Walking The Streets Of Berlin. A Different Sort Of Dock Shot

No socks no panties. Okay then, no point in going in that store.

There is water here, and we are working on that, but yesterday was spent trying to wake up and take a walk. My wrist watch, kept telling me it was a record, but, after some careful reading, it was saying TO record. OH, my spelling and grammar thing is very real. So? There is that. But in the end, it was a bout a 10 mile walk. or 16KM. Thats German for.. oh never mind. Oh and to keep it on WoodyBoater, 8.7 nautical miles. But walking not boating. I will add there was food involved.

Mercedes pick up truck.

And I found myself taking photos of cars you don’t see in the U.S, and thus a different type of dock shot was created. The parked shot. And so today, at 7Am my time, and therefore 1AM East Coast time, and 11PM the day before on the west coast. You get a story from the future. Ya, it makes sense, I did the math.

Still has the original Hillary sticker. Of course now I need to find a Prius with an Obama sticker.

This one for Phil Andrews!

A street cleaner.

Actually very cool. You get to have one accident, just one. YIKES

Man oh man.

The walking areas have so many wonderful textures.

So do the walls.

I am not exactly sure of what they are protesting, But a large teddy bear was involved.

Some cool vintage stuff

Yes, its an electric MG. WHY? WHY WHY WHY? Why take the one thing MG’s were known for being bad, and make it an entire….ugly car. WHY?

THE VW T-Roc is a mid size VW, very cool.

The cooler, or the car? Which came first?

A Volvo base, then remade in China, and then sold as a private car share. LOTS OF CAR SHARE stuff here.

You pay for this private car share.

Its now official

The ugliest car on the planet earth. And it’s french. So you know its a turd. At least it looks likes a turd, so you are never disappointed. WTH?

And yes, lots a very cool Porsche’s. Drool fest for me. All in great colors and versions. Not the usual silver and black crap we get

And if you were ever curious as to where this was all your life. Berlin! Who knew? The irony of a closed door though was a tad disappointing. maybe the no socks no panties store was not such a bad thing after all.

15 replies
  1. Dan Overbeek in MI
    Dan Overbeek in MI says:

    As cool as some of those vehicles look, I think I still would rather drive one of “American made” trucks in a heart beat. Looks like you guys are having fun!

  2. Greg Lewandowski
    Greg Lewandowski says:

    This morning is like a competitive car road trip back in the old working for a living days. 10 miles of that? I think you need a vacation!

  3. Troy in ANE
    Troy in ANE says:

    I’m not sure if that store does not sell socks and panties or if you are only allowed in the store if you are not wearing socks and panties.
    I offer to be the door greeter to make sure the rules are being followed.

  4. John Rothert
    John Rothert says:

    yeah right! an electric MG….if it has Lucas components it won’t get away from that curb on a wet day…..just sayin…..

    John in Va safe travels

  5. ian wilson
    ian wilson says:

    some great car museums in Germany; Porsche Museum, Stuttgart comes to mind; take the train if need be; you only live once; make a choice and live the dream Matt !

  6. briant
    briant says:

    For many of you, uh, your bias is showing. You know, one really should do their homework before slamming a product. You may think Renualts are ugly French cars, but they are often more safe than the crap we ride around in. In fact, their Espace minivan scored the highest year after year on the NCAP standards, which are tougher than our Crash standards. You may not like the looks, but at least you will be alive to bitch about the looks after a shunt.

    Ah yes, the typical worn out old MG slam. They have been making affordable, safe, and yes, dependable cars since giving up here in 1980. Their electric cars are the highest rated elec vehicle in their class… loaded with the extras, a very high range, and what you do not see here for electric cars….they are affordable for the middle class. And they do not catch on fire like the crap here made by that fool tool Spaceman.

    The only sports car that sold more than the beloved MGB is the Miata…yet those are heading to the dump, whereas the MGBs are being restored, driven and loved by the tens of thousands. You can even purchase a brand new MGB shell, made with the original tooling, for a mere $12,000. No other car can say that.

    My 1965 MGB has over 190,000 miles, has never broken down and left me stranded. I am installing a rebuilt gearbox right now….because the original, yeah, with that 190,000 miles on the ticker, was still going…tired but still going. I have not had any one of my family’s FORD products gearboxes and transmissions last past 100,000 miles. You want to talk crap…start there.

  7. Matthias
    Matthias says:

    You go girl! Get up on that horse. As I recall, the Renault Le Car scored the worst on safety, and should have been banned from the US. And the Renault is safe, cause no one will get close to it. As to MG’s. Well. I wonder how they got that sort of reputation?

    • briant
      briant says:

      MGBs got that crap reputation, not because the car was crap, but because most of the time the cheap American buyer did not fork over the slightly more expensive cost to obtain the correct part for a repair or maintenance, but rather, opted to “find something at their auto parts store” that could be made to maybe work.

      I purchased one MGB that had been bodged fixed by the previous owner – the person had rewired the headlights with car stereo speaker wire. To quote Bugs Bunny, “What a marroon.”

      And to single out Renault and their LeCar / R5 as being a deathtrap – c’mon, virtually every single manufacturer out there has at one time, built a small econo box that was cheap, small, and could kill you if you hit a dog. Ford Pinto? K-BOOM! Blasting Renault is just stupid.

      In Formula 1, Renault has won two constructors’ and drivers’ championships, while as an engine manufacturer it has 12 constructors’ and 11 drivers’ championships. Hardly a joke of a company. Has Ford, Chevy, Chrysler, Dodge, GMC, etc etc ever done that or even come close? No.

  8. Bill & Linda
    Bill & Linda says:

    So, “Car Share” must be like a time share condo…?
    And what if the other guy wears no socks or panties, during his turn….
    or worse yet…he attaches a Hillary bumper sticker….

  9. Reddog
    Reddog says:

    Glad you got the website fixed.i was really missing my boat fix in the morning. Now I have a few stories to catch up with. Thanks Matt and any helpers you put out a really good website to look at.

  10. Walt
    Walt says:

    Lots of interesting cars. Matt, I had to chuckle at your comment about seeing Porsches in many different colors and then you take a picture of a dark silver one.

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