Thank You All, Now Please Pass The Varnish


Today is one of those special days, were we just flop and catch up and put up with our families. And of course we all try and avoid the crazy Uncle. But? What if you are the crazy Uncle? And of course you don’t know that. Because, well, your crazy. Well.. If you are reading WoodyBoater more than once a week, chances are. YA. Don’t look in the mirror. You already know.  Now of course this may be horrifying to some, but as a crazy uncle, you are blissful in this state. And completely clueless that you are the nut job of the family. OR? Is it the other way around.

Maybe it’s Aunt Karen she is always right and will let anyone know who asks…or doesn’t. , or Brother Elijah, who really was named Eric, but chose the path of righteousness in the church of the holy swamp in Kentucky and preaches to the trailer parks in the area. Has 4 wives and 16 kids…that he knows about. He is always the one that leads the Thanksgiving Prayer, so he is considered the normal one.

Back in the day, “Tom” 

Maybe is Grandpa Tom, who is sitting in the corner grumbling about cheese. Ya, I have no idea what thats about, but yet, we all feel like we know him.

SO? See! They may all think you are the crazy Uncle. The one that likes old boats, you know the kind that may or may not even float.  You are the crazy one. And thats okay, because right here, right here at the Woody Boater Thanksgiving table, it’s just another day in paradise. HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Thanks for keeping it normal.



17 replies
  1. Greg Lewandowski
    Greg Lewandowski says:

    Even after all these years that crazy WoodyBoater gravy boat still makes me smile.
    Happy Thanksgiving to all of WoodyBoaterville and eat too much turkey!

  2. Steven Anderson
    Steven Anderson says:

    Getting ready to go to the Lions game! By the way, I know I am the crazy uncle and wear it like a badge of Honor. Also refered to as ‘the fun uncle’

    Happy Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for I feel like I might jinx myself if I started to list them all!

  3. tparsons56
    tparsons56 says:

    Hmmm – would getting up at daybreak on Thanksgiving to read Woodyboater while everyone else sleeps in for hours constitute the “crazy uncle”? OK – guilty!!

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

    Go Lions. FYI for those not understanding why Lions fans are going nuts right now please understand they have not been really good since the 1950’s so this is something most of us have never experienced.

    • Frank@Falmouth
      Frank@Falmouth says:

      Listening to Alice’s Restaurant on Thanksgiving is a well worn tradition for me.

      The crazy uncle is the favorite and fun uncle

    • MO Whaler
      MO Whaler says:

      Oh my, ‘Alice’s Restaurant?’ – – That just called out Some Memories – – Tried to memorize that, Whew – – Thank You – –

  4. Mark in Ohio (sometimes da U P )
    Mark in Ohio (sometimes da U P ) says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to all you Woody boaters . Remember, the Pilgrims were Woody boaters also. Go Lions! (although my Bengals fan friends would not appreciate me, saying that)

  5. Murdock
    Murdock says:

    Gobble, gobble my brothers and sisters!!!!
    Can I get an AMEN!!! to too much food and family weirdness!!!
    Our bunch will take a pile of kindling and rebuild a boat, just because it has a HULL number!!!
    Yah, I AM the crazy uncle and I’m also the character now too.
    Patti says I collect fellow characters like moths to a flame. Well, it’s damn good to know we’re doing a great job taking over for all the previous characters who have come before us!!!
    Rock on and gobble your way into a food coma and a football game!!!

  6. Mike K
    Mike K says:

    Sorry to be a downer but I read last week that Alice from Alice’s restaurant just passed

    I like to wish happy thanksgiving to DIM sure he’s the crazy uncle

    Oh and go Bears! Sure they don’t have a chance but I’m from the Chicago area like jim staub use to be before he escaped
    Just hope he’s not a cheesehead

    Thanks woodyboater!


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