How Was Your Labor Day Weekend?

Alex Watson in his plastic! Getting towed in. He tried to end his season on empty! YA!
Well? Did ya break down? Get towed in, did you tow anyone in? Stub your toe? For many of us, this is the best time to go boating. Unless you are in Florida right now. YIKES! Major Prayers sent your way.Head Gaskets? Or even better, a perfect run!

Alex did get some Sportsman time in up in Hessel

We did as well in Reedville



Did someone say BOAT RIDE?

Happy happy and happier!
Tell us how your weekend went? And yes I know, we are working on the photo comment thing! UGH
End of the weekend. End of the season. Too much sediment in the gas tank. Idle speed back to the dock. Will pull the tank in the off season. “Knot to Shabby” only had moments this summer.
Went Boating all weekend…boats did great, weather fine, life is good….prayers for folks in the way of the hurricane…
John in Va.
Good weekend. Prepped for a possible visit from Dorian, Cleaned and waxed the KAVALK for the Reedville show, hoping the rain passes in time. Took the KAVALK on a run from York Point to Yorktown for lunch, nice! Light chop ran comfortably at 35 no “air Time”. Pulled the crab pots for the season, had a pile of steamed crabs to end the weekend.
Had a couple of good ski runs with neighbors on a 70° cloudy, hazy morning. Very nice.
Battening down the hatches on “Meant To Be” waiting for Dorian to pass by. Thankfully it will just skirt us at Daytona Beach.
The weekend is still going!!
Cruising Penobscot Bay until Friday or Saturday.
Great weekend! Lots of family and friends at the cabin. Did a lot of boating and socializing 😃 Starting to close things down though. Fall is coming 👎
I worked at my real job and also worked on several of my junky ol boats including a 1940ish Thompson Snipe sailboat
Dorian hung around the Bahamas so it was nice in N.W. Fl. Went out and caught a couple of mackerel. All’s well.
Watched a few people on our lake in NW Wisconsin pulling their docks and boats this weekend. Always a head-scratcher. Even if it’s a pontoon, they’re missing the best five to six weekends of the season.
I am with you all the way. Here in Southern Michigan the woodies don’t get put away until mid Oct. and the pontoon comes out mid Nov. Nothing better than fall rides with Autumn colors!
Had a flawless run in the Penn Yan. Finally gave up on the POS Quadrajet carb and now she runs great with no bogging on acceleration, no lag, no vapor lock, no hot start issues, etc.
Next weekend I expect I will be filling the fuel for the last time. Then it is time to worry about firewood and snowblowers.
How about an article on innovative ways to pull docks and lifts other than to having it done professionally? Want to see how creative peeps might be in saving some bucks!
We have wheels with tires on everything as all docks and hoists need to come out. Assistance provided by a lawn tractor and 4wd truck.
Roger, Invite Florida folks to come up at your expense to do the job! Wink, wink!
Had the Dippy out and ran for about 2.5 hours. Maybe used a little over 1 qt of gas.