Meanwhile In Florida It’s Still Summer!


Shorts! Thanks Pete Devito for sending us the report!

So here we are wondering if the run we take is the last one, squeezing out every moment of sunshine and thanking global warming for extra time. And in Florida..OK Sunnyland, they are still planning boat trips and having fun in there shorts like nothing is happening!


its like summer

Am I jealous? Well, I don’t know. I could get my fat ass in a car and be there as well. The Sunnlyland gang is one of the the most welcoming and fun group out there. Whats there not to be always happy about? OK, yes Summer in Florida can be a bit brutal, and there are bugs the size of birds there. And then there is always the nutty Florida Man thing.


Nice shirt!

But on the positive note, there is all year Woody Boating, fun as heck people, and endless Buffets. And yes Jimmy Buffets, are they spelled differently? Do you really care? No cause you are in Florida boating and eating Crab legs! Ugh, now if you will excuse me I need to go rake leaves and winterize my house!


The Sunnyland gang stopped at Richard and Nancy Brown’s collection of John Deere tractors and Victrolas. Absolutely amazing personal collection hidden in the hills of Howey in the Hills.


People collect tractors?


They also Collect friends down there! .. Dam shorts again! ugh

HAPPY HEADER DAY BTW – For those of you new to Header Day, just hit your refresh or the WOODYBOATER LOGO in the upper left, and a old header will appear. Over 3000 of them. For mobile users, sorry it seems to not work! Darn phones!


11 replies
  1. Texx
    Texx says:

    Leaving before sunrise to work on a golf course construction site today – wearing shorts. Unusual to be wearing shorts here in November, but been like this for the last week. (Not complaining)

  2. Mike k
    Mike k says:

    All lake geneva boat rides end at chucks!!!

    Had some great videos too sure wouldn’t know how to pos those

    What happened to flip phones

  3. Wilson
    Wilson says:

    It was a great weekend…and both my wife ( she’s much smarter than I am) tried to post pictures but we simply can not make it connect. She manged to get one that will make you jealous on her FaceBook page…but who in my generation knows how to open FaceBook. Maybe you can

  4. Troy in ANE
    Troy in ANE says:

    Got out on the water for a cruise to BBH in the “new to us” late classic Formula today, but I will admit I was wearing wool socks not shorts.

  5. Bob
    Bob says:

    Mecum’s a fraud. Why are you all patronizing him after all that he did to you at that auction of antique boats ? He’s no friend of ACBS and its members.

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