WoodyBoater Mail Box II, This Time It’s Personal.

Woody mailbox on vintage post

A huge thanks to Gary Beck for an amazing job on a new WoodyBoater Mailbox. Gary is always at the boat shows, and is about the nicest guy on this planet. I am sure on Mars Gary has some competition, but here on earth. It’s Gary.

Made a little number thing a majig

I scored three vintage porch posts from a pick a year ago and been looking for places to use them. They are made out a beautiful dark wood, and needed some added on post so they can be dug in.

Hose holder stand pole

One you may recall made a hose stand, and this one is now a Mailbox stand.

The mailman will be impressed.

I love it. Its right at the correct height for a baseball bat. Ugh. And the children of the corn will for sure be giving me left overs. But for now I am very happy with my Pandemic Posts!

His wood graining is amazing! matched the color of the post perfectly. Gotta say, the pipe mailbox design is kinda fun!

She’s just waiting there

Gary makes these, no website, but if you want some cool stuff. Here is Gary’s email.

8 replies
  1. floyd r turbo
    floyd r turbo says:

    Beautiful, but my HOA would write me up., any chance they get…too many boats…too many cars…too many trucks. Jeez I’ve got to get outta here.

  2. Rick
    Rick says:

    Beautiful work. And baseball bat vandals would need to be chased down. Any cameras aimed towards this area to document culprits? Maybe just a sign that says video surveillance.

  3. Art
    Art says:

    OK must I point out a flaw, or maybe it was in the original design parameters……………………the lifting rings on the sign should both be running in the fore and aft direction.

    IWANTONE ……………….except I don’t have a mail box dammit!

    Very nice!!

    Suggestion…..put a metal post on the up stream side of it, about 2 or 3 feet away.

  4. G Gordon Gray
    G Gordon Gray says:

    I knew a fellow boater, who during a engine change, found that the new engine overpowered the existing prop. SO, he noticed that a neighbor’s woody was for sale in their front yard, he went out one night and acquired(removed) the prop, attached it to his boat and bragged about his “new Prop !! “.

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