The future towing in the past? Photo Shannon Knight
Today is mass head home day for us, we sold out of some of the shirts, and it was time to get home! And of course the sure sign its over, a good tow in. But this is also a sign that it was a fun show. We had around 5 reported tow ins, a broken shaft, smashed wood barrels by a train and a lost wallet in the drink! And thats just what we have been told. Thats how great the show was.
The Past towing in the future? – Jim Frechette Photo
Hey, a broken down day on the water with friends, is better than sitting in your house…. MFINE, TROY and others… Just say’n. The weather has been the best in my 12 year history of going to these events. Here are some lips and snouts for today while we are on the road. Stay tuned. We have some AMAZING photos to come.
Someone is always on a phone!
This says it all. Birds like Termites!
Lots of fun out on the water
Oh boy!
Sparkle! LOVE the lettering and name
Getting ready
Just another day in paradise
Jim Frechette in the Termite.
Now that is what you call a trailer
Headed out
Headed in!
LOVE! My favorite! The name, the boat, the history!
Behind the oily door!
Party in the tent.
They learned there spelling from Woody Boate
Headed out
God is in the details, and he sure likes to go fish’n
They didnt even need to fly the flag. You are in Merica now!
Power! Plus some more power
Love the shoes. Can you guess what it is, Jim Staib made some…
The store was rock’n
Saturday was a whopper…with cheese day!
People people everywhere
Love the whaler! THe beach was jammed full, and it was great
Loading the termite. Thats the look you get when she is doing the work and you are grabbing photos..
And here is a teaser for a wonderful boat shoot. Thanks Chris Bullen and the YNOT Yacht gang!
That light! Classic Boating eat your heart out! You missed the mornings of all mornings!
Well, “TEXAN” did not look like that when we found her in Tall Timbers, MD. It was on its way to the burn pile. CQ
Great seeing you all! Beautiful weather and a great venue! I love the “non skid varnish” on my brothers Whaler! Lol! Safe travels home to all!
Gotta love the way Staib does things. If one person needs a ski pole he probably had 20 built because someone else out there is going to need one.
While you were all out having fun in the sun I got a visit from Larry.
Safe Travels All!!!!
That’s funny! Larry still gets around,…
Matt, It was nice finally meeting you and your very patient wife. We’re both lucky. Have a safe ride north.
The party’s over !…But great fun while it lasted…Have to go by the field of dreams on the way out & see if that little 9′ Whaler is still there…Might take it home if the grailer is road worthy..
. . . Even though the “Termite Terror” was loaded like a refugee’s cargo boat the ‘Happy Boat People’ pull away into the Lake Dora rush hour traffic and motor off to many new adventures yet to be shared – – And we hope all live happily ever after – –
I’m not sure what was more frustrating for dad; breaking down, being towed in by an aluminum boat, or being towed in by a Mercury! By the time that picture was taken we were all having a good laugh.
I think Ed Andrew’s win the prize for being towed 3 times and paddled in twice this week. All in all Ed kept smiling. Van Ness should be expecting a call Monday morning.
Ha. It’s an electrical issue that Ed and Dave already know about.
Thanks to the high school shop teacher that found it.
A call from me too!—Not a good weekend.
And by the way, is there no privacy on the water??? Hahahahha
Once again great boat show pics. It puts you there even though we couldn’t go. Loved the Aluminum boat pulling the woody. My only complaint is the plastic boat in the Header, even if it is fast as hell. Safe travels everyone!
…five tow ins, a broken prop shaft…and a lost wallet. So what happened to the Harrisons this year ?
Great pics!
Ed alone got towed in at least five times! This is believed to be Troy in “Gottago”
Matt, it was great to see you, had a fun time, till the next show safe travels, Scooter
Hey Scotty, is that you chillin in the back of Comfy? The boat looks super. Like the stairs and ladders!
Just got home. 7 pm. My butt is numb
1290 MILES
Sore from head to toes.
And 39°
What’s up with that?
Iam something sorry be it wonderful to see all these Beautiful boats at Mount Dora but do not forget the vendors that work that hard to become part of the boat world we work our butts off and travel many miles to sell our where’s like Jim stable John into etc. it seems that we never get the recognition for what we do
Thanks for the Love. I grew up with Jr. and I am proud to have inherited her, I have committed to keep Jr.’s legacy going. Look for more great things from Jr. in the future.
Great pics Matt