Live-ish From 7th Annual Whitefish Woody Weekend – Montana
Thanks to looooooong time fellow Woody Boater Mike mayor for sending us in this report from Montana. yes, Montana. the land of, well, Yellowstone. And people from Montana. And now the Whitefish Woody Event. Take it away MikeM and Dina Wood. Wait, is her name really Wood? Really? WoodBoater And Whitefish Woody And Dina Wood?
The 7th Whitefish Woody Weekend took place in Whitefish Montana on the last weekend in June. It was a very WET woody weekend. High winds and lots of rain came through Friday evening to moisten things up for the main event on Saturday. This hearty group of boaters didn’t bat an eye at the weather. They just put on their rain coats, pulled out their umbrellas and made it happen.
As it turns out, with the right people a boat show can still be a lot of fun regardless of the weather. The unofficial report I heard said that we had over 700 people walking the docks to see our beautiful boats. Not bad considering it was very clear that it would be a wet day. But the boat owners still hung out, gave rides and mingled with the public. Another very well run boat show.
On Sunday the clouds broke and we had a fun Poker Run followed by an excellent BBQ lunch where awards were given out. This is not a judged event so the mood is always light and the folks always ready for fun.
A HUGE THANKS TO Photo credits shared by MikeM and Dina Wood for the stories and photos! YOU CAN VISIT Mike M’s Business HERE – Lake Oswego Boat Co. Home of the fixed price bottom jobs!
I like Mike. The name. The color. The font. Everything.
Great pictures! Montana is on my “bucket list” of places I want to visit.
On another note I have a “WoodyBoater” question. During shows I like to stand by my boat to answer questions but I notice some people like not to be around and let the boat speak for itself – what are peoples opinions on this?
It’s your choice. But it’s nice to stay with your boat and talk to people.
I agree with WoodyGal. If I can’t be giving boat rides, hanging out on the boat and talking to folks is the second best way to break the boredom of the show. I did that for several hours at our Lexington show last weekend. Met some nice folks and tried to interest a few in joining the club and saving a classic boat!
The dock shots were taken early and that’s why you don’t see many owners. Despite the weather most owners were present and there were a lot of ride boats coming and going throughout the day.
Steve Nichol was at the show and his shop is worth a story of its own, to be sure. Montana is a great state and worthy of a bucket list. Remember to bring a fly rod!
I think being near your boat at a show is a way of providing some education to the casual show attendee and maybe impart some woody boat knowledge other than answering “what year is it?”. I even have had a person that proceeded to tell me exactly what I did wrong even arguing that I used plywood (CC Cavalier style) instead of solid mahogany planks on my Sportsman. He wouldn’t listen as I tried to nicely explain that I installed (and paid dearly) for the Philippine mahogany planks. Well, it was a free show to attendees so I guess when it’s free to get in, you are inviting people of all levels of opinion and expertise.
Looks like they had a great show despite the weather. WoodBoaters are tough! Great variety of boats and the non judged show always seems to increase the relaxation factor. Thanks for sharing.
I agree…we have way more fun at the shows that don’t have strict judging…more relaxed indeed Greg…
To the owner of ‘NIGHT HERON’ my Folks had a ’58, 18′ Chris Sea Skiff, they kept in the creek behind their home in Stony Brook, LI. They lived @ 6 Night Heron Drive. Thanks for the memories.
Interesting that at least 1 pair of Night Herons currently stay in West Meadow Creek in Stony Brook which I assume is where the house was. Can’t really get out of there at low tide any more with anything much larger than a kayak.
That’s awesome. My dad used to own and restored Night Heron! Many great memories with her on the Great South Bay.
Anyone know her current owner and whereabouts?
This hobby definitely needs more young people. If you have any extras, bring them to the Hammondsport show.
Looks like such a great venue! Did anyone stop in and visit with Steve down in Sumner on the North side of Flathead Lake? Great shop to visit!
Like everyone else, this show is definitely on my bucket list as well. Good representation from Oregon and So. Cal! A little rain at a boat show never hurt any of us…
The boats loved the rain! All seams swelled to maximum, ha
A side note about the family that took a rainy boat ride in Empress…After a three day pull to Whitefish from San Diego it turned out the family was also from San Diego. In spite of the rain, we had a great time. The show is a first class operation, well organized, and reasonably priced.
It’s so sad to see a boat feel rejected and leave by itself to go home… Poor StanCraft! 😉 That show is definitely on the “post retirement bucket list” …
This show is a great labor of love by Tim and Deb Salt. They do a fabulous job. They brought their newly restored lyman to the inland empire chapter acbs show at Sandpoint Id this past week end. An excellent restoration.
Always a strong contingent from the i.e. chapter at the whitefish show, as well.
Mike forgot mention the one attraction that is “The Attraction” the Tiki Bar…Located next to the boats. PERFECT…Start the day with a bloody Mary-while looking at the boots, next have a Blue Moon at lunch while looking at he boats and finally sipping a gen and tonic while (u guessed it) looking at the boats 🙂
Correction: Oops too many bloody marys and blue moons that should be “while sipping a GIN and Tonic-
Yep…great Bloody’s eh? not quite as big as these…Bwahaha
Another great job done by my friends Tim and Deb Salt, they are sooo awesome, and they also hosted a great party at their house on Sunday evening. Even though my buddies Hackercraft (Sirius) shown in the photos, that we brought out from Coeur d Alene, looks like a 35 footer, it’s “only” a 30 footer built in 2004 (no white wood!) and owned by my 86 year young buddy Murray Danzig who also owns 5 other awesome woodies…But yes we need more young folks too!
Thanks to Mike for another great write-up ( the help with Glacier Chaser). And thanks to all the participants and commenters for the kind words about the show.
Note to all the “bucket listers”: We sold out in 3 weeks this year. Watch the ACBS calendar for registration details or drop me a line at and I will put you on the mail list.
what kind of boat is in the header?beautiful lines,like a small hatteras.
what kind of boat is in the header?beautiful lines,like a small hatteras.looks pilotless?
It is a 1947 Stan Craft Day Cruiser, repowered with a Mercruiser.