King Tides! OHHHH SHIP!

This morning.
Here on the Chesapeake Bay we are getting very stiff winds, which are blowing water up the bay, which means it blows it up my yard. And to top it all off we have had about a month of this. And its a full moon tonight. YEEEIKES! And now I hear this term. KING TIDE! Crap it has a name. And gonna be here on Sunday.

That water is not supposed to be there, and in an hr or so will be even further towards the houses

The sky is very exciting. But I know what a red sky in the morning means
My docks are not liking this in any way. I have lost around 12 planks. Found them by the way. Found some extras.. So there is some good in this. Now just need to find who the extras match up to around here.

The pure torture of it all is I cant go out cause there is no way in hell I am walking under water to activate aboat lift.

Dead fish all over the place. We have buzzards now like gangs in our yard. We walk the dogs..

Sure is perty though
So, Lakes have Dam issues and rain, and we have King Tides. I would of course prefer a Princess Tide. or maybe a Pretty Pony tide.
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If I understand your comment, the dock planks are coming loose off the framing? I am surprised that is happening. How are they fastened?
Good luck and I hope the King Tide passes quickly.
Hi Matt, I would invest in a pair of waders !!! Scooter
The tide is high and I’m going home, I want to be you’re number one…,,.
The tide is high and I’m holding on……😀
King tides come and go, as do southerly blows, but the rising sea level caused by carbon driven global heating is here to stay, even in Reedville. Time for dikes and pumps. 1/3 of the Netherlands thrives below current sea levels
At least you know that the tide will slack. About 5 years ago the Great Lakes were way down and many thought they might not come back (and that someone was selling our water to the west coast). Now they are at or close to record highs and if we get another wet winter it’s going to get real interesting around the shoreline.
Mother Nature is definitely going to get her way whether we like it or not! Fortunately we boaters are persistent and can work with and around her.
Btw. That was low tide this morning. It’s getting up there today. Worse than Sandy! And that one was a bitch. And yes. The planks have come off. I use 3 inch dock screws. But over the years it’s split the stringers in some areas.
King tide doesn’t seem to be all that fun, but I am sure it’s better than red tide and definitely better than eating a Tide pod.
Eating Tide Pods may not be all that fun, but Green Works has a scent that might be worth trying.
Oh hold on for one second! Did you all feel that? The world just shifted. Bacon Clorox? All my answers have been answered. I can smell the fresh smell of bleach and then with Bacon? Whats next Bacon farts?
I feel the anxiety I have put a bunch of big rocks on our dock in case we flood next year again. good luck hope its only a few deck boards popping off.
Dinghy out to Sweet Pea, motor over to the marina and block her at high tide. Tide goes out and no need for the marine railway or travel lift. Look at the money you’ll save thanks to Mother Nature.
I saw story on the Daily Show about whiskey pods. Apparently available in Europe. Glenlevit (sp) I think.
I stayed about two nights ago and had to climb down and wade the docks to shore. This is a weird one alright.
But hey….I am Going Wading…..again tomorrow!
John in Va.
Man it must really suck to be dealing with water issues from your “water front property” …………………….. sarcasm?? ,, YEP!
I can feel your pain. Due to the raising of the Great Lakes, My son, Brother in law, neighbor and I had to completely change our dock last summer. It took most of a day. It sure beat putting on rubber boots to get to the boat. Doesn’t make much difference now. It is all taken out for the winter. After all this is over enjoy fall boating.
I almost forgot! Happy Columbus Day! Christopher was definitely a woodyboater. For all the good and bad you read about him, he did create a trade route between Europe and the Americas, and discovered the Caribbean. He is also the namesake for Christopher Columbus Smith. We all know who he was. I got the chance to see a replica of the Santa Maria at the Great Lakes Tall Ships Tour, when it stopped in Bay City Mi. this summer, As I looked at that small ship I thought ” It took some big balls to sail that thing off into no where”. What would the world be without him.
Hi Mark:
Santa Maria was here in BBH in the ANE on her way out of the GREAT LAKES!
Just left the Annapolis boat show. Half the show is under water. Went lunch down town. When we left the restaurant had to take shoes off and roll up pants. Need an amphorae!
That’s amphiicar. Dam spell check
The water is high from the Kalamazoo to the St. Lawrence. The new norm? And we do not have tides, but we do have winds.