
Sierra Boat Company became the ‘home’ to the Tahoe Concours circa 1992/1993 providing the ultimate venue.

This is a very special time across the US of A. Elections? NA, Olympics? NOPE! Yup. It’s Classic Boat show season. And the Big Tahoe Show and Clayton show are the biggies of the current time. With Gull Lake capping off the year in September. Today we have a special report from Mr Steve Lapkin from lake Tahoe. We also have a Steve Natalie on in the Que. So stay tuned. Hit it Steve.

Steve Hanst was, and remains, one of the Tahoe show’s most likeable symbols.

Words and imagery by Steve Lapkin


The most beautiful objects in life are not just things. They are people and places. They are memories and pictures. They are feelings and moments. Six words encouraging incredible gravitas, introspection, dynamism, and sway.

Following each show is a magnificent beachfront for further camaraderie and prize giving.

As in any activity, there is creation: a beginning. Over 50 years ago, within our niche, the roots of a cultured ‘wooden boat show’ took its origin(s) on the planet at Lake Tahoe, California, as well as at (somewhat simultaneously) Clayton, New York, and Lake George. The premise for such an endeavor was, and still is, to invite, encourage, and collectively celebrate the existence, perpetuation, and influence of wooden boats within our day-to-day lifestyles. Indeed, many or most of you were not present back then. I was. And, thankfully, there are many who were around, 50 years ago, and still are. Especially the boats, themselves! Thank you all for your stewardship!

Many from the founding generation – both owner and boat – are still enthusiastic participants.

Within our wooden boat fraternity there is a significant group of owners and devotees who annually crave and seek to rally at seasonal weekend functions known as, or referred to as, “boat shows.” That desire continues with verve to this day.

A Tahoe event would not be complete without Riva…with or without Grey Poupon!

Tahoe set a trend 50 years ago, so did New York; that spirit is still strong throughout the continent and abroad.

Tahoe is variety: sea lyons included.

Freedom in a Gar Wood with Jim Gordon was perennial.

He could not pronounce the word ‘mahogany’ – thus…………..

ive us Liberty….always!

In anticipation of August’s high-season North America boat show calendar, sourced from the galleries of images from my storage devices, here are the people and places, memories and pictures, feelings and moments, that brought us to today. Previously unpublished here on WB, the vestiges of our current-past, and likely future, will be fêted and chronicled again in the coming weeks at Tahoe, August 9 – 10…and New York state. And at a waterway near you!!

Youth then. And youth now. Tahoe is multigenerational.

Matriarch Thunderbird yacht. Venerable

WE play well together at Tahoe sans labels.

Lake Tahoe, dating from 1974: these are the people, and the locale 50 years ago or so. These are some of the memories and pictures since that era. Take to heart the boats, feelings, and moments.

Buzz Gibb did SO much and added SO much to the Tahoe scene! Bless you, Buzz!

They were actually backyard neighbors back home: The Pumphreys and Ludwigs.

Tahoe’s version of ‘a weekend at Bernie’s’ – father Bernie and son, ‘little’ Bernie Atkinson.

All are meant to evoke your deepest curiosities and sentiments. Wonderment as to what the challenges or expectations were then? Suffice, there has been continuity and prolongation ever since. For those of you who were there, your memories should be heightened. For those of you who have come and joined since, savor these visuals with gratefulness, please.

Brian Johnson with Concours co-founder – Glory Beall.

Joan Gibb (l) and Bill Watson (r) – collectively they fostered the renaissance for Thunderbird yacht.

It’s racing days date back to the 1930s: Fred Taylor (l) and Bill Lindemann (r) paused for a photo opp circa 2007.

Lapkin aerial of one of many Tahoe veteran Hackercraft runabouts dating from the 1930s.

Power Play (l) with Dispatch (r) – consistent Concours show-stoppers and eye-catchers. Lapkin aerial.

ALWAYS a packed house at Sierra Boat Company for a Concours weekend – circa 1992/93 to 2013.

All smiles from Wallrich family, each and every year, for the Concours. They were perpetual Chris-Craft participants.

Beyond Tahoe and New York, the saga and growth of wooden boat gatherings around the globe will be visually documented in successive chapters/postings thanks to Matt and the WB platform.

Let’s collectively celebrate and embrace the good times, shall we?

11 replies
  1. Greg Lewandowski
    Greg Lewandowski says:

    Mr. Steve Lapkin gets it. Along with stunning watercraft, our events are rooted in friendship and camaraderie. We always love to welcome new boats and their caretakers to our passion and continue to enjoy the relationships with our old friends. The boats may be different, but the feelings are the same at Algonac, Hessel and all of our other gatherings. Thank you Steve and Matt for telling this story!

  2. Ern Mink
    Ern Mink says:

    Very inspiring words! Had me choked up thinking about my wood boat past and future. I been inspired to take ‘Camaleóna’ (U-22) to the Antique Boat show at Club Island tomorrow.

  3. Bill Watson
    Bill Watson says:

    Steve insightfully taps the pulse of the Tahoe wooden boat bloodline that courses inside of us. Classic boating on Tahoe is not just our hobby, it’s our lifestyle. Honored to play a small role.

  4. Mark in Ohio (sometimes da U P)
    Mark in Ohio (sometimes da U P) says:

    Great story, with beautiful pictures. Lake Tahoe is a beautiful place. I can only imagine what a boat show would be like there. Remember Hessel Aug 10.

  5. Cheryl Shields
    Cheryl Shields says:

    So wonderful to see the faces of so many friends. Fond memories all. More adventures ahead. Thank you Steve

  6. Philip Andrew
    Philip Andrew says:

    What an inspiring piece of scripture today Steve. Good for all our souls. Thank you.

  7. Randy
    Randy says:

    The 2010 Tahoe event was well worth the trip and one of the highlights on my show list. Great venue, great boats, and enthusiastic spectators. A show I will never forget!

  8. Ron Schultz
    Ron Schultz says:

    I don’t think anyone has captured the passion of our hobby with photographic art and words better than you, Steve. Thank you!

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