40, Maybe 50 Ish Days Til Lake Dora, Give Or Take A Weekish Or Two Ish


Owen is ready, Owen is always ready for a boat ride.

Well, that crept up on me fast. Lake Dora is in about two months, or one month depending on when you want to go. Lets just say, you can go tomorrow and go boating. So thats the beauty of it all there in Florida. That and a very nice tax situation, lots of Denny’s and of course the craziness of humanity as entertainment. This story today is to all the folks that haven’t made the pilgrimage yet. GO! Even if you don’t have a boat. No Really!

Go! Go! Go!

GO! You will see the community, meet the community, and get a chance to see just about every version of classic boat out there. Show up a week early and watch vintage boat RACING. Go on one of the river cruises. Eat crappy fried food, and know there is a pharmacy of hospital on every corner.  Wait, this sounds even better.  Anyway, this is the opening day of our passion. Even though the Sunnyland Gang never stops. Folks from all over the country ..heck world show up. And if you want to really get to know them all, show up Thursday, before the show. Thats the best time. By Saturday, the show day, its crazy and everyone is in full Boat Show Mode.

Party On Troy

If you want more info, Stay Tuned, and CLICK HERE to get your tickets to the stuff to do. The picnic is always fun.

Some things there are hard to splain!


Either the gators eat you or you eat them.

A GREAT flea market

The Dora Canal is a very very special place..


It’s the Sea Plane Capitol of whatever the world is of Sea Planes

Rumble rumble

Click Click

Eat Eat

Putt, putt

Splash Splash

And just relax!

13 replies
  1. Dan Overbeek
    Dan Overbeek says:

    Looks so nice, after the snow and cold we have this time of year. I need some advice on this…where do you stay, if you plan on staying a few days?

    • Dan Overbeek
      Dan Overbeek says:

      I know nothing about the place. I have googled it, to kind of get the lay of the land, but does anyone have any recommendations on where to stay? Perhaps, a favorite hotel/motel I might still be able to get into. Walking distance would be a plus. Is there ample parking at the event? How do you get on one of the river cruises? I just need a little info, or maybe encouragement.

      • Shannon Knight
        Shannon Knight says:

        Dan, all the boat show related activities are on the Tavares waterfront, so if you can get a hotel in Tavares that’s ideal and you can walk to the show. There are also a lot of nice AirBNB’s on the north shore of Lake Dora or even along the Dora Canal, some with docks. When you stay at a place like that the show practically comes to you as the boats are always on the move along the shoreline and through the canal. If you have someone traveling with you who isn’t into boats at all, you may want to consider an AirBNB or hotel in Mount Dora where that person can have walking access to that adorable town and its festivals and you drive to Tavares for the show.

        This will be our 9th straight year, we even came during covid! We love it so much we bought property a few years ago which we are dreaming of using for retirement ourselves some day.

        You won’t regret your decision to put this on your calendar!

  2. John heiderich
    John heiderich says:

    Do not forget to take part in either the Per or Post Cruise on the St. John’s river. A week of boating and fun. Cruise over 200 miles, burn 80+ gallons of gas, and eat more good Florida food

    • Troy in ANE
      Troy in ANE says:

      We have done several of the St. John’s river cruises. They are AWESOME!!!

      We did both pre and post cruises last year. I think we burned more than 80 gallons though.

  3. Scott K
    Scott K says:

    Cant wait to be back in the Florida sun!!

    Sad news though. Yet another of the Fine waterfront eating establishments is gone. Pirats Oasis burned to the ground……..I’m told that the rats and roaches are staging a protest, demanding they rebuild.

  4. Mark in Ohio ( today in Florida)
    Mark in Ohio ( today in Florida) says:

    I have been looking at that picture of Carla and the two guys ( I can’t remember their names) all morning. The reason they look so happy is that it looks lie she is grabbing their A$$. I hope Carla is doing well. Some year I’m going to make it to Dora.

    • Troy in ANE
      Troy in ANE says:

      Mark: You are in Florida, simply delay going home until after Dora.

      Fender should come back to Dora also.

  5. Art
    Art says:

    Y’all come the river is waiting for you.

    Matt is there a reason that you removed the old farts home girl (link) from the WB page?

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