Calling All Chris Craft Girls!
Is this you? Were you one of the Chris Craft girls? Woody Boater is looking for any of the original Chris Craft girls out there. We are about to announce a special project and would love to have some of the real Chris Craft girls as models…. Thelma? Margaret? Betty? Roberta/Bob…. it’s OK Bob, it was a long time ago, it’s OK if you are now a man… Lu Lu…… Mary Ann, come on….we need ya! You can contact us here at Woody Boater
But will the girls have points taken off if they are no longer factory originals? With all the cosmetic surgery now modifications may have been made. Not that there is necessarily anything wrong with that, my boat now has a 12V system instead of a 6V. So are alterations ok or not?
Somehow i knew this story would lead to interesting comments… HA
Rick, there are 2 categories involved, preserved and restored. For instance my wife, had she been a Chris-Craft model, would fall into the well preserved groug (she's still cute as a bug's ear) but her best friend Donna would need to be entered as a great looking restoration entry (face lift, hair weave, etc.). They both will turn 60 this year but could pass for someone 10, maybe even 15 years younger (with a fresh coat of varnish).
I guess a heart transplant would be repowering, kidney dialysis is a new filtration system and pancake makeup is caulking the seams. Even some artificial limbs is like replanking. We won't even get into transom replacement.