You’re Gonna Have A Cow When You See This Cushion!

Ya ya, its a Century Palomino design, which yes is a horse, but it could be for a cow? In fact, there is no Black and White Palomino horse, they are Brown and White. Mmmmm? Maybe the boat should have been called a Century Holstein Boat. Hey, just work with me here. Dang, have you been outside? Anyway, now that we have gotten past the entire Horse or Cow thing, This would look amazing on any boat. hell, design an interior around it and call the boat Horsey. Or Cow Girl, or Warshak.

I see a Christopher Columbus Smith waving.
This insane cool cushion on ebay is gonna be fun to watch, and maybe buy. Oh I want it. it would look amazing against the red interior of WECATCHEM. But lets be real. Here I am promoting it, because I am more desperate for a story than a cushion, so now all of us are drooling all over the keyboards, warming up the snipe machines and checking our “secret” bank balances. This could be an epic cushion battle, not seen since the Battle Of Algonac Banner. This shall be named The Battle Of WOW COW
So I wish you all good luck. You will need it! YOU CAN SEE IT HERE ON EBAY.

The other side of the story. with handles! OHHHHHH YA! I need a smoke..
It is going to warm up into the 30’s today which is about all the excitement I can take. I’ll have to stay on the sidelines of the cow/horse bidding war.
Rorschach ink blot! What do you see on this cushion? Elmer Fudd reclining with the Grim Reaper looking on.? Hmm. Gotta get more sleep!!!
yes, i think the Rorschach test angle was a creative one from matt to fill in for what is probably a slow news day. gets an A today.
The next time for filler would be to assemble a set of boat pictures for a thematic apperception test. should provoke interesting responses (we know already, however, what’s on Troy’s mind. Ha!)
Holy Cow, they’re milking that for everything it’s worth!
I confess I have a thing for cowhide, my eating are in my vintage camper is covered in it! But our 55 Century Coronado has stayed red alas.
Here’s a pic.
It doesn’t work to call a Century a cow because they are sleek and fast. Now if we were talking about a Chris Craft which we do so much of around here, it might work…..
I guess I’ll have to get you a story on the freshening up of my Coronado. Have a great day Matt
😁😁😁 Ned ^^ 😁
2 questions…
I thought the snarky reputation of Centurys was that they are sleek and fast as they are headed to the bottom of the lake?
And why is it that everyone who actually has an eBay account never sells any of their own stuff….they are always listing junk for a friend?
Are the friends really that computer freaked out that they cannot figure out how to sign up and sell their own junk? Am I out of the loop because I don’t have a stupid friend? I mean I have many friends, just not any stupid ones.
Ok many questions….
I quit after they sent me a 1099
No snarkiness here, I’m an equal opportunity boater.
BrianT , nice comment. Blog on. Blogger.
Saw this on the Internet yesterday. Thought I would share.
Yes – cross the equator. Remember ‘The Endless Summer’ surf movie – a classic from 1966.
Great! Surfs up Moon doggy, Lets grab Gidget Pile in our woody and make a run for the border. Nothing like a 60s surf movie to make you think summer.
I see Mr. Magoo
I’m having a cow over this post…. I think it is a Rawshock test pillow, not a Century Palomino throw cushion. Century had the Palomino, Riva had the Zebra, (pronounced Zehhhbra) and Chris Craft had the Sportsman Plaid!
Nailed it
I’m holding out for a leopard print design – way more sexier. Jungle vs. Farm. Right troy?
this whoppie cushion thread is so much better than that mess yesterday!!! I went Boating…..forecast was bad…weather turned out great…yeah it was cold…but beautiful….
John in Va.
Did someone asked for leopard print?