Angry Sausage Day

The boat may be low upkeep, but you know as well as I do, the babes in this shot, well lets just say, are not aluminum boats!

You know from time to time you just get cranky? For no reason, just get cranky. One of the little crazy things I made a deal with myself when I started Woody Boater was to go with the mood I was in at the time. be open and try not to pretend. Now normally 99.9% of the time, I can see the humor in about anything. Yes I am one of those. “too soon” people. Maybe it’s how I cope with life. Humor to me is life.

Before the Coast Guard got involved in approving party boats!

And for some odd reason, from time to time. I can feel my teeth starting to clinch and jaw gets sore, and just want to sit in a dark room and listen to John Prime, or Opera. Yup. For some very odd reason Opera calms me down. The sound track to The Mission is always good, although a tad cliche these days cause of all the coffee commercials made with it. Enya used to help, but after a while I just wanted to burn all those tapes, Cd’s UGH.. Really? Now MP3’s and soon the music will be somehow emplanted in my brain so after I die it still plays. BTW, thats hell BTW.

All I see in this shot, is, get those ass wipes off the roof. I just painted it and …..

I found this on ebay and thought. DAMMM Thats so cool, and got back in a good mood, and then thought. Wait? Is it real or more of that fake crap. And then I got angry. GRRRRRRR

WTH? I know its an artists version of fun, but all I see is some ass wipe in a jet ski near my dock. GET OFF MY LAWN!

Mr B just chill’n. Mr B brings me back to humanity

Anyway, I can feel the bitterness starting to slip back in. I NEED A BOAT RIDE! By myself, or with the Boatress and Mr B. Thats it. OH wait. I need to varnish, paint and get that electrical thing fixed I have procrastinated on all winter on Sweet Pea. GRRRRRRRR…….

Mr B!!!!!!!!!!

20 replies
  1. Greg Lewandowski
    Greg Lewandowski says:

    You are way over my head this morning. Maybe this will help. Hope you have a good day?

  2. Troy in ANE
    Troy in ANE says:

    Matt: I would say that you just need to sit down with a good bottle of Bourbon for a few hours and let you troubles just roll away, unfortunately you don’t drink.

    Good luck my friend!

  3. Mark in Ohio (sometimes da U P)
    Mark in Ohio (sometimes da U P) says:

    It’s like I told Floyd yesterday. You need a boat ride. I will bet the Coast Guard would not bother this bunch.

      • Mark in Ohio (sometimes da U P)
        Mark in Ohio (sometimes da U P) says:

        Do you suppose they would do pat down and body searches in the inspection?

      • Mark Duskey
        Mark Duskey says:

        We have a police boat on the Vermilion River (Ohio) that leads into Lake Erie. And until a certain local constable retired recently, he would without fail pull you over to “inspect” your vessel if any young ladies were on board. I tried to wear a speedo once with a Dunlop tire to scare him off, but he was relentless. If there was a woman on board, you were going to belayed by McGruff, the crime dog.

  4. briant
    briant says:

    Chrysler. Jeezus. Only in America could a company produce garbage year after year and still some how manage to stay in business.

    The only good thing was that is gave employment to all of the B student designers and engineers.

  5. Brock
    Brock says:

    leisurely paddling and floating in a kayak works the best for me in these situations. You are so close to the water in the simplest of craft moving like the water you are on. everything just melts away.

  6. Ollon
    Ollon says:

    Chrysler made the Snorunner too. Sort of a mo-ped version of a snowmobile. Dad bought it at the NY boat show in late 70s. We had a blast with it until the track broke and couldn’t find a replacement. It’s still in his garage.

    • NR
      NR says:

      Ha! My first real job out of college was working for Chrysler Marine in the Detroit Regional and National Office. Learned many things about what to do, not to do or build. As they were dismanteling Chrysler and he Marine Division I picked up the vacant territory of Michigan and Ohio. This was during the launch of the SnoRunner. Good idea bad execution. My brother and I distroyed my two samples in less than an hour driving around my yard. It was a POS.

    • Steve in NJ
      Steve in NJ says:

      We are in the vintage snowmobile “thing” as well as woodyboats and parts still available for those sno runners. Google up parts for sno runner or sno rabbit and he will come up. Apparently at the end of the Chrysler run he bought a few tractor trailer loads of the leftover parts and still sells them today.

  7. Dan Overbeek in MI
    Dan Overbeek in MI says:

    Matt, I think you are on the right track in finding happiness. The Boatress being the best go to and Mr B being a wonderful second choice! No boats to ride…no problem, just watch the sun set together. There is something calming and special, about spending some quiet time with the ones you love. I pray you find what you are looking for!

  8. Murdock
    Murdock says:

    You want happiness?
    Pay attention to the dog. Imitate his moves in today’s pictures and you’ll be chillin’ in no time.
    Now, just don’t try to lick your butt or your b&!!$ and drink out of a mud puddle.
    Ms. Suzy will not kiss you good-night……..
    Follow me for more exciting marriage tips!

  9. Mark also in Ohio
    Mark also in Ohio says:

    We have a police boat on the Vermilion River (Ohio) that leads into Lake Erie. And until a certain local constable retired recently, he would without fail pull you over to “inspect” your vessel if any young ladies were on board. I tried to wear a speedo once with a Dunlop tire to scare him off, but he was relentless. If there was a woman on board, you were going to belayed by McGruff, the crime dog.

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