WOW! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

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Yesterdays comment could not have been any better, and frankly eye opening. We live in a universe of quick headlines that incite the lemmings of social media to pose for selfies and blah blah blah about how “fabulous” the fill in the blank hip town is. The Austins, Nashvilles, Cochlea? Burning Man, Okay Burning man used to be cool.

Photo Shaun Fenn, Writer Bruce Bildsten

One thing I noticed about the stories comments yesterday was how our, your woodyboats are truly AT HOME in those places. They fit. Like Peas and Corn. I recall this ad Rabbit and I did that said it all, but it’s so much larger than just one lake. Okay, here I go. Getting on the Passion Train.

This image said it all for me. From Brock Lake Leland M

Our Woodyboats just fit in these places. They are part of the quilt of it all. And move around and bring smiles and life to the texture of these smaller communities. And I love it. It’s also why Pontoon boats do not fit, they look out of place, as do jet skis and other chemical spills molded into boats. Anyway, the social media places can have all that crap, our towns need our boats, like the old homes to be what they intended to be. A place of peace, universal love, and TIME OUT from the bullet train of the future.

Color? BW? doesn’t matter. It all just fits.

This is far far bigger than a boat, or car, its bigger than restoring, preserving, and hobbies. We are all here part of the life support of goodness and a reminder of things that get passed by by the frantic need to head to the future of what’s next. This is truly an American Thing, we as a society love, whats next, it’s in our DNA. Everyone that has come here since the Vikings and Captain Columbus has been on a mission to fid NEW. It’s of no surprise that America discards the small things. It’s out strength, and our weakness. After all at some point even our boats were WHATS NEXT?

The OG Christopher Columbus

So, here is too you, to us, for keeping the small things alive. Keep your small areas coming. And stay tuned, this new project is going to be so so so much better for it.



12 replies
  1. Matt
    Matt says:

    YA, I was kinda proud of that one. HA. I was feeling rather lucid this morning and just let it flow. 9 hours of sleep helps.

  2. Dan Overbeek
    Dan Overbeek says:

    Yup…gonna have to remember that one. “Chemical spills molded into boats” is much better than merely “plastic boats”!

  3. Shep on Lake Shafer IN.
    Shep on Lake Shafer IN. says:

    Yes great comment Matt! By the way that red hat I’m wearing in that picture doesn’t look that good these days!
    Still waiting for you to get more of them so I can replace that one.
    FYI I would sponsor the purchase of a box of those if I could have just a few of them.
    Thanks, for what you do for our hobby.

  4. Ron in Seattle
    Ron in Seattle says:

    Yesterday and today are great! Sounds like the talk with Hank had some influence! BTW Speaking of hats, my “What Knot” t-shirt has holes in the armpits, and my GF won’t let me wear it in public anymore :-(. Hank also talked to you about Merch…

  5. Rabbit
    Rabbit says:

    Great post yesterday, Matt. And the comments. My little Ensign “Rabbit” and my little lake, Balsam, are all I need to experience total joy.

    Let’s do some more ads/posters, Matt.

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