Woohoo! We Had Us A Jimmy Day In The Barn!

Time to paint the bottom! There aint no way to say it. It aint fun! Or is it?
As we get closer to Lake Dora time, we are going full throttle to get ready. While moving stuff around to start working on Termite Terror, this years Lake Dora boat, we noticed THIS!

Ya, that happened! We think it may have happened last gasp while placing WECATCHEM on the trailer in that wind. Carpet was all crammed in there.

Lets say that removing the screws wasn’t easy

The part!

Whats left of the grill. BTW, that workbench is an old Bowling ally! How cool is that?

The Katzs Marina finish is still like new!

Covering up. Might as well, get the bottom sanded while repairing the intake grill

And back to the bottom!

All this while we were moving stuff around Jimmys barn. Heaven in Virginia

Termite Terror and the new Super Sport

Termite Terror. has a new flag for Lake Dora

Termite’s killer 350. Yes in a 17 Cavalier.
Just one more weekend to go! Are you ready?
Love Jimmy’s barn! What a great work space. You may already have one, but if not, get yourself a Festool vacume system with the orbital sander. Dust free sanding! Little pricey, but worth it.
Great pics! Wecatchem’s finish shot is so perfect, it doesn’t look real.
My ‘60 Cavalier has a SOV flag on her wish list.
Yes I love Jimmy’s barn. I have been clearing a spot in the woods behind the lake place to build one just like it. Hope to start on it this fall.
I also need to look into festool sander / vac system. Last 2 times I have painted the bottom of the GarWood I just connected my orbital sander to my shop vac. That work good to.
Hope for good weather in Tavares next week!
See you there!
Ok, what am I missing? Understand fixing/replacing water grill; but, with a topside finish as shown, and you are painting bottom? Was the bottom not painted with topside?
What kind of screws did they use for them to look like that in such a short time?
They were small stainless screws? The bottom was done around 8 years ago in NH. A very nice job BTW. Each year regardless of condition, I sand, clean and paint the bottom. I am able to inspect and keep things clean over all. I do the same with the varnish. But every two years. I use my boats alot. Just like Jimmys bottom job on Scarlet. Its best to stay ahead of problems. I learned all this from my Grandfather the Admiral.
Bowling alley works great. Took half the neighborhood to get mine in. Looks like Jimmys came from a bad neighborhood. Time to send it to Katz for a fresh coat.
I like how you were able to frame every shot in the barn carefully so we don’t see any of the classic pontoons!
Looks beautiful Matt. So glad you have one. Enjoy Dora. Btw, hi from Hessel today. Might just visit mine in the shed to give her a hug.
Great pics of Wecatchem. Jimmys barn is really cool. Nice to have friends like that.
We fly in on the 17th!
Next week looks GOOD for Tavares!
Should make for some good sight-seeing!
A 350 in that Cavalier??? (btw, its 18′ not 17. but what’s 12 inches among friends). It’s going to need every foot to hold that lightweight hull down against all that motor.
How damn big is Jimmy’s shop?? Looks like about 1/2 acre. You can’t have enough enclosed space, ever. Do you use the car lift to raise “Wecatchem” off the trailer?
The Cavlier does fly. Fun as hell, and been this way for years. Reliable fast fun. There is a lift, but two tractors are easier with a chain. Slight lift and back in the trailer.
Termite Terror is a GREAT boat! As long as the fuel pump is good.
I can handle the spelling, Matt, but renaming parts is a little much. Your “bottom grill” is interesting.
Ha! I forgot to correct that. An intake strainer?
Wow, I would absolutely LOVE to have an 80′ x 120′ shop like that next to my house for projects — and I could definitely fill it!
Ummmm.., insulated bldg $300K, property acquisition cost $3.5 mil. Probably going to have to wait ’til the next lifetime.