Our Tenth Thanksgiving Together – We Are Like Family.



I am sitting here staring at the key board wondering what new thing to say that hasn’t been said every Thanksgiving. And to be honest, its a very simple task. Almost too simple. After all, thanking you all for being here is the simple thing to do. But when you really feel something deep in your heart you want to over do it. I am just not sure how to put into words what you mean to all of us. Thats right, you reading this and commenting are what “WE” are all about..Aboot in Canada. Every story we do, we are still shocked that folks out there, YOU come visit and stay a bit. It’s amazing.


We are Family!

Honestly, again…. Winter can sometimes be the most fun on Woody Boater. Because we are all in a sense boating together here. Thats really it. No over board crazy stuff about the family that we are. No deep thoughts. Just a Huge THANKS!


Don’t eat too much today!

32 replies
  1. Greg Lewandowski
    Greg Lewandowski says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of WoodyBoaterville from all of us in the Michigan Chapter. Have a wonderful day!

  2. Al Benton
    Al Benton says:

    We all have much to be thankful for. First, let’s be thankful for having a special day to remind us to count and review our blessings. And one of those is Woody Boater! Wow, I’m thankful for visiting Woody Boater today. Coffee was buch better this morning.

  3. m-fine
    m-fine says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to all in Woodyboaterville! A big thanks to Matt, Texx and all of the contributors who sent in content or provided comments to help make WoodyBoater what it is.

  4. Rick
    Rick says:

    Turkey is in the oven, New Woodyboater story is up and a hot cup of coffee varnish. Yea life is good. Happy Thanksgiving all.

  5. Wudzgud
    Wudzgud says:

    Happy Thanksgiving from Long Lake, IL
    Thank you for all the kind words on Tuesday regarding my daughter Emily. We are thankful to all in Woody Boaterville. We are thankful for family! And Thank You Matt and Texx for Woody Boater!

  6. John Baas
    John Baas says:

    Happy Thanksgiving from the Ski-Daddler in the Racine, WI harbor, site of the 2017 ACBS International hosted by the Glacier Lakes Chapter! Thanks to everyone who posts such insightful, thoughtful and goofy stuff here. Matt and Texx, thanks for keeping it all together.

  7. Wilson
    Wilson says:

    Happy Thanksgiving….Best wishes especially to those who bring us this daily commentary on our favorite subject. Seems like just yesterday when it all started….Just proves time flies when you are having fun….and that is something to be very thankful for.

  8. Kentucky Wonder
    Kentucky Wonder says:

    If you bought a new boat when WoodyBoater started, it would be one-third of the way to being a classic already! Or is it one-fourth? Not looking forward to the math captcha below.

    As an aside, I am posting from an iPhone, not from my normal computer. Typing on these things is ridiculous! Why would anyone do this on a regular basis?!?

  9. Dennis J Mykols
    Dennis J Mykols says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow WoodyBoater friends. I have not been posting as regular as I have in the past, due to being under the weather, but I am still on here daily laughing at all the great posts.

    We hope to make it down to Taravres in March. With all this above average weather we have had here in West Michigan, all November, I think we will have a very late Spring, and we will be ready to get outta here in late March.

  10. Walter lucy
    Walter lucy says:

    Happy thanksgiving! To all from beautiful lake Hamilton in Hot Springs National Park Arkansas……………………….

  11. Bill
    Bill says:

    Love the lauson on the gravy boat, sport king with reverse. 4 cycle air cooled no fuel to mix without all the smoke of a 2 cycle no water pump to wear out and will idle down to troll without missing a beat they were a little heavy but overall a good old engine. Happy Thanksgiving to all

  12. John Rothert
    John Rothert says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to all.
    Slept on the boat last night, cruised during today…ate too much with family in Richmond this evening…..only things better than feasting with family is boating with the woodyboater family.
    Glad to see Al Benton check in today! Best to all…..Tavares awaits……
    John in Va.

  13. Flash
    Flash says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! I’m thankful to be part of such a great family. I hope everyone had a great day.



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