One Day And 12 Hrs Til Algonac.

Stinky’s refreshed transom.
Stinky is ready, George, Wayne and I are ready. And so here we go. Leaving at O Dark Thirty tomorrow for the 12 hr drive to Algonac. The good news, it stays light in Michigan til 10 PM so we are in a way gonna have some time on Thursday evening to kinda get settled. I have so many people to say hi too, and just be where one wants to be in the universe.

The Pass gas Special is ready. Runs like a champ.

I did some cleaning in the bilge and found one of her hull numbers. So cool.


There is nothing like working away with pals and music on the water. Surrounded with history and love

Her Sister “B” who is waiting on her beauty make over.
But the real fun part of it all is taking Stinky home. She has no idea, since the last time she was there was in 1936. Thats 85 years ago. Before so much history. I wonder if she will know she is home? Or just feel it. It is a pilgrimage of sorts. maybe I will just let her soak up in the St Clair. Or just blow the Algonac air on her. Smear some Fish Flys on her?

I found some old cruiser cushions that fit perfectly, and use some old life jackets as a back cushion .

Thats a new Fire Extinguisher painted to look brass and a Pirene sticker. WHAT? Link to story at end of story…which is never really the end of the story. LOOP ALERT.

Getting her accessories ready. And yes, its her purse.

I have some cool vintage Yacht club race flags. Her flag was shot and not cotton. I will need a new one, or an older one. Tough to find. But in the meantime she can strut her ebay race heritage?

Old timers… in 1950?

I wonder? She may have never been in the drink there. Just built and shipped. And where would that plant have been? So many questions. Regardless, we are all set. It’s not hurricane season, so that wont screw it up. Ugh.

Someone has been very suspicious of all my prepping. He even put on a tie. But he will be staying home. Oh boy.
And if you want to read more about vintagizing a new fire extinguisher. Here is your CLICK

The original and her spray can descendants
Stinky is looking good and we can’t wait to see her. We have a special spot for her to visit with friends and relatives while she is in Algonac. Have a safe trip. The Michigan gang is anxious to see our Virginia guests and all the other WoodyBoaters. We are ready to PARTY!!!
Woohoo is right, Molly-O and Old School are waiting patiently to meet their cuz.
Don’t forget to leave room in the bed if the Reedville truck for your present.
Those old race flags are a very cool accessory for Stinky.
Looking forward to finally meeting some of the WoodyBoaterville commenters in person. And getting back to a boat show – last was Midwest All Classics in Rockford 2012 – just realized it’s been 10 years! Scary, how fast that time disappeared.
I’m looking forward to meeting you also Kelly!
🙏❤️ Looking forward!
Boy do I feel wimpy. It’s only a 3 hour drive from Kazoo. The SS isn’t ready and life is busy. Matt, would love to show you all the areas of The Flats. Took Alex, Chad and Mayer on a tour when we made the trip to Port Huron from Hessel in the 25 Sportsman. If its a calm day it’s doable in Stinky but depending on wind and boat traffic she and you could take a pounding.
I assume you are eventually headed up I75 from Toledo thru Detroit. That section of interstate, at least thru Monroe, Michigan was so bad towing a customer’s boat it shook an oblong built in boat trailer light out of the frame and lost it along with one of my wheel center caps. And that’s when I was going 50 mph. I’d think about going towards Ann Arbor to avoid that section, but that’s just me. I cringe every time we hit an expansion joint that turns into a “whoopty do”. Which brings me to strapping boats down across the deck. I prefer to strap the strut to the trailer for larger boats. Do you bounce out of your seat at any time driving? Would a 2000 lb boat bounce off the trailer? I would be concerned about deck abrasion from the straps. Ok, I know you have it padded, but as highway grit accumulates under the pad, so abrasion may occur. Just my experience hauling all over country and protecting my customers investment. Lighter boats, like outboards, I can understand strapping down. And Stinky may be right at the line where that is required. Just thinking out loud.
I am looking forward to meeting all you Woody Boaters in person. Would be nice to have a place where we could meet on Saturday.
Ronnie and I just returned from Hessel where we picked up a 1976 9-foot Boston Whaler Squall Sailboat. It’s for our Granddaughter, Summer, who lives in Charleston, SC.
Now we get to repack and get ready for an across the state run to Algonac for THE show.
We also want to meet all the Woodyboater posters in attendance, to put a face to a name!
Been three years since we seen our Michigan Chapter friends. Big hugs for all the chapter ladies, then Greg L, then Matt!!! lol
We hsd one for 20 years was slightly damaged in hurricane
isabel we gave itto a young girl who still sails it on the river
Ok I have an idea, lets all meet in front of the Chris Craft 100th anniversary tent at 1 pm Saturday, If you a name tag please wear it, If you have extra blank name tags please bring them along we can fill them in.
Art, you and I are giving boat rides and that starts at 1:00 Saturday. That time won’t work.