Global HQ Updates, Reedville Show, And Wayne Bomb Sausage Day

Wayne Bomb testing the guillotine effect of the new Art from Art – OH AND HAPPY B DAY TO WAYNE!

Okay to be clear, we are not talking about Mr Wayne Bombs Sausage. Lets get that out of the way right away. And yes we have a part duex from Clayton from Kent O Smith Jr, but he is trying to curate the finger in the shot shots now, since that seems to be the trend. Hey, its art! I suppose its all like a finger print thing. Anyway. Gonna be one of those all over the place days. So strap in, and you may want to wear a life jacket as you read.

Quiet Sunset rides are the best part of August

Janet -O is here for her annual check up.

Just another day in …

Did I mention its hot as hell.

The new old flagpole hasnt snapped yet

These two kids got to talk.

This amazing VanDamm built sailboat was here for some small repairs. Traveled up from Florida

The gas sign is UP! I am using a prop shaft

Had some old lights laying around.

We raised it with a hoist. Good god that thing is heavy as ship!

Mr B hung out with the gang as they repaired the sailboat rub rail.

And now the teaser to this years Reedville Boat Show.- This years poster just printed. The Glenna Fay made a nice work of art. She will also be this years t shirts. Show is the 10th, on the 9th the reception will be at the Railway. The entire town is part of the show, and boats will be tied up at historic homes docks. We already have some larger boats coming. This may be a whopper.. For us. Maybe a Jr Whopper. With cheese. And Glenna Fay will be there with fish guts and all since she works every day. We will do an entire story soon. Hotels and other stuff. But if you want more info. CLICK HERE.


12 replies
  1. Greg Lewandowski
    Greg Lewandowski says:

    Lotsa good stuff. Happy Birthday Wayne and the Elva C. Stay away from the Reedville reeds when you give boat rides at the show!

  2. Mark in Ohio (sometimes da U P)
    Mark in Ohio (sometimes da U P) says:

    That side looks good hanging up Matt. I didn’t realize I had started such a trend, but now we have Kent O on board. Just one more finger picture 😎

  3. Rabbit
    Rabbit says:

    Matt, the new sign looks amazing. You’re right up there with Camp Wandewega (run by other obsessed advertising types) for having all the details dialed in. But I’m confused about the Railway: The railway itself is still functioning, but who does the actual work?

  4. Tom Roamer
    Tom Roamer says:

    Speaking of boat shows if you are heading west from the ACBS international please stop by the Niagara Frontier Chapter show on September 17th at the Buffalo Launch Club in Grand Island, NY.

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