Woods And Water Hump Day

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Well this photo will be stolen and used on all sorts of crappy social media sites for click bait. Ugh. – Steve Lapkin COPYRIGHT!

If you are following all this action then you gotta know that we are about to get real with the boat SHOW part of the party. And last night was the big welcome party at Fort Mahogany. John Allens version of the Woody Boater HQ. Okay, the HQ is my version of Fort Mahogany, or HOWE Marine. Living breathing curated ways of life captured. Anyway, the photos will no doubt come in, today we celebrate yesterday. Thanks to Holly Weber and Steve Lapkin. Here is the note from Steve.

Steve Clicking away, the man deserves combat pay! – Holly Weber photo

A lot going on in the Brainerd Lakes area on Hump Day including a visit by many to the Legacy of the Lakes Museum at Alexandria, just down the road. Some others went out on Gull Lake for leisurely cruising while I stayed close to Fort Mahogany, John Allen’s stable, to ready for the launching of several of his prizes: Teaser, Sister Syn, and Hornet II, in anticipation of the boat show at Bar Harbor Supper club this coming Friday and Saturday. I had plenty of help, distractions, and want, for some up-close-and-personal clicks to further memorialize these amazing three. A Henry Nevins design; a Dodge Watercar; a Gar Wood one-off.

Teaser.. The boat, not some sort of milking, although this is sort of a teaser on TEASER – Steve Lapkin

Timeless TEASER – Oh just wait till you read this. The special POOF switch they have there.

TIMELESS! – John Allen enjoying a BW moment. Oh? You didnt know? They have a thing up there where they can flick a switch and POOF, its all black and white so you can really live in the moment. REALLY! – Steve lapkin

INDA watA – Yes you know what I said! – Steve Lapkin

Out Teasing – Steve Lapkin

GAAAAA! That finish! – Steve Lapkin


Okay, enough teasing – Steve Lapkin

Meanwhile out on the water, folks were having a ball. – Holly Weber

It’s all about the fun – Holly Weber

Coming and going – Holly Weber

Let’s dock this thing – Holly Weber

They even brought in some attractive people to improve the look! – Holly Weber


We eventually got Teaser in the water for delivery to Bar Harbor Supper Club. She’s ready for public viewing. HOPE is that Sister Syn will launch today, Thursday, as well as a quick launch and run for Hornet II….clicks coming if we as so blessed.




See, they can just flick a switch… POOF!

With great anticipation, among special hump day moments, I had the company and pleasure of John Allen’s daughter-in-law…with grandson Tate. Tate was particularly curious and all-hands-on with one of my cameras. Will he eventually be a Gen-A savvy photographer?

Sorry Steve, he wont need a camera, there will be some sort of Apple product that is embedded in a hair follicle that will capture everything. They will call it HAiR and it will.. Oh god, I need to keep that to myself, they may actually pull it off. – Steve lapkin

OKAY WARNING WARNING STEVE LAPKIN WENT A LITTLE NUTS ON US.. and I love it…. FISHEATHON! Ya they have a switch up there that does this as well.

Is it in the camera or is this actually how Steve see’s things?

Fort Mahogany in the back of the eyeball


I am optically challenged here. AND LOVE IT

WOW, okay, all kidding aside, this is a killer shot. And Fort Mahogany is perfection in color, design and ugh, I am going to go and add some more junk to HQ.

CANNON! Steves version of a finger in the frame

Fish eye TEASER

One day this will all be yours.

The best is yet to come as the stage is being set for 150+ wooden masterpieces at the Supper club, shortly. SL

Poor poor Steve! – Photo Ron Stevenson

14 replies
  1. Greg Lewandowski
    Greg Lewandowski says:

    Steve’s photos of those fantastic boats are unbelievable. It’s like I am having a dream!
    I think that may be John Allen’s private fuel dock in that B & W of Teaser. You need one of those at the Railway, Matt.
    Looks like the classic boat gods have really provided the weather for this great event!

  2. Brian in Green Bay
    Brian in Green Bay says:

    Love the pictures! You can almost smell autumn in the air, the trees are just showing hints of summer fading to fall and the cool mornings create the perfect atmosphere for a boat ride. I love this time of year!

  3. NR
    NR says:

    Watched them launch Teaser at Hessel. Toed/guided/assisted it to the dock and it was running. So big and a very tight space. Quite a boat.

    • Ned Protexter
      Ned Protexter says:

      We looked forward to this show since it was announced. Freshly restored boat and all. But the call of “we need more young people” was louder and came yesterday. Thank you for the coverage.

      • Dane
        Dane says:

        Wow Ned, Congrats to your growing family. I ran into the Okoboji crew at the Bar Harbor patio this evening and they didn’t say anything. I would have thought that Royce would have been passing out cigars.

        I guess it’s a good thing that you didn’t make the trip.

  4. Rabbit
    Rabbit says:

    Every single detail, everywhere you turn, there is jaw dropping perfection at Fort Mahogany. Thank you, John, for welcoming us. And in one more day we do it all again at Lee’s.

  5. Philip Andrew
    Philip Andrew says:

    Spectacular! That engine bay with the Curtiss sitting up as neat as a pin. Mind boggling. Thanks for the wonderful pictures Holly and Steve. Wish I was there!


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