Dee White Prototype Milking

The hole in the stern for the outdrive.
I am on the road as of 5:AM for a 17 hr hail mary home. The good news, Mr B seems to really understand the cruise control and self driving lane thing. He is getting a lot of road time behind the wheel. So I think he is mature enough to avoid the usual Road Rage at any car with a dog in it. With all that said, as promised, we are gonna milk the Dee White story from Gary. Here is Garys note.

I love it just like that. Also love Gary’s shop. We so need a tour.. MILK, cough cough, Milk.
The Dee Wite belonged to longtime friend Lee Heinzman and was next on his list to restore on a long list of projects in his collection. After his passing last November Bette asked me to help sell the 30+ boats in the Bristol Ct building and the Dee Wite was to be donated to the Clayton Museum.

Another look at the engine. Love the crank
After discussions with the Museum and going over the terms of maintenance fees she decided to sell it instead. My feeling the Museum could have broken protocol to have this one off super rare boat and engine on display and available for research purposes. I do have the outdrive and the engine is coupled direct to the drive through the center hole in the lower transom.

VCR! I smell a Youtube Milking here.. Anyone have a VCR that they didnt chuck out once the Jane Fonda tapes wore out?
The out drive is in pieces but Big Tony is hopeful the VCR tape in the picture we found in the box has the instructions. Good luck finding a VCR. The Van Blerck does run and is a rarity in itself, this is a back burner project but will see the water again.

One more of the engine, can we ever really get enough of that beauty? Oh trust me, we re gonna test that. MILK

The Rack boat from yesterday
The Launch on Big Tony’s rack is a 1910 15′ Graves Launch built in Marblehead Ma with the transom notched for an outboard this will be returned to an inboard.
And there ya have it, thanks Gary.
That outdrive is a strange thing. I hope Gary can get it going so we can see how it works. Have a good drive North!
Having owned and worked on several “modern” boats with outdrives the big thing that jumps out at me is that the hole for the drive shaft is actually above the water line, thus not relying on bellows to keep the boat from sinking.
I really hope Gary keeps us up to date on this one.
I have the Sony unit that converts VHS tapes to digital.
Did all the home videos last winter and gave each kid a memory stick for Christmas.
Here is another early outdrive…wish I could find a picture of it on a boat
I’m going to stir some $h!t here. With that hole in the stern already. A Mercruiser 350 with an Alpha 1 outdrive, would make a great user boat out of her. Expecting 6″ of snow today in the eastersn U P.
I would do that in a heartbeat as I use the hell out of any classic I have, be it our woody or the classic car.
But this boat will do nothing but sit in some collection somewhere, so they may as well put the original bits back in and allow the poor thing to sit and rot and fade into obscure oblivion.
How funny last year, I copied all our home chic tapes onto dvds and gave copies to our girls for Xmas.
As for the outdrive. By any chance is it one of the Johnson outboard co out drives. If so if I remember right there is one complete on a Penn Yan boat at the Hamondsport NY museum They also have a Disproportionate on display. It’s a great museum
Ok auto correct did not like Dispro on display
Inland boat works…..Detroit….?
Zug Island Detroit?
Am I thinking Great Lakes Boat Works home of the Belle Isle Bear Cat?
I sleep in for the first time in years ( 9:30) and I can’t remember a thing about this.
This feels like the good ol’ days when the milkman would deliver milk & dairy products to your back porch — only now I don’t have to go outside to retrieve it!!!
Thanks Matt — but your next hat should be one of them milkman hats.
This is the same outdrive on my Ludington Sportship Senior powered by a Model 37 Gray Marine. The boat was purchased in 1929 and delivered to Panther Pond, Raymond, ME. where it stayed in service thru the early ’70,s. I was fortunate to buy this three years ago from the grandson of the original owner. I’m hoping to start work on it this winter.
So I have not found any pictures of the actual outdrive with this boat, but if this is accurate this one looks like it is a puller, not a pusher.
The same as the one pictured by Andy C. The lower unit (and cavitation plate – possibly) turns – the rest is fixed. Interesting!
Ah yes! I see it now.
Very cool!
Is this Jim Martin my old Chris Craft adviser in Maine?
If so would be nice to talk again.
John in VA
So since it’s 9:30 tomorrow, with no new story yet, and it is pouring out I am taking a closer look at this whole thing.
This looks like a very different outdrive from either of the others listed in the stories and comment section.
These must be the holes for the steering cables, but they don’t seem to be centered over the outdrive mounting hole. ODD! (maybe it’s just the angle of the picture.)
What a beautiful SIMPLE outdrive concept! I think Clayton really had their heads up their stern tubes in not grabbing this one!
Keep milkin’ Matt! You got a barnfull of ’em!