A Real Memorial Day
This Memorial Day is like no other in my memory. I remember Vietnam, and all the conflict here at home, and was fortunate enough to be a year too young to be drafted. My Father fought in WW2 and lived a wonderful long life. So I have thankfully avoided the sadness of loosing a loved one to a war. I have always seen Memorial Day as a happy day. The beginning of summer, and to be honest, don’t really associate it with sacrifice. Until this year. Politics and crap aside. This year has been an emotional roller coaster of fear, guilt and grief. I feel the importance of a day like today, and have been thinking of all our front line workers that have been dealing with all this. The healthcare workers, first responders, cleaners, that have gone in and saved and sacrificed to keep us as safe as possible.
This Memorial Day has changed my perspective. It’s changed it for the better, because today has deeper meaning to me. And deeply appreciate the gift of my fellow man and woman that have given it all to keep us free, and able to live better lives. Thank you.

A day to reflect
Born & raised in Jersey City, at the age of 10 starting in 1958, I played taps at the memorial of the Louis La Point Assoc for many years. Also being in the Army Reserve Band we preformed in many parades in NJ & NYC during the Vietnam era.
Also the 78th. Lighting Division Band preformed at veterans hospitals and first hand seeing wounded worriers who served our country and they never complained, or saying why me.
It was an HONOR to do our duty to help them along with music.
Well said Matt. Thanks to all who have sacrificed in so many ways for this great country. God bless America!
Well said Matt. I was one of the lucky ones to make it back. Many of my friends didn’t. Yes, today’s craziness has definitely made people appreciate our military, first responders and medical personnel. Enjoy your day my friend. Cheers!
God bless America and thank you to all who served and died protecting our freedom.
Every Memorial Day I can’t help but think of one George S. Patton famous saying “It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather, we should thank God that such men lived.” My family spent there lives building boats and some for the war efforts but we also had some great men that fought. One was a Battaan death march survivor and several along with myself served our great country. I myself am so glad that men like that lived.
God Bless America
God bless all Americans who served their country when duty called – salute!
Happy Memory Day!!
Thanks to all those who serve/served to protect our freedom.
I remember the war, troop trains with tanks and guns ready to ship out of Gulfport, Mississippi. I was born Dec. 5, 1940 and remember as a small child going to New Orleans on Hwy 90 And seeing landing craft and PT boats in the industrial canal at the Higgins plant. I joined the navy reserve when I was 17, served 6 years, Korean War was over, Vietnam just getting started, went off to college and got married. I realize the supreme sacrifice that our men endured. They earned every right to be praised. People today have no idea what we accomplished. Thanks for our veterans.
Very well said Matt. I hope that everyone took a little timeout to reflect and appreciate all who gave all and all that still do🇺🇸