Turn Out The Lights – It’s A Sunday Slide Show

Says it all. We all had a hat like that back then
I sure have a weakness for some vintage slides. They are perfect for color images frozen in time. They are easy to source since people sell them all over ebay. I am never quite sure why, but every now and then some magic moments pop up, and gives us all a closer to real image of how it really was…ish

A different way to wear the hat

Laying out for a little tan

To think this was just another fun end to a day out on the boat. A Candid moment, and now over 60 years later, here we are and the entire planet see’s it like it was yesterday. CRAZY

It’s all over! Note to the right, a tag, 1956, and unable to figure out the state.

Doesnt look like much fun

Is that a Cavalier?

Ineeda Parts on her day off

KA-RI-NA One of those three kids names. KAthy – RIcky? – Nancy and a Century in the boat house

Spring fishing


How were these images taken?

Slides can be revesred? This one is right, but that beer can is upside down. Pre Pop top

Love those cushions and this explains how the photos were taken


The Poop deck?
Below are some slides from the past that have made a massive difference in details

Plaid cushions!

Says it all


Boat show

Great way to see colors on old stuff

The only image found of a military U22

The detail is so much better than BW

Color adds a special something – Oh and who left Grandma in the boat

A fun moment

One of my faves
Nice to see Ineeda and the plaid cushion people again!
No one ever ages, dies or goes away in Woodyboaterville. Unless they were here before the Great Purge.
Great selection of new and old shots today.
I remember the first time you put up the pic you have labeled “Perfection”. I am pretty sure the image on the deck is the Thunderbird insignia. Thunderbird is the family boat business that made the Jim Wynne / Walt Walters Formula design famous. I had always thought that their first boats were tri hulls, but this photo reveals one of their very early designs. If I could ever find one of these I would take on that project in a heart beat.
Love me a Formula!
Thanks for the great pic Kent O
A little more Formula love from the collection.
Nice shots! I think your Edsel is a 1955-56 Mercury Montclair. Notice the dark green at the top of the door.
The Edsal is behind the boat, but the tow vehicle is a Merc for sure.
That is a 55 Mercury. A 56 had a little different chrome scallop piece on the side. Pulling a Lyman. I’m thinking a 15 footer
Love these photos of people enjoying a day with the boat! Look like they didn’t have a care in the world. On the boats with combined kids’ names – childhood neighbors named their boat Laureen – for daughters Laura & Maureen. It later became Laureen SE, adding the 1st letter of the name of each, when 2 more daughters came later.
I painted “Bea Mary” on the transom of my parent’s 1961 CC Constellation. My Mother was Beatrice and my sister was Mary Ann. Seemed like a perfect name.
What a great slideshow! I kept the lights on and stayed awake. Makes you want to go for a boat ride.
Paul Simon’s Kodachrome is playing in my head. The “Edsel” picture , yes that’s a 1959 in the back ground and I think the yellow car is a Mercury. Not sure on the year.
That prewar U22 picture always made me wonder what the Army was doing with a boat. They obviously fouled the prop or rudder. Looks like there is no motor box because I can see the filter housing sticking up. And then there’s the object on the bow obscured by the “captain”, maybe an Iva light on a pedestal? And then there’s the reinforcement midship in the covering boards with a recess that looks like something could be inserted across the width of the boat (gun mount?). And what’s that mound of stuff on the aft deck?
Nothing beats a smile and boat; no matter the age or the boat in Muskoka
These pictures really hit home for me. At 80 years old I live these days, and I can still remember like they were yesterday. I grew up on a small lake west of Detroit, called Belleville Lake. I had my first boat when I was in 5th grade it was a little pancake hydroplane.
My dad Had a 14-foot Wolverine. with a 15 horse Johnson Then he moved into one of the first fiberglass boats, which was built locally. It was a sixteen-foot K a y, With a white 35 horse Johnson. He pulled me all over the lake water skiing for several summers behind that boat. That’s where today’s pictures bring back so many memories
OK here goes with the old pictures. Here is one of me skiing behind our family’s 1958 Bell Boy powered by a 75 hp Johnson. The picture was taken in 1970. I was 19 at the time. I was on my Connelly tunnel water ski that I bought from Pat Connelly when he lived in Bothell WA. It was a tunnel ski but Pre-Hook.
That was an impressive cut and spray.
Ok, after careful observation, and some enlarging. Sailer on 1st picture. He is drinking a Falstaf long neck. The upside down beer is PBR. You cam tell it’s the 50s. Glass on a boat?
The beer can: When pop-tops first came out, my dad would use his church-key to open them on the bottom…..he claimed the pop-top opening would give you a hare-lip!!!
Those cans made it difficult for the beer drinkers…..they wouldn’t sink when you tossed them over the gunnel….you could follow members of our yacht club by the river of empty beer cans….and it wasn’t a straight line!!