Bob Kays Saves Last Gasp Week In Spectacular Style Meet Thayer II 1/2

Bob Rice at the helm of Lieutenant the photo boat
Thanks to fellow Woody Boaters Bob Kays, Bob Rice and the good folks at Katzs Marina for keeping Last Gasp week going. The two Bobs were taking Bob Rices boat on her last run and while at the Marina, A brand new boat was ready for her debut on the water and here on Woody Boater. Everything including the perfect weather was just right. Enjoy!

THAYER 2 1/2 is a perfect little 18ft Sportsman


putting her in

Lets GO!

Perfect day on the water

Every photo is a header

What a day

This is a real last gasp on a first run

Go go go


A beautiful fall day

These 18 Sportsman are considered by many as the perfect boats

Beautiful lines

All done and covered back up – Thats the Blue Arabian next to her ready to be shipped this week

See you next summer
Very nice last gasp.
That Bob guy takes great pictures. He should sell calendars or something!
I know, someone should tell him that. IT’S SO OBVIOUS.. GAAAAA!
beautiful pics……fall is more advanced there and I can hope it will be a colorful around here…
John in Va.
That’s one beautiful sportsman!
Nice boat What engine does it have ? What year.? I wish the video was longer. Looks like a nice riding boat. I have a friend with this same kind of boat.
SweeT! With a capital T!