Better Late Than Never For A Little Lake Dora Sausage

I LOVED this outboard stand. I think its still for sale. In NC if interested let me know.

This year as promised, I had fun. Not out looking for shots, or anything like that. Just following my heart and desire. Spending time with friends, and laughing. ALOT. And the social media folks of various influencers certainly covered all this. BTW the ACBS is KILLING IT on that front. WOW. More on that later. A standing ovation to them for doing this. With all that said, from time to time, something interesting just warranted some sort of click. And to be honest, they were drive by shootings. AND we can not emphasize enough the insane dock shots by M-fine.  He allowed me to just HAVE FUN. AND I DID.

I did pick up two Johnson coveralls. I am going to add the correct patch and yes, those gloves make a great accessory

I SO DIG these. WOW. I see a Stinger in my future. WOW

WAIT, what is it about old outboards that is calling me. NO! NO NO NO. Well maybe


Got the Super 10 cleaned up ish

Old chain saw! Thats it, nothing funny. Just a chainsaw..that I saw.

Only in Florida. The front is powered by a Prius engine, and tows the boat. Follow your dream!

Hands down the nicest one of these EVER! Amazing colors

Brilliant! Best of parking lot show

Wayne Bomb dared me to post this!

That Katzs Finish! I am humbled by it. Its so over the top. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

This is without a doubt the mother of all COBRAS! Original, Belonged to Steve McQueen and is flawless. Not an over puffed 427. A simple 289 Version. Wonderful color, perfect paint. It was there on Sat for a short bit. And just made my day!

The sad thing is there are so many kits and reproductions out there, that you dont realize how special it is to FEEL the real one. I could feel it across the field. THATS A REAL ONE. And I was scared to walk up to it and then be tricked. A very special moment. Owner David Wagner, who BTW, also brought a 58 Corvette. Two of my favorite cars of all time.

There is a story here, I just did not find out much. He was not hurt, and they came by and scooped him up. And that was that. They sure were having fun.

15 replies
  1. Mike D
    Mike D says:

    Wait, I missed the report about how the unique photos you showed this week were taken. All I see today is sausage. How did I miss it?

  2. Dan Overbeek
    Dan Overbeek says:

    Chains saws and woody boats don’t mix too well! Thank for the view of what else was going on in Dora!

  3. john Rothert
    john Rothert says:

    Thanks for the Dora shots. I am Dora deprived and relish just seeing the familiar backgrouds. John in Va post more….

  4. Kelly wittenauer
    Kelly wittenauer says:

    It has been told, that Shelby only loaned that Cobra to McQueen – who then kept it without paying for it.

  5. Mark in Ohio (sometimes da U P)
    Mark in Ohio (sometimes da U P) says:

    Cool stuff! Fun to look at, I did see a lot of old Johnsons. Outboards that is.

  6. tom
    tom says:

    Rarely do you see an original (real) Cobra anywhere, except for a show like Pebble and the like, they have become so valuable. I’d love to know more about the story that Kelly mentioned.

  7. Scott K
    Scott K says:

    That Cobra occasionally shows up at a Saturday morning cars & coffee here near Detroit. Refreshing to see owners actually use them as a car, rather than strictly as a line item in an investment portfolio.

  8. Floyd r turbo
    Floyd r turbo says:

    I missed half the stuff you photographed and I was there but that’s what happens when you’re tired to a table selling hardware for somebody else. How do I get myself into this crap. So I’m sure, by you’re not having a table of your own you had that much more fun. By the way, that blue hulled Catalina next to the pontoon boat is re-powered by a 4 BT Cummins. That makes for a great offshore boat he says he’s been to the Bahamas with it several times and it is so fuel efficient having tried big blocks small blocks for comparison before settling on the diesel. I’ll see you ski chair with this…

  9. Floyd r turbo
    Floyd r turbo says:

    Here’s the Cummins installation, it was super sanitary and he beefed all the mounts because of the increased torque produced. So many boats, so many stories. I’m a diesel fan boy if you don’t know.

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