It’s Official – We Have A Boat Show


Says it all in one M-fine shot!

We are excited to report that the fist tow in was us doing the towing of a JET SKI! YES! YES YES! The party has officially started. And yes it’s raining today, but who cares. Its in the mid 70’s and there are Jalapeño poppers waiting someplace sleazy for us!

We took him in to the boat ramp, and went photo boating. The Internet is very slow at the hotel, so sorry about the short reports.

Wayne Bomb flooring it.

Tucked away for the rain

A peaceful night on Lake Dora another M-fine photo – the man is on fire. No really, that blow torch is crazy

8 replies
  1. Greg Lewandowski
    Greg Lewandowski says:

    Wow, the updated recommissioned Whoops completes a sea rescue on her first day of service. Keep up the good work!

    • Greg Lewandowski
      Greg Lewandowski says:

      It’s raining at Dora and it’s snowing in Michigan. Last 2 to 4 inch blast of the season!

  2. Mark in Ohio (wishing he was in Dora)
    Mark in Ohio (wishing he was in Dora) says:

    ” It ain’t a show if there ain’t a tow”. That Jet Ski guy took one for the team. No break downs this year. Make the best of the rain. Eat, Drink, and Enjoy each others company.

  3. tom
    tom says:

    Tow in a pontoon boat next and then you could really leave on a high note. What’s that rash on the dash? I didn’t see that before.

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