An Open Letter To Hurricane Matthew Regarding Lake Dora.

Well this sucks
What the hell? Its not fare, how does the hurricane get to go to Lake Dora 6 months early. We all have to wait, why should Does a Hurricane have a He She thing? I am confused. Any way, that dam Hurricane may be headed to or close enough to Dora to reek havoc on our special spot. Now, in case Matthew is a Woody Boater reader I thought we could tell him?? Her what to stay away from.

Noooooooo! They can’t even handle a wake!
Dear Hurricane Matthew
We are so pleased that you are thinking of visiting our special place in the center of Florida this fall. We must say though that none of us will be there to share a beer with you or boat rides. So you may reconsider just staying out in the Atlantic. We will all be there in March, late March after your “Season” is over so sadly you will miss some stuff.
If for some reason you still feel compelled to blow into town, we suggest that if you could kindly avoid certain favorite spots. Like the Dead River and a bar called “The Palm Garden” it’s kinda a tradition for us, and if you could just hang around Orlando or something. Also the canal system there is rather fragile and yes I know there are trailers, your favorite thing to visit, could you just leave those for now for your cousin Tornado. He really loves a good trailer park.
The Tavares Park. Ya, that’s a no go as well. Please avoid that. Paul and Karen Harrison have a new house on the lake, go there! They are used to guests and very welcoming. And ..don’t tell them I told you, quite used to crap happening for no reason.
That’s really it.. Oh no wait, as you are blowing through Mt Dora, could you avoid the Italian and Cuban restaurant. That food is to die for, which in your case is just a figure of speech, not a request. That’s really it. Nothing else. I do hear the Atlantic is a wonderful area this time of year, and you can live longer out there. Just think, you can twirl around for days out there.
Thanks Matthew,
The Citizens Of Woodyboaterville
There, I wrote the letter, and its on the internet, so everyone is on the internet. And Facebook, I need to put it there as well. Ya!
Dang! That is still one of my favorite headers of all time! FYI that header is the reason I took my first trip to Dora. It was on that first trip that I was able to join those same wonderful people at that fabulous dockside. I plan on returning again this year if Mathew does not wipe it out.
I would think Tavares is far enough inland to avoid the most damaging aspects of the storm. The heavy rains may be a bit of an unwanted enema that will flush out the lake system (which could use a good cleaning every now and then), but it will also leave an embarrassing mess that will have to be cleaned up before March. At least there won’t be a 15 foot storm surge and surface level winds should be broken up a bit.
Best of luck to our brothers and sisters closer to the coast. I am more worried for them and their boats than the Palm Garden.
Palm Gardens is STRONG! It has the trees inside to hold it there. A storm blew through the area maybe 20 years ago. About a week before show time. Mt. Dora ran end loaders down the streets to clear them. With months to go i’m keeping my reservations.
OH? My only visit ever to the Palm Garden was last year and I thought a hurricane had just passed through? How do you tell?
I was with Troy and co. though…..that might have influenced my observation. I thought I was in a Louisiana bayou…….
great place…spare them oh lord!
That sucker Mathew is no due to mess with us in VA…..we hope!
John in Va.
For awhile there yesterday the hurricane warning extended to include Lake County, but now it is a tropical storm warning. Lake is on the very westernmost tip of the hurricane area. It does say that there is a possibility of hurricane force winds there early Friday morning, but who really knows. I always thought Dora/Tavares would be far enough inland to avoid the worst of these storms as well. The infrequency of hurricane strikes such as this on the area attest to the fact that it is – usually.
The warnings for the coastal areas seem more extensive than yesterday and the hurricane afflicted area more broadly inland.
It’s the insurance company’s problem now, though yesterday for the first time I learned what a hurricane deductible was, or that it even existed. Easy enough for us to be nonchalant about it, ensconced as we are in Calgary with nothing but an empty, fully insured house in FL to think about. Much different for actual residents and others more established. I am hoping for a better than expected outcome for all, but does not look promising for the coast.
Paul, Hagerty does not have a separate hurricane/windstorm deductible. Whatever deductible a client chooses when issuing/renewing a policy, is applicable for any covered peril. Homeowner’s insurance works in a different manner. If anyone has any questions on their classic boat coverage, please give me a call at 231-933-3765. Thanks all and be safe!
Thanks Carla – I was referring to our house insurance policy there….I have no boats in harm’s way, fortunately.
15 miles from the Cape Across the street from the St. John’s… Yup, this ain’t goo!d! And we were putting in the water Saturday to cruise to different fall events around the lake… Not happy.
“It’s not fare” is that pun?