Alan Craig Saves An Amazing Chris Craft, And Woody Boater’s Record!
We arrived last night in the U.S. at around 10 PM, after about 24 hours of no sleep. I will be honest, I was fearful that I might miss today’s story. A first in what will be TEN years of never missing a day. October 9 is our 10 year anniversary. By the time I got to bed, I was a zombie, and BAM, this email came in from Alan Craig from New Zealand. Not only did Alan save a very sweet 27′ Chris Craft, he saved Woody Boater! bringing back the topic that we are all here for. Amazing classic boats, and the inner joy they infect us all with. Here is Alan’s story. Thanks again.
I’ve got some bling here to show you! In the form of a 27′ 1947 super deluxe enclosed
I’m a boat builder on the other side of the world in NZ and I do most of the repairs and maintenance on the wooden boats at Lake Rotoiti (North Island)
Sept last year I took on this project that was snapped up by a Kiwi from a boat yard over there. It slipped through the net and got shipped over here to be restored and will now reside at Lake Rotoiti (north island).
In all the research I do on line about it, I have always ended up on your WoodyBoater site and generally just forget what I was searching for and enjoy looking at general woody boat banter! It’s great!
Any how, the boat arrived without an engine so a 5.7L crusader was bought for her and shipped over too. No shaft or strut and prop etc either so have had it made here, or sourced from over there. After a near completely new interior, rebuilt cockpit to fit the crusader and paint/varnish throughout, she’s all back together and running.
We launched it successfully a couple of days ago! I wasn’t sure if I liked the layout to start with, but now she’s in the water I love it. it’s a bit different from other boats here, nice high cockpit yet full head room inside and plenty of varnish.
I’m hooked on varnished mahogany boats now!
Thanks Craig! You have saved the day!
Really nice Craig, thanks for saving Matt’s ass. 😀
Beautiful job Alan. I looked at this same model for a restoration project years ago. Liked the layout but not being able to look aft while driving from the interior helm caused me concern. Deal couldn’t be struck but they are an interesting design. Your craftsmanship is top notch!
Thank you Alan, thank you Matt!
That is a Beautiful boat, Beautifully done, in a Beautiful area of the world!
What more could one ask for?
GREAT SAVE! And I love the way you incorporated the upgrades while keeping her true to original. That model has always been one of my favorites in the small cruiser category. NICE WORK!
Over the TOP down Under! or anywhere! What a great story and fine workmanship, thanks for sharing.
John in Va.
She’s a beauty!
Beautiful work Alan!
Looks like Phillips’ Centurys will have some stiff competition for Best in Show!
Fantastic! That model has the runabout type cockpit and single engine, yet the guests have some amenities such as a head, etc. It is probably trailerable too.
Man, that’s a nice boat! What a huge amount of work went into her. The results are amazing!
Beautiful job. Everything pops with that sanitary interior and below-deck work is fabulous!!!
Outstanding, great work.
Wow, I re read this page and just to look at her in the first pic at the dock….what great styling….a really sharp looking boat.
Great work!
John in Va.
nice floors