The New 2017 Woody Boater Stuff Is Here And Ready For There!


Navy Blue Varnish Laver

The new 2017 Woody Boater shirts and hats for Lake Dora are here at HQ and the next stop for them is the big event in 3 weeks. This stuff is NOT in the Stuff Store and is only sold in person. We are very sorry but we can not set aside stuff, or mail stuff right now. Things are comeing together fast like every year. Hope to see you there.


New Full Throttle Shirts

lover 10

Varnish Lover Hats

Lover 2

White Varnish Lover Shirts

Lover 1

Woody Boater Logo on the front


Coffee Cups are on the way!

We will also have left overs from last year

13 replies
  1. Mike U
    Mike U says:

    Would love to be able to get all of the shirts in grey color, especially the Full Throttle one.

  2. Gale Woods
    Gale Woods says:

    Yes….I hope there will be items left after the show for those of us who cannot attend.

  3. Shannon K
    Shannon K says:

    I know I’m a day late but… this is great stuff! I love the new design! It would be nice to see some vintage love that doesn’t focus solely on wood, though. The Full Throttle design would lend itself perfectly to some classic glass or even (gasp!) aluminum. Something to think about for next year!

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