Can Hand Sanitizer Ruin Your Varnish?
We know that bug spray and sunscreen can effect your varnish, but can hand sanitizer? I don’t even want to experiment with it. But on board is some because you do go to gas stations and its comforting now to at least do something.
Yesterday here in Virginia was one of those perfect boating days and people sure took advantage of it. We went for a 1 hr ride on Stinky and then the Smith herd spent some time on Sweet Pea, WECATCHEM is getting a new manifold this week and the new V8 is about done. I am in no rush and letting others get there engines that need them.
Yesterday was a washout up here in the Northeast but Friday was the day to get Rocket Man out for a 2nd run.
Starting has been a little labored late last year and this year so I ordered a new battery (current one is 8 years old). While running the ammeter is at 20A (full charging).
I also ordered a battery load tester so I can check the old one and then monitor the new one.
Someone must have a scrap piece that was used for stain and varnish testing that can now be used to test hand sanitizer’s impact on the varnish.
A local distillery has been making hand sanitizer for purchase during the lockdown. Turns out that it is basically 160 proof applejack (80% ethyl alcohol). Only problem with it is they added hydrogen peroxide to it so you can’t consume it.:-(
I haven’t tried it on varnish but, it has been shown to lift paint though.
I know Deep Woods Off will affect the photo-gray coating on your glasses as well some suntan lotion will make your bed sheets turn yellow.So if you got speckled glasses,try deep woods
I know this a little off subject . I saw on facebook yesterday that the 2020 Les Chaneaux islands boat show in Hessel has been canceled. I know as in cancelling all boat shows, this was a tough decesion. It just makes me sad. Hopefully things will be better in 2021.
I haven’t worked on finishing a boat in a while but I thought, at the shop, we use to wipe a boat down with alcohol before starting the varnishing process (remove hardware/interior, sand, tack, and varnish). This would remove silicones from sunscreens and other oils that would fisheye the finish. We were told to liberally use the alcohol and new rags so as not to smear it around.
John R in VA and Bethany are on a weekend birthday trip. He made a pit stop in our cove yesterday in his 1925 cruiser (pictured) and I got the wagemaker out to play as well. Great start to the summer!
close up
next day we spent the night on the hook in Reedville within sight of Woodyboater headquarters… all quiet… great cruise. Be safe…Go Boating!
John in Va.