser sunset

Through the window sunset

Ham and Kelsey before this entire voting thing. I promise boat stuff once this is over. Whats over you ask?


As of 5AM this morning, Miss Smarty Pants had 416 votes, LOWTIMERS 418, its gonna be a long day. You can vote once a day. So even if you voted yesterday. VOTE today. Clear your Cache if it says you already voted.

23 replies
  1. Frank@Falmouth
    Frank@Falmouth says:

    “WoodyVoter”…..yes! love the wordplay after this one and the SweetPea vote,…. NOT looking forward to the November elections and the inevitable fallout regardless of the outcome.. THIS is a fun vote!

    BTW, not sure if its just me , …. yeah yeah, “its not you its me..” but no direct links to the vote page today, and some people might be lazy and wont think to go to yesterdays page for the link. and thanks for the cache clearing hint…

  2. FrankFail@Falmouth
    FrankFail@Falmouth says:

    OOPS it was right there in CAPS!! ..nevermind,,,
    too used to multiple links,,… and who the lazy one now.. 🙂

  3. Mark in da U P
    Mark in da U P says:

    You have been listening to too much Deep Purple Matt. Your first two pictures were “Smoke on the water and Fire in the sky”. vote #453

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