Ugh, Monday! I Am Not Even Gonna Do A Story Today.
Ugh, despite all the storm drama on the local weather station, we survived with 7 mph of wind. Sunny skies and NO BOATS. What the hell? So I was relegated to yard work, more yard work, and did I mention yard work. The highlite of the weekend was varnishing. Its got a little yellow pollen haze! So today I am not doing a story. I am just gonna rest.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. WHAT! Wait one darn second. I thought I was taking today off. But I am writing, I am literally writing on my day off explaining that I am taking the day off and not doing a story today. Dang it. I hate this when this loop happens..
No comment.
Ok then, I think I’ll. crawl back in bed for some more shut eye…zzzzzzzzx
Wishing it was a ham coma.
Heck…I’m at work now. Hmmm….what better pace for a nap!!!
I still enjoyed the “no story” story. Goes to show that I look forward to and enjoy whatever you put out there Matt.
Slacker!!! LOL
If one picture is worth 1000 words. Then 16 are worth, well a bunch. I enjoyed it Matt.
I read all this and went back to bed.
Wait. I cannot get past this bit that I read somewhere that a 19ft wood boat can soak up 700 lbs of water. Given that a gallon of fresh water weighs 8.34 lbs, that means 700 lbs, or rather, about 84 gallons of water, is trapped in that boat’s bottom….well, not really trapped, because it could leave at anytime.
Really? That is like 933 beers on the wall.
Which then begs the question…How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck an extra 700lbs , or 84 gallons of water soaked wood, since he or she is putting on a new 5200 bottom? (Even though woodchucks really do not chuck wood, and no, I am not calling folks like Katz or Mike M woodchucks.)
I gotta go lie down.
Mondays…ya, let me think about it!
Storms were a no show…so girlfriend and I Went BOATING….2 days…lots of naps…
Sneaked a peak at Sweet Pea on the rails couple of hours ago….
Happy Easter Monday to all.
John in Va.
In the words of Dan Hicks and his Hot licks…’How can I miss you if you won’t go away’
Two of my favorite pics of him, Matt. 🙂