Who Ever Built This Is A Genius…Or Insane.

Crazy Cool!
We are gonna try an experiment. I saw this on facebook. I know, I know.. But its cool as all get out. BY the way, get out there, it’s Saturday.. Anyway, How many have seen this on other social media formats?

Sorry about the resolution. It is what it is.
I could watch this all day. And I have no idea why. In a way its like listening to a Weed Whacker run. But holey cow! This is insane. How did this get built? Did someone miniature them selves and? I would say Crank up the volume, but folks will think you are running a chain saw in the house.
Where’s the video of it running in the water? Is this a trailer queen?
Happy holiday weekend to WoodyBoaterville!
I think he had this at Clayton a bunch of years ago but it was not finished yet and if I remember right be built all of it
I want to see it gooooooooo!
It’s even cooler than the original! 😀
That is crazy cool. Love it!
I can’t believe Woodyboater almost missed this!
I’ve seen miniature engines on the internet before, but I always wondered what would be the application for them. This is a real good answer to my question. I also would like to see it run in the water. I think it would be very fast.
I did see this on FB a couple days ago. Doesn’t make any less cool. This is an amazing piece of work & I too would love to see it running in the water!
I did see this on FB a couple days ago. Doesn’t make it any less cool. And I too would love to see it running in the water!